Procurement Office - Contacts

 Name Title Phone Email Address Responsibilities
Myrtle Smith


Procurement Manager (32) 31004


Provide strategic direction and approach for procurement and contract management across the University. The role is also responsible for establishing cost savings and value for money in the procurement process and improved business processes to support the University’s strategic Objectives. Furthermore, the role must ensure building strategic relationships with its vendors, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Razia Ali Deputy Procurement Manager (32) 31491 Responsible for providing support to the Procurement Manager and further provide technical support and assistance to the procurement process and assigned staff with specific responsibility in the processing of tenders, overall procurement activities and related inquiries ensuring an efficient and effective procurement service to all the stakeholders of the University.
Vacant Contract Administrator (32)31492 Responsible for establishing a professional, robust and efficient approach to administering the University’s contract management process and database including the preparation, administration, compliance, maintenance of USP contracts and related records and electronically tracking all contract related outputs. Overall, he/she will manage USP’s portfolio of contracts.
Ronika Narayan Tender Administrator (32) 32860 Responsible in facilitating the University’s tender management function and handling all tender related issues. The role further provide assistance to the Deputy Procurement Manager and Procurement Manager on tender and contract related issues.
David Low Procurement Assistant


(32) 32490  Primarily responsible for providing administrative and operational support to the Procurement Unit and is responsible for processing University wide Purchase Orders in compliance with the University’s Procurement Policy and Financial Delegation. The role further assists in the day-to-day general operations including assisting staff and vendors of the University in the use of the E-Quote system and other Procurement systems.
Deepak Prakash Procurement Assistant (32) 32509 Primarily responsible for providing administrative and operational support to the Procurement Unit and is responsible for processing University wide Purchase Orders in compliance with the University’s Procurement Policy and Financial Delegation. The role further assists in the day-to-day general operations including assisting staff and vendors of the University in the use of the E-Quote system and other Procurement systems.
Vacant Travel Officer




Responsible for organising and coordinating domestic and international travel requirements other travel needs of the University. The role further assists the Procurement Officer in processing University wide Purchase Orders and provide assistance to staff and vendors of the University in the use of the E-Quote system and other Procurement systems.
Divneshni Prasad Customs/Procurement Officer


(32) 32861


Responsible the University’s customs inspection and custom clearance activities for all import/export at various points of entry into the country. He/ she will facilitate timely execution of customs clearance of consignment upon arrival at local ports or airports and related activities for all University imports and also personal effects related to staff movements. Additionally, the role is responsible for processing University wide Purchase Orders and facilitate application with FRCS for all goods to be cleared under customs concession in a timely manner.
Arieta Matirewa


Procurement Officer (32) 32301


Oversees the procurement and purchasing activities of the University in compliance with USP’s procurement policies and procedures. He/She is also responsible for interpreting these policies including providing awareness to USP staff, vendors and stakeholders. The role further provide support to the Deputy Procurement and Procurement Manager and lead a small team of staff. Additionally, the role is responsible for the daily operational issues related to all aspects of issuance of an Official Purchase Order and providing procurement guidance and advice across the University.
Amish Ram Logistics Assistant (32) 31421  Responsible for mail management services for the University and assists the Customs Officer in the delivery of logistic and custom services including handling overseas procurement activities and customs clearance of USP’s import and exports.
USP Chat Service
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