Executive Officer to EDF

Location : Finance Office

Managed by : Lusiani Biukoto
Email           : lusiani.biukoto@usp.ac.fj

The role of the Executive Officer to the Executive Director Finance is to provide administrative support to Executive Director Finance.  This involves documenting the minutes of Finance Staff and Senior staff meetings and following up on action points pertaining to financial issues discussed in Senior staff meetings, to ensure completion within the deadlines.

Furthermore, the Executive Officer to EDF is required to monitor the achievements of key performance indicators of Finance Section Senior staff and Executive Secretary to EDF.  This entails regular feedback sessions with the respective staff, identifying areas for performance improvement, offer coaching and mentoring when necessary, providing an objective feedback on staff performance to EDF and assisting EDF with the Senior Staff appraisal exercise.

In addition, it is essential that the Executive Officer to EDF investigate and provide a factual report on any cases delegated by Executive Director Finance.  This responsibility engages obtaining and collating of factual data from the areas identified in the case and clearly identifying the background, findings and recommendations when writing the final report.

Lastly, the Executive Officer to EDF is tasked with following up on the completion of all action points relating to Internal Audit matters with all stakeholders.  This includes, facilitating regular discussion sessions, accurately documenting the action taken by relevant stakeholders and providing a feedback on the completion to EDF.  In essence, this responsibility is to ensure that all audit matters raised in the Internal Audit report pertaining to the relevant section/units, are attended to, before the next round of internal audit is conducted.

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