School of Pacific Arts, Communication, and Education (SPACE)

Programme Requirements and Regulations




Graduate Certificates and Diplomas are pegged at Level 7 and Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas Level 8 of the Fiji Qualifications Framework.



Admission Requirements

Pass a Senate recognised entry admission criteria.

Programme Requirements                The Certificate in Cook Island Studies consists of 6 courses.

Courses                                            CK131, CM131, CK241, CK251, CK261 & one of CM101 or CM111


Admission Requirements

Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/Form 7 or equivalent; or at least two years teaching experience; or met the mature entry admission criteria.

Programme Requirements                The Certificate in Educational Assessment consists of 7 courses.

Courses                                             UU100, UU114, ED152, ED154, ED252, ED254, ED354


The Certificate in Non-Formal Education is designed to develop an ideological base for non-formal education practices and examines the psychology of adult learning, the principles of group dynamics and techniques of teaching adults.

Special Admission Requirements:

i) Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/Form 7 or equivalent; or

ii) At least two years teaching or related employment experience; or

iii)Met the mature entry admission criteria.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Non-Formal Education consists of 6 courses.

Courses:   ED152, ED153, ED158, ED258, ED358; plus one 200 or 300 level Education course.



This programme will be offered on a semester-basis to individuals, and also as cohorts for special in-country projects. Countries with cohorts must secure funding for the programme to be offered as a project.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1.  At least two years secondary teaching experience as an untrained teacher; or
  2.  A letter of recommendation from the respective Head Teacher, or
  3.  Special admission, which may be granted by the Head of School; and
  4. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study

Programme Requirements:         The Certificate in Teaching (Primary) consists of 8 courses, including school practicum experience in ED150.

Courses:                                            ED100, ED115, ED116, ED150, ED152, ED170, ED180 plus 1 x 100 level Vernacular or ED  elective course


This programme will be offered on a semester-basis to individuals, and also as cohorts for special in-country projects. Countries with cohorts must secure funding for the programme to be offered as a project

Note: The Certificate in Teaching (Secondary) will be a staircase into the Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) programmes.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. At least two years secondary teaching experience as an untrained teacher; or
    ii. A letter of recommendation from the respective Principal, or
    iii. Special admission, which may be granted by the Head of School; and
    iv. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Teaching (Secondary) consists of 8 courses, including school practicum experience in ED150.

Courses:                                          ED150, ED152, ED153, ED154, ED170, ED180 or ED184, plus two 100 level courses for the intended teaching subject major from those listed for the Bachelor of Education in-service (Secondary).


Special Admission Requirements:

Proficiency in Cook Islands Māori equivalent to NCEA Level 3.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Vernacular Language (Cook Islands Māori) consists of 6 courses.

Courses:                                            CM111, CM211, CM212, CM311, CM331, plus LN111 or LN118.


Special Admission Requirements:        Proficiency in Tongan equivalent to Year 11/Form 5 Certificate.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Vernacular Language (Tongan and Niuafo’ou) consists of 6 courses.

Courses:                                            TG111, TG211, TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331.


This programme will be offered only as a special in-Country project for Niue.

Special Admission Requirements:        Proficiency in Vagahau Niue equivalent to NCEA Level 3.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Vernacular Language (Vagahau Niue) consists of 6 courses.

Courses:                                            NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331.


Special Admission Requirements:          A working knowledge of Bislama.

Programme Requirements:                The Certificate in Vernacular Language (Vanuatu Language Studies) consists of 6 courses.

Courses:                                            VA111, VA112, VA211, VA212, VA311, VA312.



Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/Form 7 or equivalent examination; or
  2. Obtained at least a B+ grade in the USP DECCE Level IV or better in LLF15 or LLF14; or
  3. Obtained at least a B+ grade in Certificate in Early Childhood Education from a recognised Teacher Training Institution
  4. Met the mature entry admission criteria.
  5. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

NOTE: For mature entry admission, the person must have the relevant qualification with at least five years teaching experience in an educational setting

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Early Childhood Education consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, ED103, ED204, ED205, ED206, ED250, ED252, ED262, ED302.


Special Admission Requirements:      

  1. At least two years teaching experience after obtaining a diploma or degree from a recognised Teachersí College; or
  2. Met the mature student admission criteria.

Programme Requirements:               The Diploma in Educational Evaluation and Assessment consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, ED154, ED252, ED254, ED255, ED354 and ED359 plus two 200 or 300 level  courses.


Special Admission Requirements:

A person shall have at least two years teaching experience after obtaining a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognised Teachers’ college

Programme Requirements:         The Diploma in Educational Leadership consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, ED191, ED192, ED255, ED291, ED292, ED359, ED391 plus three 200 or 300 level courses in consultation with Head of School of Education.


Special Admission Requirements:

The Diploma in Multilingual Studies is a joint programme in Education offered by the School of Education of the University of The South Pacific (USP), the Department of Arts and Humanities  of the University of New Caledonia (UNC) and the School of Language and Humanities of the University of Mauritius (UM).


  1. The students of the programme are in-service teachers who have already attained their teaching qualifications and are mainly from francophone countries.
  2. The duration of the programme is three to six months.
  3. As a special country cohort project it is offered to those students who have English or French Language in their pre-service education.
  4. The programme takes a blended mode of delivery including face-to-face, print, online with Moodle platform and satellite.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Multilingual Studies consists of 8 courses/modules of which three are from USP, three from UNC  and two from UM.

Courses:                                            USP courses are ED153, ED255 and  ED215

No new enrolment from 2016


Special Admission Requirements:

This programme is designed for working journalists, media personnel and people in related professions such as press relations or press attachÈs. Selection for admission to the programme is on the basis of a portfolio and an interview, and credits or exemptions may be granted on the basis of at least one year relevant work experience.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Pacific Journalism consists of 12 courses. Students specialise in print, radio or television at 200 level. Students must pass the first year’s core journalism courses or demonstrate sufficient industry experience before undertaking second year intensive practical courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, JN101, JN103; plus one of JN201 or JN202 or JN203; plus UU200, UU204, JN301, JN302, JN303; plus two 200 or 300 level courses


Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Pass a student-teacher interview prior to commencement of study and.
    ii. Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/Form 7 or equivalent examination; or
    iii. Obtained at least a B grade in a relevant Special Education Certificate or equivalent; or
    iv. Met the mature entry admission criteria.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                         UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, PS101, ED170, ED209, ED210, ED250, ED262, ED323, ED362


This programme will be offered on a semester-basis to individuals, and also as cohorts for special in-country projects Countries with cohorts must secure funding for the programme to be offered as a project.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. At least two years secondary teaching experience as an untrained teacher; or
  2. A letter of recommendation from the respective Principal, or
  3. Special admission, which may be granted by the Head of School; and
  4. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

Note: The Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) will be a staircase into the Bachelor of Education (Secondary In-Service) Programme. The programme consists of 12 courses including the 8 courses for the Certificate in Teaching (Secondary).

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                           UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, ED154, ED180 or ED184, plus 2 x 100-level courses in the subject major, ED250, ED252, plus two 200 level courses in the subject major


Special Admission Requirements:         A working knowledge of Fijian.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Vernacular Language (Fijian) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, FJ111, FJ121, FJ211, FJ212, FJ221, FJ311, FJ321, plus one 100-level course from LT102, LT104, LN118 or another 100-level course approved by the Head of School or nominee; plus two 200 or 300 level courses.


Special Admission Requirements:         A working knowledge of Hindi and Devanagari script.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Vernacular Language (Hindi) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, HN111, HN121, HN211, HN212, HN221, HN321, HN331, plus one 100-level course and two 200 or 300 level courses.

Diploma in Vernacular Language (Cook Islands Māori)

This programme will be offered only as a special in-Country project for the Cook Islands.

Special Admission Requirements:         Proficiency in Cook Islands Māori equivalent to NCEA Level 3.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Vernacular Language (Cook Islands Māori) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, CM111, LN111, LN118, CM211, CM212, LN216, CM311, CM331, LN317, plus one elective approved by HOS.


Special Admission Requirements:        Proficiency in Tongan equivalent to Form 5 Certificate.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Vernacular Language (Tongan and Niuafo’ou) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                            UU100, UU114, LN111, LN118, TG111, TG211, TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331, plus two courses from LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 and LN319.


This programme will be offered only as a special in-Country project for Niue.

Special Admission Requirements:       Proficiency in Vagahau Niue equivalent to NCEA Level 3.

Programme Requirements:                The Diploma in Vernacular Language (Vagahau Niue) consists of 12 courses.

Courses:                                                  UU100, UU114, LN111, LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331, plus two courses from LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 and LN319.



The Graduate Certificate in Education (GCEd) programme provides a professional secondary teaching qualification for graduates in a discipline that is a secondary teaching subject, who aspire to become teachers or who are currently teaching. Most of the courses for the GCEd are offered by distance and flexible learning and the programme can be completed in one year provided students have already passed ED152 and ED153 before commencing full-time study.

Students doing the BA or BCom or BSc at USP who wish to take up the GCEd later are advised to include ED152 and ED153 as electives in their degree programmes.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Hold a University of the South Pacific degree or its equivalent (other than a BEd or BA/GCEd or BCom/GCEd or BSc/GCEd or their equivalents) with specialisation in two of the following teaching subjects (except for students with a Bachelor in Agriculture): Accounting, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Economics, Geography, History,  Information Systems, Literature and Language, Mathematics, Pacific Vernacular Languages, Physical Education, Physics, Food & Nutrition and Technology;
  2. Normally have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 in their undergraduate degree; and
  3. Pass a student-teacher interview; and
  4. Provide a character reference from a USP lecturer or the head or a senior teacher of their last school.

Note: The Head of School may admit to the programme a student with a GPA marginally below 2.5 who has a strong character reference and who has performed well at the interview.

Programme Requirements:

  1. The Graduate Certificate in Education consists of 8 courses including a practicum (ED300) of 17 weeks.
  2. Students must pass ED300 in order to be eligible for the award of the GCED.

Courses:                                            ED152, ED153, ED250, ED252, ED300, ED350, ED354 and ED359



Le Certificat post-licence en Sciences de l’éducation (CplSE) offre une qualification professionnelle à l’enseignement secondaire aux personnes titulaires d’une licence dans une des disciplines enseignées dans les écoles secondaires. La plupart des cours sont proposés en formation ouverte à distance (FOAD). Ce certificat peut être obtenu en un an si les étudiants ont déjà validé les cours ED152 et ED153. Pour les étudiants inscrits en licence à l’USP qui auraient l’intention de suivre le CplSE par la suite, il est donc vivement conseillé de choisir les cours optionnels ED152 et ED153 durant leur licence.

Critères d’admission : i) Avoir obtenu une licence de l’Université du Pacifique Sud ou équivalente (autre que la licence en sciences de l’éducation BEd ou les licences à double spécialisation BA/GCEd, BCom/GCEd, BSc/GCEd) se spécialisant dans deux des disciplines suivantes : Agriculture, Biologie, Chimie, Comptabilité, Economie, Economie domestique, Géographie, Histoire, Informatique, Littérature et langues, Langues vernaculaires du Pacifique, Mathématiques, Physique et Technologie ; ii) Avoir une moyenne générale (GPA) d’au moins 2,5 dans les cours de niveau 200 et 300 de leurs disciplines d’enseignement ; iii) Réussir un entretien étudiant – professeur ; iv) Fournir une recommandation de la part d’un professeur de l’USP ou du directeur ou d’un enseignant expérimenté du dernier établissement où il/elle a enseigné. Remarque : le chef du département peut décider d’accepter un candidat dont la moyenne est légèrement en dessous de 2,5 si le candidat a de très bonnes références et a bien réussi son entretien. Exigences du programme: 1. Le Certificat postlicence en Sciences de l’éducation est composé de 8 cours, dont un stage de pratique accompagnée (ED300) de 17 semaines. 2. Les étudiants doivent impérativement réussir le cours pratique ED300 pour recevoir le certificat. Cours: ED152FR, ED153FR, ED250FR, ED252FR, ED300FR, ED350FR, ED354FR, ED359FR.

CritËres díadmission:

  1. Avoir obtenu une licence de líUniversitÈ du Pacifique Sud ou Èquivalente (autre que la licence en sciences de líÈducation BEd ou les licences ‡ double spÈcialisation BA/GCEd, BCom/GCEd, BSc/GCEd) se spÈcialisant dans deux des disciplines suivantes: Agriculture, Biologie, Chimie, ComptabilitÈ, Economie, Economie domestique, GÈographie, Histoire, Informatique, LittÈrature et langues, Langues vernaculaires du Pacifique, MathÈmatiques, Physique et Technologie;
  2. Avoir une moyenne gÈnÈrale (GPA) díau moins 2,5 dans les cours de niveau 200 et 300 de leurs disciplines díenseignement;
  3. RÈussir un entretien Ètudiant – professeur;
  4. Fournir une recommandation de la part díun professeur de líUSP ou du directeur ou díun enseignant expÈrimentÈ du dernier Ètablissement o˘ il/elle a enseignÈ.

Remarque: la Doyenne de la FacultÈ díArt, de Droit et díEducation peut dÈcider díaccepter un candidat dont la moyenne est lÈgËrement en dessous de 2,5 si le candidat a de trËs bonnes rÈfÈrences et a bien rÈussi son entretien.

Exigences du programme:

  1. Le Certificat post-licence en Sciences de líÈducation est composÈ de 8 cours, dont un stage de pratique accompagnÈe (ED300) de 17 semaines.
  2. Les Ètudiants doivent impÈrativement rÈussir le cours pratique ED300 pour recevoir le certificat.

Cours:                                               ED152FR, ED153FR, ED250FR, ED252FR, ED300FR, ED350FR, ED354FR, ED359FR.


This programme is offered as special In-country project in the Republic of the Marshall Islands over the next three years. It is specifically targeted to meet the needs of school leaders (Principals of secondary schools, Head Teachers of primary schools and Heads of ECE centres) in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The possible offer of the programme in other countries will be given due consideration.

The programme is meant as a qualifier for school leadership and provides opportunities for participants to explore and apply the principles of school leadership, school management, management of professional development, teaching and learning, and community connectedness. It will use the Principalís standards as well as the policies and plans of the national Ministry of Education. The programme has a 2 week intensive face-to-face component followed by a practicum component where participants have the opportunity to reflect on practice and also design relevant administrative and management tools to use in their particular context.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. A recognised teacher training qualification, and
  2. Have a minimum of 10 years relevant work experience in Early Childhood Education & Care or Primary or Secondary school environment, or
  3. Have at least two years of experience in school leadership roles.

Programme Requirements:

The Graduate Certificate in School Leadership programme consists of 5 courses, which are seen to be independent focusing on specific elements of school leadership: Planning Professional Development; School Leadership; School Management; Enhancing Learning and Teaching Environments; Community Partnership. Each course includes an intensive face-to-face lecture and workshop component as well as a Practicum in school.

Courses:                                            EDP05, EDP06, EDP07, EDP08, EDP09



The Bachelor of Arts (BA) programme consists of 24 courses of which 8 courses are at 100 level, 8 course are at 200 level and 8 courses are at 300 level including two 100 level university courses and two 200 level university courses.

The disciplines permitted as a major for the Bachelor of Arts degree in 2018 are:


Courses for a Minor:                          CN101, CN201, CN301, CN302


Courses for a Minor:                          FR101, FR201, FR301, FR302


Students who enrol in the three year BA degree programme may take Education as one of their two majors; this, however, does not lead to qualified teacher status.

Courses for a Single Major:                Not offered as a single major.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, UU200, UU204, ED255, ED252, ED354, ED359, plus two of the following ED323, ED357, ED362 or ED363, Students are not allowed to take ED250, ED350 and ED300 under the Bachelor of Arts Programme.

Courses for a Minor:                          At least two 100 level and two 200 level Education courses.


Courses for a Single Major:                Not offered as a Single Major.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

UU100, UU114, JN101, JN103; plus JN201, JN202, JN203; plus UU200, UU204, JN301, JN302, JN303.

Courses for a Minor:                          Not offered as a minor.


Courses for a Single Major:                Not offered as a single major.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

UU1OO, UU114, LN111, LN118, UU200, UU204, LN211, LN216, plus 4 courses from LN213, LN311, LN315, LN316, LN317, LN318, LN319,

Note that neither a double major in Linguistics and Literature/Language nor a double major in Linguistics and Pacific Language Studies is permitted.

Courses for a Minor:                          LN111, LN118 Plus 3 from: LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317


Courses for a Single Major:                UU100, UU114, LT102, LT104; plus UU200, UU204, LT202, LT204, LT231, LT305, LT306, LT307; plus LT108 or LT331.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

UU100, UU114, LT102, LT104, UU200, UU204, LT202, LT204, LT231, LT305, LT306, LT307.

Courses for a Minor in Literature:        LT102, LT202, LT305; plus LT307 or LT331.

Literature and Language 

Courses for a Single Major:                      UU100, UU114, LN111, LN118, LT102, LT104, UU200, UU204,  LN211, LN216, LT202, LT204, plus two of LN311, LN315, LN316, LN317, LN318 or LN319, plus two of LT305, LT306 or LT307.,

Courses for one major in a Double Major:      

UU100, UU114, LN118, LT102, LT104, UU200, UU204, LN211, LN216, either LT202 or LT204, plus 1 of LN315, LN316, LN317, LN318 or  LN319, plus 1 of LT305, LT306 or LT307 Courses for a Minor in Literature and Language:

LT102, LN118, LT202, LN216, LT305 or LN317.

Pacific Language Studies

Courses for a Single Major:                      .  UU100, UU114, LN118, UU200, UU204, LN216, plus 1 of LN315, LN317 or LN319, plus 6 to 9 courses from two of the language tracks.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

UU100, UU114, LN118, UU200, UU204, LN216, plus 1 of LN315, LN317 or LN319, plus 5 courses from a language track

Courses for a Minor:                                LN118, plus 3 or 4 courses from one of the language tracks.

Language Tracks

French:                                                    FR101, LN111, FR201, FR301, FR302

Chinese:                                                  CN101, LN111, CN201, CN301, CN302

Cook Islands Māori (for fluent speakers): CM111, CM211, CM212, CM311, CM331

Fijian (for fluent speakers):                      FJ111, FJ121, FJ211, FJ221, plus FJ311 or FJ321

Hindi (for fluent speakers):                      HN111, HN121, HN211, HN221, plus HN321 or HN331

Rotuman:                                                RT101, RT201, RT311, RT321, plus one of LN111, FJ101, HN101

Tongan and Niuafo’ou (for fluent speakers):

TG111, TG211, plus three of TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331

Vagahau Niue (for fluent speakers):         NU111, NU131, NU211, plus two of NU212, NU311, NU331

Vanuatu languages (for fluent speakers of Bislama):

VA111, VA112, plus three of VA211, VA212, VA311, VA312

Languages of the region:     Two courses from FJ101, HN101, CM101, FR101, CN101, RT101, plus one or two courses from LN211, CM212, FJ212, HN212, TG212, NU212, VA212, FR201, CN201, RT201 plus one or two courses from LN311, LN319, LT331, HN331

Pacific Studies, Heritage and Arts


The Bachelor of Arts Major in Pacific Studies, Heritage and Arts (PSHA) is an interdisciplinary programme that brings together theories and practices from the fields of Pacific Studies, Dance Studies, Music Studies, Visual Arts, Museology and Heritage Management. It consolidates learning through studio pedagogy, field research projects and an engagement with communities and professional practitioners. To achieve advanced understandings, applications and creations of Pacific knowledge, the scaffolding of learning in this programme is aligned with Bloomís taxonomy. Student progress begins with the acquisition of fundamental knowledge in Pacific epistemologies and domain specific knowledge in Pacific heritage, visual arts or performing arts. This knowledge is then applied to professional practices in education, community development and heritage management.

Courses for a Single Major:                Not offered as a single major

Courses for one major in a Double Major in Pacific Arts:

PA101, PA102, PA201, PA202, PA301, PA302 and PA304

Courses for one major in a Double Major in Pacific Heritage Studies:

PA101, PA103, PA201, PA203, PA301, PA303 and PA304

Minor in Pacific Arts:                         PA101, PA102, PA201 and PA202.

Minor in Pacific Heritage Studies:      PA101, PA103, PA201, and PA203.

Pacific Vernacular Languages

(Note: From 2019, LL course codes are replaced by a unique course code for each different language. Course titles remain the same.)

The Pacific Vernacular Language major is currently offered in Cook Islands Māori, Fijian, Hindi, Tongan and Niuafo’ou, Vagahau Niue, and Vanuatu Language Studies. In addition, a minor is offered in Rotuman.

Courses for a Single Major:                Students taking a single major in Pacific Vernacular Language must pass the courses listed below for the double major plus one 300 level course in the same discipline. Students should consult the Schoolís academic advisor for further information.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:

Cook Islands Māori:                           UU100, UU114, LN118, CM111, UU200, UU204, CM211, CM212, CM311, CM331.

Fijian Studies:                                    UU100, UU114, FJ111, FJ121; plus one 100 level course from: LT102, LT104, LN118 or another 100 level course approved by the Head of School or nominee; plus UU200, UU204, FJ211, FJ212, FJ221, FJ311, FJ321.

Hindi Studies:                                   UU100, UU114, HN111, HN121; plus another 100 level course approved by the Head of School or nominee; plus UU200, UU204, HN211, HN212, HN221, HN321, HN331.

Tongan and Niuafo’ou:                      UU100, UU114, LN118, TG111, UU200, UU204, TG211, TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331, plus one course from LN111, LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 or LN319.

Vagahau Niue:                                   UU100, UU114, LN118, NU111, NU131, UU200, UU204, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331, plus one course from LN111, LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 or LN319.

Vanuatu Language Studies:               UU100, UU114, VA111, VA112, UU200, UU204, VA211, VA212, VA311, VA312, plus two courses from FR101, LN111, LN118, FR201, LN211, LN216, FR301, FR302, LN311, LN317, or LN319.

Courses for a Minor:                         

Cook Islands Māori:                           CM111, CM211, CM311 plus either CM212 or CM331

Fijian Studies: Four of:                       FJ111, FJ121, FJ211, FJ212, FJ221.

Hindi Studies: Four of:                       HN111, HN121, HN211, HN212, HN221.

Rotuman:                                          RT101, RT201, RT311, RT321

Tongan and Niuafo’ou:                      TG111, TG211, plus two courses from TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331.

Vagahau Niue:                                  NU111, NU131, NU211, plus one course from NU212, NU311, NU331

Vanuatu Language Studies:               VA111, VA112, plus three courses from VA211, VA212, VA311, VA312.

Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET)

The TVET major has two strands:  Technology, and Food & Nutrition Studies.


Courses for a Single Major:   Not offered as a single major.

Courses for one major in a Double Major: UU100, UU114, TE151, TE156, TE155, UU200, UU204, TE251, TE256, TE351 and TE356.

Courses for a Minor:                                     At least two 100 level and two 200 level Technology courses.

Food and Nutrition Studies

Courses for a Single Major:   Not offered as a single major.

Courses for one major in a Double Major:      UU100, UU114, TE113 and TS109; plus UU200, UU204, TE213, TS209 and GE202; plus TE313 and TS311.

Courses for a Minor: TE113, TS109, TE213, TS209 and GE202.



BACHELOR OF ARTS – Communication & Media

This is a prescribed programme comprising twenty-four courses.

Year 1: UU100, UU114, JN101, JN103, LN111, MG101, plus 2 courses at 100-level from an approved specialist subject

Year 2: UU200, UU204, JN201, LN216, MG206, plus 1 or 2 of JN202, JN203, LN211, plus 1 or 2 courses at 200-level from the approved specialist subject

Year 3: JN303, LN317, MG303, plus 3 or 4 of JN301, JN302, LN311, LN315, MG301, plus 1 or 2 courses at 300-level from the approved specialist subject

Students must seek advice and approval from the programme coordinator before registering for the specialist subject courses.


The Bachelor of Education programme is provided in two specialist areas of study; Early Childhood Education & Care and Primary Education. Students wishing to do one of the specialist areas must meet the special entry requirements for the programme and then register in the courses for their specialist area.

Special Entry Requirements:

To be admitted to a Bachelor of Education In-Service programme, a person shall have:

  1. Completed the requirements for a USP Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care for the BEDECEC, or a USP Certificate in Teaching (Primary) for BEDPRM; or
  2. An equivalent qualification from a recognised Teacher Training Institution; and
  3. Pass a student-teacher interview prior to commencement of study; and
  4. Taught for a minimum of 2 years for Primary and Secondary.

Programme Requirements:

The Bachelor of Education In-Service degree consists of 24 courses, of which 8 courses are at 100 level, 8 courses are at 200 level and 8 courses are at 300 level.

Credit Transfer:

  1. All students admitted with a relevant USP diploma or an equivalent certificate as specified above will, on application, be given the relevant credit transfer on a case by case basis.
  2. USP Pacific TAFE Diploma Level V graduates will be awarded the following cross credits: ED103, and ED153.
  3. Those admitted on the basis of other qualifications may also be eligible for some credit transfer. Students must do the university-wide courses.


Courses:                                   UU100, UU114, ED103, ED150, ED152, ED153, ED170, plus any one of: ED180 or ED183 or ED184, UU200, UU204, ED204, ED205, ED206, ED250, ED252, and ED262, ED300, ED302, ED303, ED304, ED354, ED357, ED359, plus any one of: ED362 or ED363

Specialist Area 2: PRIMARY EDUCATION

Courses:                                  UU100, UU114, ED100, ED150, ED152, ED170, ED115, ED116, UU200, UU204, ED215, ED216, ED217, ED250, ED252,ED262, , ED300, ED325, ED327, ED328, ED336, ED354, ED359, ED357 or ED363

The Bachelor of Education In-Service programme is provided in two specialist areas of study; Special & Inclusive Education and Secondary Education. Students wishing to do one of the specialist areas must meet the special entry requirements for the programme and then register in the courses for their specialist area.
Special Entry Requirements:
To be admitted to a Bachelor of Education In-Service programme, a person shall have:

  1. Completed the requirements for a USP Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) for the BEDSEC, or a USP Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education for the BEDSIE; or
    ii. An equivalent qualification from a recognised Teacher Training Institution; and
    iii. Pass a student-teacher interview prior to commencement of study; and
    iv. Taught for a minimum of 2 years for Primary and Secondary, or

Programme Requirements:

The Bachelor of Education In-Service degree consists of 24 courses, of which 8 courses are at 100 level, 8 courses are at 200 level and 8 courses are at 300 level.

Credit Transfer:

  1. All students admitted with a relevant USP diploma or an equivalent certificate as specified above will, on application, be given the relevant credit transfer on a case by case basis.
  2. USP Pacific TAFE Diploma Level V graduates will be awarded the following cross credits: ED103, and ED153.
  3. Those admitted on the basis of other qualifications may also be eligible for some credit transfer. Students must do the university-wide courses.


Courses:                                  UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, PS101, ED170, ED158, ED183, UU200, UU204, ED209, ED210, ED262, , ED250, ED252, ED258 , ED300, ED350, ED354, ED359, ED362, ED363, ED323 plus ED386.


The programme should not be taken by those seeking employment in Fiji except those with Technology and Home Economics teaching majors.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Completed the requirements for a USP Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care for the BEDECEC, or a USP Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) for the BEDSEC, or a USP Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education for the. BEDSIE, or a USP Certificate in Teaching (Primary) for BEDPRM; or
  2. An equivalent qualification from a recognized Teacher Training Institution; and
  3. Pass a student-teacher interview prior to commencement of study; and
  4. Taught for a minimum of two years.

The BEd In-Service (Secondary) specialism consists of 24 courses including:

a) The four compulsory university courses

b) Eleven Education courses, of which 3 courses are at 100 level, 3 courses at 200 level, and 5 courses are at 300 level

c) A teaching subject major of between 6 courses and 8 courses (9 courses for the Literature and Language major)

d) Sufficient electives from a second teaching subject to make up 24 courses.

Note: Students are strongly advised to seek academic counselling with the Head of School or Nominee.


100 -level:                         UU100, UU114, ED152, ED153, ED170 or ED191:

200-level:                          UU200, UU204, ED250, ED252, ED255 or ED291 or ED262 ;

300-level:                          ED300, ED350, ED354, ED359, one of ED357 or ED391 or ED362.

Teaching Subject Major:

 Subject No. of Courses Courses 
Accounting 6 AF101, AF102, AF201, AF210, AF301, AF304
Agriculture 8 AG124, AG164, AG165, AG172, AG273, AG266, AG364, AG373
Biology 8 CH105; plus BI102, B1108; plus two 200 level BI courses; Plus three 300 level BI courses.
Chemistry 8 MA102, CH101, CH102; plus CH201, CH203, CH204; Plus two 300 level CH courses.
Computing  Science 8 CS111, IS121, MA161, IS122, CS211, IS222, IS323, IS333
Economics 6 EC101, EC102; plus EC201 or EC202; plus EC203; plus two 300 level EC courses.
Expressive Arts 8 PA101, PA102, PA201, PA202, PA301, PA302, LL231, LL331
Fijian Studies 7 FJ111, FJ121, FJ211, FJ212, FJ221, FJ311, FJ321
Geography 7 GE101, GE102, GS100; plus GE201 or GE205; plus one of GE202, GE203 or GE207; plus GE304; plus one of GE301, GE302, GE303.
Hindi Studies 7 HN111, HN121, HN211, HN212, HN221, HN321, HN331
History 7 HY101, HY102; plus three 200 level HY courses; plus two 300 level HY courses.
Information Systems 8 CS111, IS121, MA161, IS122, CS211, IS222, IS323, IS333
Literature and Language 9 LN111, LN118, LT102, LN211, LN213, LT202 or LT204, LN311, LT305, plus LT306 or LT307
Mathematics 8 IS104; plus MA111, MA112, MA211, MA221, MA313, MA321; plus any one 300 level MA course.
Physical Education 8 ED180, ED183, ED184, ED286, ED287, ED289, ED386, ED387
Physics 8 CH105, MA111, PH101, PH102, PH103; plus two 200 level PH courses; plus two 300 level PH courses.
Technology 7 TE151, TE155, TE156, TE251, TE256, TE351, TE356.
Home Economics 7 TE113, TE151, TE156, TE213, TE256, TE313, TE356.
Cook Islands Māori 7 LN111, LN118, CM111, CM211, CM212, CM311, CM331
Tongan and Niuafo’ou 8 LN111, LN118, TG111, TG211, TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331
Vagahau Niue 8 LN111, LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331









The University offers five specific combined programmes where students can concurrently enrol for two programmes. In each combined programme, the two qualifications are awarded only when all the requirements below have been fulfilled. The programmes are:

  1. Bachelor of Arts and Graduate Certificate in Education (BA/GCEd)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Certificate in Education (BCom/GCEd)
  3. Bachelor of Science and Graduate Certificate in Education (BSc/GCEd)


This four year combined pre-service programme is designed to prepare specialist graduate teachers for teaching in secondary schools throughout the South Pacific region. After completion of a Year 13/Form 7 qualification or a USP Foundation Programme, students will enrol in a four year combined programme. Depending on their selected majors, on completion of all the requirements graduates will be awarded a Graduate Certificate in Education and either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Science degree. They will be equipped not only to teach two subjects at secondary level; they will also have the academic experience to contribute to other areas of study within regional secondary schools.

Special Admission Requirements:

Bachelor of Arts and Graduate Certificate in Education combined programme:

  1. Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/ Form 7 or equivalent examination and in that examination have passed English and Mathematics; or
  2. Met the mature student admission criteria; and
  3. Provided a character reference from the head or a senior teacher of their last high school; and
  4. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Certificate in Education combined programme:

  1. Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/ Form 7 or equivalent examination and in that examination have passed English and Mathematics; or
  2. Met the mature student admission criteria; and
  3. Provided a character reference from the head or a senior teacher of their last high school; and
  4. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

Bachelor of Science and Graduate Certificate in Education combined programme:

  1. Pass a Senate recognised Year 13/ Form 7 or equivalent examination and in that examination have passed English and Mathematics; or
  2. Met the mature student admission criteria; and
  3. Provided a character reference from the head or a senior teacher of their last high school; and
  4. Pass the student teacher interview prior to commencement of study.

Programme Requirements:

  1. The combined BA/GCEd, BCom/GCEd and BSc/GCEd programmes normally comprises 30 courses, including:
  1. Four University courses
  2. Ten Education courses
  3. 7-8 courses in the first discipline major (9 courses for the Literature and Language major)
  4. 7-8 courses in the second discipline major
  5. Sufficient electives from the relevant discipline major to make up 30 courses.

2. To enter the second year of the programme, a student must:

  1. normally have a GPA of 2.5 or better in Year I; and
  2. pass the end-of-year student-teacher interview.

3. A student with a GPA marginally below 2.5 but who has a strong character reference and has performed well at the interview may be permitted by the Head of School to enter the second year of the programme.

4. A student who has not been allowed to continue in the combined programme may seek admission to a BA or BCom or BSc degree programme.

5. Students must achieve a satisfactory performance in all the components of ED300 in order to be eligible for the award of the GCEd.

Note: Students are strongly advised to seek academic counselling with the Head of School or Nominee.


Students are encouraged to follow the guidelines below for their programme:

Year Practicum Semester I and II
Year I No practicum in Year I Semester I

UU100 or UU114, ED152 plus two 100 level compulsory and service courses from the selected subject majors.

Semester II

UU100 or UU114, ED153

plus two 100 level compulsory and service courses from selected subject majors.

Year II Home-based Practicum Semester I

ED250, UU200 or UU204 plus two 200 level courses from two selected subject majors.

Semester II

ED252, UU200 or UU204, plus two 200 level courses from two selected subject majors.

Year III Three weeks Practicum Semester I

ED262, ED354, plus one or two 200 level courses required for the two selected subject majors.

Semester II

ED350 plus two or three 300 level courses required for the two selected subject majors.

Year IV ED300 (17 weeks practicum) Semester I

ED359, ED357 plus three 300 level courses from two selected subject majors

Semester II

ED300 plus the required electives.

The two discipline majors must be selected from those listed below:

Discipline Major No. of Courses Courses
Accounting 7 FM101, AF101, AF102, AF201, AF210, AF301, AF304.
Biology 8 BI102, BI108; plus CH105 (except with a double major in Chemistry); plus two 200 level BI courses; plus three 300 level BI courses.
Chemistry 8 CH101, CH102; plus PH106 (except with a double major in Physics); plus MA102; plus two of: CH201, CH203, CH204; plus two 300 level CH courses.
Computing Science 8 CS111, CS112, MA161, CS211, CS230/215, CS/IS222, CS311; plus one of: CS310, CS317, CS324, IS333.
Economics 7 EC101, EC102, EC201, EC202, EC203; plus two 300 level EC courses.
Expressive Arts 8 PA101, PA102, PA201, PA202, PA301, PA302, LL231, LL331
Fijian Studies 7 FJ111, FJ121, FJ211, FJ212, FJ221, FJ311, FJ321
Geography 8 GE101, GE102, GS100; plus GE201 or GE205; plus GE202; plus GE203 or GE207; plus GE304; plus one of: GE301, GE302 GE303 and GE306 courses.
Hindi Studies 7 HN111, HN121, HN211, HN212, HN221, HN321, HN331
History 7 HY101, HY102; plus two or three 200-level HY courses; plus two or three 300 level HY courses.
Information Systems 8 CS111, IS121, MA161, IS122, CS211, IS222, IS323, IS333
Literature and Language 9 LN111, LN118, LT102, LN211, LN213, LT202 or LT204, LN311, LT305, plus LT306 or LT307
Mathematics 8 MA111, MA112, ST130, MA211, MA221, MA313, MA321; plus one of: MA312, MA341
Physical Education 8 ED180, ED183, ED184, ED286, ED287, ED289, ED386, ED387
Physics 8 MA111 or MA112; plus PH101, PH102, PH103; plus three 200-level PH courses; plus two PH 300 level courses.
Technology 7 TE151, TE155, TE156, TE251, TE256, TE351, TE356.
Food and Nutrition Studies 7 TE113, TS109, TE213, TS209, GE202, TE313 and TS311.
Cook Islands Māori 7 LN111, LN118, CM111, CM211, CM212, CM311, CM331
Tongan and Niuafo’ou 8 LN111, LN118, TG111, TG211, TG212, TG311, TG321, TG331
Vagahau Niue 8 LN111, LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331


Graduate Certificates and Diplomas are pegged at Level 7 and Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas Level 8 of the Fiji Qualifications Framework.


All students registering in Postgraduate programmes are required, in their first semester/trimester of studies, to complete 14.5 hours of Information Research Skills Programme conducted by the Library. Students who do not complete the IRS programme in the first semester/trimester will not be allowed to continue with their postgraduate studies.



The Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (PGCTT) programme consists of three courses, ED401, ED402 and ED403, which are designed to transform educational practice and the delivery of curriculum in higher education. The programme will integrate the principles of a diverse range of pedagogies, current and emerging technologies and enable educational practice-based research in higher education.

Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Hold a university degree and
  2. Be teaching at tertiary level.

Programme Requirements:                      The Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching consists of three courses.

Courses:                                                  ED401, ED402, ED403

Note: The new cohort for PGCTT starts with ED401 in the first semester of the calendar year.



The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts is offered in the following majors: Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching, Fijian Language Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Pacific Studies.

The general admission requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma are:

  1. A USP bachelor’s degree with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in the 200- and 300-level courses of the relevant discipline;
  2. A tertiary qualification deemed by Senate or its delegate to be equivalent to clause (a);
  3. A professional qualification deemed by Senate or its delegate to be equivalent to clause (a);
  4. In exceptional cases, demonstrated experience or achievement deemed by Senate or its delegate to be sufficient; or
  5. Have met the mature student admission criteria.

Notwithstanding the provisions set out above, Senate or its delegate may require applicants to demonstrate their suitability for admission by carrying out such work and/or sitting for such examinations as it may determine. A 400-level course taken as a qualifying course for the Postgraduate Diploma may become part of a future postgraduate programme.


(Note: From 2019, all Linguistics course codes change from LL to LN. Course titles remain the same.)

The Linguistics major of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts consists of four courses.

Courses:      AL400, LN411, LN413, LN416

Applied Linguistics & English Language Teaching

The Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching major of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts consists of four courses.

Courses:      LN411, LN416, LN418, LN419


(Note: From 2019, all Literature course codes change from LL to LT. Course titles remain the same.)

The Literature major of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts consists of four courses.

Courses:                                            Any four from: LT401, LT402, LT403, LT406, LT407, LT410.

Fijian Language Studies

Special Admission Requirement:

Diploma in Pacific Vernacular Fijian plus relevant work experience; and proficiency in the Fijian language.

The Fijian Language Studies major of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts consist of four courses.

Courses:                                   AL400, plus any three from FJ411, FJ412, FJ413, FJ421 and FJ422.

Pacific Studies

The Pacific Studies major of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Pacific Studies consists of the following four Pacific Studies (PA) courses:

Courses:   PA418 as a core course, and any three from PA402, PA409, PA419 and PA423. Students who wish to further pursue a Master of Arts in Pacific Studies WILL NEED TO take AL400 as one of the four courses.



Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Obtained a Bachelor degree in Education of The University of the South Pacific normally with a GPA of at least 3.0 in the 200 and 300 level courses in Education: or
  2. Obtained from some other tertiary institution a qualification deemed by Senate or its delegate to be equivalent to the requirements set out in (a) above; or
  3. Obtained a professional qualification deemed by Senate to be equivalent to the requirements set out in (a) above; or
  4. Met the mature student admission criteria.

Note: under the mature student’s entry, all students admitted must have five years teaching experience after completing their Degree. For other relevant teaching qualification from the region apart from USP, students admitted must complete three 300 level Education courses and achieve a GPA of at least 3.5.

Programme Requirements:                The Postgraduate Diploma in Education consists of four courses.

Courses:                                            AL400 and any three from: ED421, ED451, ED454, ED455, ED456, ED457, ED461, ED466, ED468, ED491, ED492, ED493 (ED401, ED402, and ED403 are not allowed for this programme)

Maîtrise en Sciences de l’éducation

Entry requirements:

[Same as for PGDE, translated into French:]

  1. Avoir obtenu un diplôme de licence en sciences de l’éducation de l’Université du Pacifique Sud avec une moyenne supérieure à 12 (GPA 3.0) dans les cours d’éducation de 2e et 3e année ; ou
  2. Avoir obtenu une qualification d’un autre établissement d’enseignement supérieur qui est considérée par le Sénat ou par son délégué comme étant équivalente aux conditions énoncées au point i) ci-haut ; ou
  3. Avoir obtenu une qualification professionnelle considérée par le Sénat ou par son délégué comme étant équivalente aux conditions énoncées au point i) ci-haut ; ou
  4. Remplir les critères d’admission des étudiants en formation continue.

Courses:                            ED457FR, ED461FR, ED491FR, AL400FR





This programme will only be offered as special In-Country project. The Regional Executive Cohort will be offered from Laucala. The primary purpose of the award programme is to improve the skills of educational administrators working in Pacific national ministries of education and schools. The programme will focus on specific skills in educational leadership, policy and planning development in education and financing education

The programme is focused on three key learning outcomes:

Examine elements of educational policy and planning with a sensitivity to the contextual realities of Pacific countries;

Design effective and appropriate education policy and planning activities for Pacific context; and

Evaluate current practices of education policy and planning activities in Pacific context.

Special Admission Requirements:

To be admitted into the Professional Certificate in Education Policy & Planning, a person shall have:

  1. Obtained a first degree and a teaching qualification; and
  2. Experienced as heads of a primary and secondary schools, educational administrators at the systems level or experienced educational officers at district/provincial-level, educational planners and policy writers at departmental and ministerial levels, directors/deans of education systems, experienced heads of schools; or
  3. Met the mature student admission criteria.

Programme requirements:                The Professional Certificate in Education Policy & Planning consists of four courses taught as three weeks intensive face-to-face workshops followed by an eight week practicum. A total of fifteen weeks is needed for the completion of the Professional Certificate. All courses will be taught face to face on campus per cohort.

Courses:                                            EDP01, EDP02, EDP03, EDP04


The Professional Certificate in Heritage Management provides work placed learning opportunities for participants involved in a range of heritage fields. The programme is designed to strengthen professional capacity, community engagement and build knowledge of and skills in good practice and professional values necessary for the safeguarding of cultural and national heritage for enhanced sustainable development in the Pacific islands.

This programme will only be offered as a special In-Country project meeting specific national needs with particular cohorts in a country. Countries must secure funding for the programme to be offered as a project.

Special Admission Requirements:

Standard USP entry into a Professional Certificate at USP

  1. Recognised prior learning based on five (5) years of relevant work experience and pass in Senate recognised Year 12/Form 6 or equivalent with English; and,
  2. Support letter from employer stating work experience and responsibilities; and,
  3. Letter of recommendation from a national heritage agency.

Programme Requirements:               The Professional Certificate in Heritage Management consists of six courses.

Courses:                                            This programme comprises 6 courses which is made up of 3 core courses; PAP01, PAP02 and PAP07; and 3 courses to be selected from the following electives PAP03, PAP04, PAP05, and PAP06.



The Master of Arts is offered in the following majors: Applied Linguistics, Education, English Language Teaching and Leadership, Linguistics, Literature, Pacific Studies


Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Obtained a Bachelor degree in Education of The University of the South Pacific normally with a GPA of at least 4.0 in the 200 and 300 level courses in Education. The student may then bypass the PGDE and proceed to complete the Master of Arts in Education by thesis. The candidate may be required to complete postgraduate courses as specified for admission to the Master’s programme; or
  2. Obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Education of The University of the South Pacific with a GPA of at least 3.0; or
  3. A tertiary qualification deemed by Senate or its delegate to be equivalent to the qualification above.

Fijian Studies

The Master’s programme consists of two postgraduate courses and a supervised research project.


The Master’s programme consists of a thesis.


The Master’s programme consists of a thesis or two postgraduate courses and a supervised research project.

Applied Linguistics

The Master’s programme consists of a thesis or two postgraduate courses plus a supervised research project.


The Master’s programme consists of a thesis or two postgraduate courses plus a Supervised Research Project.

Pacific Studies

The Master’s programme consists of three options: (a) a thesis, or (b) two postgraduate courses plus a Supervised Research Project, or (c) a Portfolio.

The Portfolio will have two components: (i) a Practice-based component or creative project presentation and (ii) an Analytical Component (Exegesis). Each component will carry 50% of the project.

The Master of Arts is offered in the following majors: Applied Linguistics, Education, Linguistics, Literature, Pacific Studies (Coursework)

Special Admission Requirements
Postgraduate diploma with GPA 3.0 in:
i) either Applied Linguistics & English Language Teaching from USP
ii) or Education from USP (noting that the completed Education courses can only be cross-credited towards the MA by coursework if they are from the MA programme requirements) And:
iii) At least 2 years of experience teaching English or working in relevant curriculum or assessment roles

English Language Teaching & Leadership
Programme Requirements:
The Master of Arts degree consists of the following eight courses:
LN411, LN416, LN418, LN419, AL400, ED491 and 2 courses from LN413, ED454, ED455, ED468, ED492, ED493. Four of these courses will usually have been completed as a Postgraduate Diploma in either Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching or Education.

This MA is by Coursework and therefore does not provide admission to a PhD programme without prior completion of a directed research project.


Special Admission Requirements:

  1. Obtained a Bachelor degree in Education of The University of the South Pacific with a GPA of at least 3.5 in the 200 and 300 level courses in the appropriate major; or
  2. Obtained an appropriate Postgraduate Diploma in Education of The University of the South Pacific with a GPA of at least 3.5; or
  3. Obtained a tertiary qualification deemed by Senate or its delegate to be equivalent to the qualification above.

Programme Requirements:

The Master of Education degree consists of the following two programme options:

  1. Students are required to complete two 400 level Education courses in addition to the four 400 level Education courses (except ED401, ED402 and ED403) they attained in their PGDEd and write a Supervised Research Project (SRP) in about 20,000 words.
  2. Students are required to complete four more additional 400 level Education courses in addition to the four 400 level Education courses attained in their PGDEd. Two of the additional four courses could be taken from 400 level units of relevant subject disciplines (except ED401, ED402 and ED403). This MEd is by Coursework.


USP offers a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in most disciplines taught at postgraduate level at USP. Students interested in progressing from a master’s programme to doctoral studies are advised to contact the relevant Head of Academic Unit.

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