Bridging Requirements & Regulations


1.0 Foundation and Preliminary Programmes are offered in all regional USP member countries where there are qualifications offered at schools that are regarded as equivalent to the USP Preliminary and Foundation programmes and these are listed below:

Cook Islands NZ NCEA* Level 2 NZ NCEA* Level 3
Kiribati KSSC South Pacific Form 7
Fiji Fiji Year 12 Certificate Fiji Year 13 Certificate
Marshall Islands No equivalent RMI Foundation
Niue NZ NCEA Level 2 No equivalent
Samoa Samoa Senior Secondary Certificate NUS Foundation Certificate
Solomon Islands SISSC South Pacific Form 7
Tokelau No equivalent Form 7
Tuvalu TSSC No equivalent
Vanuatu VSSC South Pacific Form Seven Certificate

* NZ National Certificate of Educational Achievement Key: Level Equivalence Level 1: Year 11/Form 5

Level 2: Year 12/Form 6

Level 3: Year 13/Form 7

2.0 Year 12/Form 6 and Equivalent Examinations

The general admission requirements from the equivalent examinations are as follows:

2.1 Year 12/Form 6 Equivalent Examinations

A Person Seeking Admission on the Basis of a Year12/Form 6 or Equivalent Examination Shall Have:

in the Fiji Year 12/Form 6 Certificate Examination in 2015 and thereafter, achieved:

an aggregate of not less than 200 marks out of 400; and

at least 50% in each of four subjects, one of which is English; or

in a National Senior Secondary Certificate or Year 12/Form 6 Certificate equivalent, achieved:

an aggregate of not more than 3 in English plus three other subjects; and

not more than 4 in any of the four subjects; or

2.2 Unclassified Preliminary (Foundation) Programme

Alternate Pathway to USP Foundation Studies from Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination (FY12 CE) or Equivalent

Persons who wish to be admitted to a USP Foundation Programme but fail to meet the requirements in 2.1

(a) above must first comply with the following requirements:

Persons who have taken the Senate-recognised Fiji Y12 CE in 2015 and thereafter and obtained the aggregate in 4 FY12 CE subjects of:

200 or above or

Between 180-199

but failed to obtain at least 50% in 1 or more of the FY12 CE subject(s) shall be admitted to the Unclassified Preliminary (Foundation) Programme.

Persons Scoring in 4 FY12 CE an Aggregate of:

200 or More But Failed Between 1 and 3 FY12 CE Non-English Subject(s)

Such persons will be required to register for 1 Preliminary course for every FY12 CE Non-English subject(s) that they failed

If Persons’ FY12 CE Aggregate, English & Non-English Subjects Marks are: Such Persons Must Register For and Pass the Applicable Preliminary & Foundation Course(s)
Aggregate Mark Subjec Marks (%) Preliminary Foundation
≥ 200 FY12 CE English (40 – 49) Do LLP15 Not Applicable
Less Than 40 Do LLP15 and LLP14
FY12 CE Non-English Subject 50 or More


Not Applicable


Do Foundation course(s) equivalent to Y12 subject(s) passed or required
Less Than 50


Do 1 x Preliminary course For Every Y12 Non-English subject(s) failed or required


Not Applicable

Between (180 – 199) and Passed at Least 50% in 1 or More FY12 CE Non-English Subject(s)

Such persons will be required to register for 2 Preliminary courses for every FY12 CE Non-English subject(s) that they failed

If Persons’ FY12 CE Aggregate, English & Non-English Subjects Marks are: Such Persons Must Register For and Pass the Applicable Preliminary & Foundation Course(s)
Aggregate Mark Subject Marks (%) Preliminary Foundation
180 – 199


Passed At Least 1 Y12 Subject

FY12 CE English (40 – 49) Do LLP15 Not Applicable
Less Than 40 Do LLP15 and LLP14


FY12 CE Non-English Subject


50 or More


Not Applicable


Do Foundation course(s) equivalent toY12 subject(s) passed or required


Less Than 50


Do 2 x Preliminary course(s) For Every Non-English Y12 subject(s) failed or required


Not Applicable


In addition, persons who in FY12 CE English obtained:

the following scores in the table below will be required to do the relevant Preliminary English Course(s) listed therein:

FY12 CE English (40 – 49)% FY12 CE English (< 40%)
Do LLP15 Do LLP15 & LLP14

Such persons above shall be admitted to the Unclassified Preliminary (Foundation) Programme where they may register for both Preliminary and Foundation courses simultaneously. They may do Foundation courses equivalent to the number FY12 CE subject(s) passed or required provided total semester registration doesn’t exceed a maximum of 4 registrations.


Persons must first register for and pass all required English and Non-English Preliminary course(s) first before being admitted to their Foundation programme of choice.

Met the Mature Student Admission Criteria.

2.3 Science Laboratory Classes

Preliminary Science courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics include a component of required laboratory work. Attendance at laboratory classes is compulsory. Students who fail to complete at least three-quarters of the practical requirements of a course shall be awarded a fail grade notwithstanding the fact that the student may have total marks for the continuous assessment and final examination that are equal to or greater than the pass mark.

2.4 Progression from Preliminary to Foundation

Students intending to pursue Foundation Studies must pass LLP15 and LLP14 and must be fully aware of admission requirements to the Foundation programme of their choice before registering for Preliminary courses.

3.0 Alternative Pathway to Foundation Studies from USP Preliminary Programme

Persons who wish to be admitted to a Foundation programme but fail to meet the requirements in accordance with clause 2.1(a) (i) or (ii) above must first comply with the following Unclassified Preliminary Programme requirements:

Persons who have attempted and passed 8 Preliminary courses but failed English, or Math or any other relevant Preliminary course(s) shall be required to repeat the failed course(s). Such a person may subject to satisfying prerequisites be allowed to register for up to 2 Foundation courses.

Persons who have attempted 8 Preliminary courses and passed between 6 and 7 courses will be required to repeat the failed courses. Such a person may subject to satisfying prerequisites, be allowed to register for 1 Foundation course.

Persons who have attempted 8 Preliminary courses and passed a maximum of 5 courses in the Preliminary programme will not be allowed to register for any foundation course.

4.0 Alternative Pathway to Skills Based Qualifications from USP Preliminary Programme

Persons who wish to be admitted to a Skills Based Certificate but fail to meet the requirements in accordance with clause 2.1(a) (i) or (ii) above must first comply with the following Unclassified Preliminary/Skills Based Qualifications Programme requirements:

Persons who have scored a mark between 40% to 49% in Year 12/ Form 6 English, will be required to do LLP15

Persons who have scored a mark less than 40% in Year 12/Form 6 English will be required to do LLP15 and LLP14.

Persons who score a mark less than 50% in a Non-English subject will be required to do 2 Preliminary courses for every Year 12 Non- English subject failed or required.

Persons in the Unclassified Skills Based Qualification Programme will be required to do skills based courses equivalent to the number of Year 12/ Form 6 subjects that they have passed.

5.0 Unclassified Foundation (Undergraduate) Programme

Alternate Pathway to Degree Studies from Fiji Year 13 Certificate Examination (FY13 CE) or Equivalent through Foundation

5.1 Alternate Pathway to Degree Studies from Fiji Year 13 Certificate Examination (FY13 CE) or equivalent

Persons who wish to be admitted to a Bachelor’s Degree but fail to meet the Bachelor Degree Programme requirements 4.3.1 (a) & (b) must first comply with the following requirements:

Persons who have taken the Senate-recognised Fiji Y13 CE in 2015 and thereafter and obtained the aggregate in 4 FY13 CE subjects of:

200 or above or

Between 180-199

and failed to obtain at least 50% in 1 or more of the FY13 CE subject(s) and or failed to achieve the required mark(s) shall be admitted to Unclassified Foundation (Undergraduate) Programme.

(a) Persons Scoring in 4 FY13 CE an Aggregate of:

200 or More And Failed Between 1 and 3 FY13 CE Non-English Subject(s)

Such persons will be required to register for 1 Foundation course for every FY13 CE Non-English subject(s) that they failed and or that they failed to attain the required subject pass mark(s)

If Persons’ FY13 CE Aggregate, English & Non-English Subjects Marks are: Such Persons Must Register For and Pass the Applicable Foundation & Degree Course(s)
Aggregate Mark Subject Marks (%) Foundation Degree
≥ 200 FY13 CE English (40 – 49) Do LLF15 Not Applicable
Less Than 40 Do LLF15 and LLF14

Non- English Subject


50 or More

Not Applicable Do Available Degree course(s) equivalent to Y13 subject(s) passed or required
Less Than 50 Do 1 x Foundation course For Every Non-English Y13 subject(s) failed or required Not Applicable

(b) Between (180 – 199) and Passed At Least 50% in 1 or More FY13 CE Non-English Subject(s)

Such persons will be required to register for 2 Foundation courses for every FY13 CE Non-English subject(s) that they failed and or that they failed to attain the required subject pass mark(s)

If Persons’ FY13 CE Aggregate, English & Non-English Subjects Marks are: Such Persons Must Register For and Pass the Applicable Foundation & Degree Course(s)
Aggregate Mark Subject Marks (%) Foundation Degree
180 – 199


Passed At Least 1 Y13 Subject

FY13 CE English (40 – 49) Do LLF15 Not Applicable
Less Than 40 Do LLF15 and LLF14
FY13 CE Non-English Subject 50 or More Not Applicable Do Available Degree course(s) equivalent toY13 subject(s) passed or required


Less Than 50 Do 2 x Foundation course(s) for Every Non-English Y13 subject(s) failed or required


Not Applicable

In addition, persons who in FY13 CE English obtained:

at least 50% but failed to attain 60% required for English emphasis programmes will be required to register for and pass LLF15

the following scores in the table below will be required to do the relevant Foundation English Course(s) listed therein:

FY13 CE English (40 – 49)% FY13 CE English (< 40%)
Do LLF15 Do LLF15 & LLF14

Such persons above shall be admitted to the Unclassified Foundation (Undergraduate) Programme where they may register for both Foundation and Degree courses simultaneously. They may do available degree courses equivalent to the number FY13 CE Non-English subject(s) passed or required provided total semester registration doesn’t exceed a maximum of 4 registrations.


Persons must first register for and pass all required English and Non-English Foundation course(s) first before being admitted to their Degree programme of choice.

5.2 To be eligible for admission to Bachelor’s Degree studies the following criteria should apply to those who are admitted from the Foundation Programme:

To enter the BA, the BCom, the LLB (other than as a graduate), or the BA/ LLB or BCom/LLB combined programmes, a person must meet the following minimum requirements:

a grade of C in LLF15 (C+ for LLB) and LLF14; and

a grade of C in 6 other semester-long courses, provided that in the case of Mathematics, an average C grade in 2 courses MAF11 and MAF12 (considered a year-long sequence), may be credited as 2 of the 6 required courses.

Prerequisites and Recommended courses for students completing the Foundation Programme and intending to study at degree level are listed below:

Degree and Major Compulsory Recommended
Bachelor of Agriculture BIF02, BIF03, CHF02, CHF03
Accounting major MAF11 or MAF12 AFF01, AFF02
Finance major MAF11 or MAF12
Banking major AFF01
Economics major MAF11, MAF12 ECF04
Management major CSF12, ISF21
Bachelor of Engineering MAF11,MAF12, PHF02

and PHF03

Bachelor of Laws, Journalism, Linguistics, Literature and Language C+ in LLF15
Bachelor of Science MAF11, MAF12

Bachelor of Networks & Security

MAF11 and MAF12 CSF12

Bachelor of Software Engineering

MAF11 and MAF12 CSF12
Biology major BIF02, BIF03

Chemistry major


CHF02, CHF03, MAF11, MAF12

BIF02, BIF03
Computing Science major MAF11 and MAF12 ISF21
Information Systems Majors MAF11, MAF12 CSF12, ISF21
Mathematics major MAF11 and MAF12 CSF12, ISF21

Physics major

PHF02, PHF03, MAF11, MAF12  

CHF02, CHF03

Alternate Pathway to Degree Studies from USP Foundation Programme

Persons who wish to be admitted to a Bachelor’s Degree but fail to meet the requirements above must first comply with the following Unclassified Foundation Programme requirements:

Persons who have attempted and passed 8 Foundation courses but failed English, or Math or any other relevant Foundation course(s) shall be required to repeat the failed course(s). Such a person may subject to satisfying prerequisites be allowed to register for up to 2 degree courses.

Persons who have attempted 8 Foundation courses and passed between 6 and 7 courses will be required to repeat the failed courses. Such a person may subject to satisfying prerequisites, be allowed to register for 1 degree course.

Persons who have attempted 8 Foundation courses and passed a maximum of 5 courses in the Foundation programme will not be allowed to register for any degree course.

For disciplines that require the completion of the Foundation courses in both semesters, (e.g. MAF11 and MAF12 for the Sciences), registration in degree courses will be restricted until these requirements are met.

For the complete listing of prerequisites and Recommended Foundation courses for the relevant Degree or Discipline, please refer to the clause in 5.2 (a) (iii) above.

All Foundation courses have an ‘F’ as the third character of their course code.

5.3 Science Laboratory Classes

Some Foundation Science courses include a component of required laboratory work. Attendance at laboratory classes is compulsory. Students who fail to complete at least three-quarters of the practical requirements of a course shall be awarded a fail grade notwithstanding the fact that the student may have total marks for the continuous assessment and final examination which are equal to or greater than the pass mark.

5.4 Progression from Foundation to Bachelor Degree Programmes

Students planning to continue to Bachelor’s Degree studies at USP on completion of a Foundation Programme need to take into consideration the special admission requirements for certain majors (Accounting, Economics, Law, Information Systems, etc.) and seek academic advice on these before registering for Foundation courses. A pass in LLF15 and LLF14 is required for admission to degree studies from the full Foundation Programme.

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