Credit Transfer Regulations
Credit transfer is a process for enabling students to have their learning experiences (typically whole courses but not necessarily) from another programme or higher education institution recognised as equivalent in content and, particularly, learning outcomes to those within USPs educational offerings.
1.1 Application
Applications for credit transfer for students registered at the Laucala campus shall be processed at Student Administrative Services, but Academic Units shall provide assistance at the request of Student Administrative Services to determine particular applications. Applications for credit transfer from students registered at campuses other than Laucala, shall be processed by the relevant campus and will follow the Procedures for Credit Transfer for Regional Campuses.
Students applying for credit transfer for courses passed elsewhere shall provide all information relating to previous studies such as:
(a) Course outlines with readings, assessment and other critical information
(b) Official copy of grade report or transcript from institution at which the course was undertaken. The above information should be either in original format or certified copy of the original.
The information will be submitted with an application for credit transfer to the Student Administrative Services.
1.2 Criteria for Credit Transfer
The following criteria shall govern processes for the transfer of credits:
(a) Where the examinations passed or credits gained elsewhere or at USP for another programme substantially correspond with, or are equivalent to, courses in a programme of study in which the student is enrolled at USP, specified credits may be awarded.
(b) Where examinations passed or credits gained elsewhere or for another programme of study at USP do not correspond with, but are relevant to, courses in a programme of study in which a student is enrolled at USP, a limited number of unspecified credits may be awarded depending on the structure of the programme of study concerned.
(c) For MBA, 20% credit transfer of any other equivalent programme is allowed.
(d) Credit transfer will only be allowed for courses no longer than 10 years after completion.
1.3 Approval of Credit Transfer
The transfer of specified or unspecified credits shall be made by:
(a) The Vice-Chancellor & President or delegate or nominee, where necessary in consultation with appropriate Academic Units, up to the limit in Clause 1.4 (a) below.
(b) The Academic Programmes Committee in exceptional cases where it is deemed necessary to exceed the limit in Clause 1.4 (a) below.
1.4 Restrictions on Number of courses to be transferred
The following restrictions shall apply when transferring credits
(a) Not more than 50% of the courses in the new programme may be credited, except where internal programmes have been approved by the Senate to stair-case from a lower to a higher programme.
(b) No course may be transferred towards vocational requirements in a programme if the course does not have appropriate practical training elements.
(c) Credits may be transferred once only, except:
(i) Where a course is part of an internal programme that has been approved by the Senate to stair-case to a higher programme where the course is also required; or
(ii) Where they are non-USP courses which have been transferred as credits for a USP programme, they may be credited again for a higher USP programme in the same discipline if they are required courses for that higher programme.
1.5 Appeals
Students may appeal against the outcome of their applications provided that an appeal shall be lodged in writing, addressed to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), together with a copy of the receipt for the appropriate fees per appeal. The appeal shall be received by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) no later than four weeks after the result of the original application was sent to the applicant.
1.6 Approved credits transferred from other Qualifications
(a) Fiji Institute of Technology, Fiji College of Advanced Education, Lautoka Teachers College, Fiji College of Agriculture
Credit Transfers approved under institutional arrangements with the Fiji Institute of Technology, Fiji College of Advanced Education, Lautoka Teachers College and Fiji College of Agriculture are currently being reviewed.
Applications received from students who have completed programmes at the above institutions will be considered on a case by case basis by the relevant Academic Units.
Procedures for applying shall follow those in Regulations 1.1
(b) Fiji National University
For holders of the Fiji National University (FNU) Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Diploma in Engineering (Electrical & Electronics), the following 100-level courses comprising the first year will be transferred to the Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics) and the Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical):
EE102, MA111, MA112, MM101, MM103, PH102, CS111 and UU114
(c) Hango Agricultural College (HAC)
Students who have passed the HAC courses listed below and are enrolled in the BAgr programme may be awarded the following USP credits: