Staff Details

Name: Doctor Cécile Dupouy


Dr Cécile Dupouy is an oceanographer and biologist, has 20 years’ experience in using ocean color satellite imagery to study phytoplankton dynamics and lagoon biogeocheistry.

She has developed algorithms for detecting surface blooms of Trichodesmum, one of the major nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton and for estimating chlorophyll and turbidity in tropical oligotrophic lagoons.

She has organized and led numerous oceanographic research cruises in the South West Pacific, from equatorial upwelling areas to coastal lagoons in New Caledonia and South of Fiji.

She has collaborations with French Universities and Copernicus, international collaborations with Germany, USA, Japon, Australia for algorithm development and surveys of Pacific Island Countries.

She supervised 5 PhD students in oceanography (2 Fijian), and masters and has more than 70 publications. Since 2019, she is the Scientific Coordinator of the OACPS RERIPA project.