National training needs in SE and CCA are assessed and existing informal and formal TVET training courses and training and education providers are identified and strengthened..
Benchmarks, competency standards and courses on Training of Trainers (ToT) are developed and implemented and a pool of national trainers is created.
Develop and establish training courses and support facilities within TVET institutions.
CCA and SE training networks are strengthened.
Listed below are Resilience learning resources that have been contextualized for Palau.
Listed below are qualifications booklets and learning resources that have been developed for the Pacific region. These can be further contextualized to support country-specific learning requirements.
Listed below are Resilience learning resources that have been contextualized for Vanuatu.
The European Union Pacific Technical and Vocational Educational and Training in Sustainable Energy (SE) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) project or EU-PacTVET is the Third component of a larger programme: Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy. The European Union funded PacTVET project is a €6.1 million project currently being implemented by The Pacific Community (SPC) and The University of the South Pacific (USP). The programme aims: “To enhance sustainable livelihoods, strengthen countries’ capabilities to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and enhance their energy security at the national, provincial and local/community levels in fifteen Pacific Island Countries.” (the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste (East Timor), Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.) The project commenced with a needs analysis on a national basis which revealed that FORMAL qualifications were required for “genuine” capacity building in the areas of SE and CCA – with particular emphases on recognition of “Resilience” (climate change adaptation and disaster risk management) as an employment sector for the region – and professionalization of this sector. National stakeholders were keen to ensure opportunities for learning via formal qualifications were available to all people affected by climate change, meaning that the capacity building opportunities offered by the qualifications should be applicable across the board from grassroots community members to government and private sector managers. This has led to the qualifications being constructed around a “competency” and “skill-set” approach. This means that people can pick what competencies they need to “up-skill” in order to improve their own capacity – a menu of competencies and skill sets are available within the qualifications. Completing a range of units will build into a full qualification. Countries can deliver different aspects of the qualifications (i.e. competencies which build into skill sets which build into a qualification) according to their own needs. National providers have been identified (e.g. Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute, Kiribati Institute of Technology, Motafoa High School – Tuvalu) who will deliver different skill sets. Additionally, as qualifications are regional, skill sets will be mutually recognized and can be built upon by completing competencies/skill sets at more than one educational provider.