Journal articles
Begg, S.S., De Ramon N’Yeurt, A. & Iese, V. Integrated flood vulnerability assessment of villages in the Waimanu River Catchment in the South Pacific: the case of Viti Levu, Fiji. Reg Environ Change 21, 83 (2021).
Guell, C., Brown, C.R., Iese, V., Navunicagi, O., Wairiu, M., Unwin, N. (2021) “We used to get food from the garden.” Understanding changing practices of local food production and consumption in small island states. Social Science & Medicine, 284 . p. 114214. ISSN 0277-9536
Iese, V., Kiem, A.S., Mariner, A., Malsale, P., Tofaeono, T., Kirono, D.G.C., Round, V., Heady, G., Tigona, R., Veisa, F., Posanau, L., Aiono, F., Haruhiru, A., Daphne, A., Vainikiolo, V., Iona, N. (2021) Historical and future drought impacts in the Pacific islands and atolls. Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-021-03112-1.
Iese, V., Wairiu, M., Hickey, G. M., Ugalde, D., Salili, D.H., Walenenea Jr, J., Tabe, T., Keremama, M., Teva, C., Navunicagi, O., Fesaitu, J., Tigona, R., Krishna, D., Sachan, H., Unwin, N., Guell, C., Haynes, E., Veisa, F., Vaike, L., Bird, Z., Ha’apio, M., Roko, N., Patolo, S., Dean, A. R., Kiran, S., Tikai, P., Tuiloma, J., Halavatau, S., Francis, J., Ward, A. C. (2021) Impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture and food systems in Pacific Island countries (PICs): Evidence from communities in Fiji and Solomon Islands. Agricultural Systems, 190: 103099.
Haynes, E. H., Brown, C, Unwin, N., Augustus, E., Guell, C., Iese, V., Morrissey, F., Jia, L., Duvivier, P., Robers-Pierre, T. (2020) Interventions in small island developing states to improve diet, with a focus on the consumption of local, nutritious foods: a systematic review. PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020201274 Available from:
Guell, C., Brown, C., Iese, V., Navunicagi, O., Wairiu, M., Unwin, N. (2020) OP08 Understanding practices and challenges of (re-)localising food production and consumption in small Island developing states for better nutrition: a qualitative multi-site study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2020;74:A4.
Haynes, E., Bhagtani, D., Guell, C., IR Hambleton, V Iese, J Fesaitu, SE Benjamin-Neelon, NG Forouhi, N Unwin (2020) OP58 An investigation into the associations between socio-demographic factors, food sources and dietary quality in small island developing states. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74: A27-A28.
Haynes, E., Bhagtani, D., Iese, V., Brown, C.R., Fesaitu, F., Hambleton, I., Badrie, N., Kroll, K., Guell, C., Brugulat-Panes, A., Saint Ville, A., Benjamin-Neelon, S.E., Foley, L., Samuels, T.A., Wairiu, M., Forouhi. N.G., Unwin, N. (2020) Food Sources and Dietary Quality in Small Island Developing States: Development of Methods and Policy Relevant Novel Survey Data from the Pacific and Caribbean. Nutrients, 12: 3350.
Iese, V., Holland, E., Wairiu, M., Havea, R., Patolo, S., Nishi, M., Hoponoa, T., Bourke, R. M., Dean, A., Waqainabete, L. 2018. Facing food security risks: The rise and rise of the sweet potato in the Pacific Islands. Global Food Security, 18: 48-56.
Charan, H., N’Yeurt, ADR., Iese, V., Chopin, T. 2017. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate – ICEECC. Mauritius, July 5th – 7th .
Nand, M.M., Iese, V., Singh, U., Wairiu, M., Jokhan, A., Prakash, R. 2016. Evaluation of Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer SUBSTOR Potato Model (v4.5) under Tropical Conditions. South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences.
N’Yeurt, ADR., Iese V. 2014. The proliferating brown alga Sargassum polycystum in Tuvalu, South Pacific: assessment of the bloom and applications to local agriculture and sustainable energy. Journal of Applied Phycology, ISSN 0921-8971, DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0435-y.
Wairiu, M., Iese, V, Lal, M. 2011. Food production and climate change in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, Vol 15, No. 1&2, pp 110-121.
Moore, N., Benmazhar, H., Brent, K., Du, H., Iese, V., Kone, S., Luwesi, C., Scott, V., Smith, J., Talberg, A., Thompson, M., Zhuo, Z. 2015. Climate Engineering: Early Reflections on a Complex Conversation. Climate Law, Vol 5, pp 295 – 301.
Books and book chapters
Bird, Z., Wairiu, M., Jacot Des Combes, Iese, V (2021) Religious and Cultural-Spiritual Attributions of Climate-Driven Changes on Food Production: A Case Study from North Malaita, Solomon Islands. In Luetz, J.M., Nunn, P.D. (eds) Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. Springer, Cham.
Wairiu, M., Iese, V., Navunicagi, O., Fesaitu, J., Salili, D., Tabe, T., Keremama, M., Tigona, R., Veisa, F., Walelenea, J. J., Teva, C., Ha’apio, M., Vaike, L., Bird, Z., Roko, N., Vilsoni-Raduva, M., Francis, J., Haynes, E., Kiran, S., … Ward, C. . (2020). Assessing nutrition and socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Rural and Urban Communities in Fiji. The University of the South Pacific, Fiji.
Wairiu, M., Iese, V., Walelenea, J. J., Teva, C., Ha’apio, M., Keremama, M., Navunicagi, O., Fesaitu, J., Salili, D., Tabe, T., Tigona, R., Veisa, F., Vaike, L., Bird, Z., Roko, N., Vilsoni-Raduva, M., Francis, J., Haynes, E., Tikai, P., … Ward, A. C. (2020). Assessing nutritional and socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on rural and urban communities in Solomon Islands. The University of the South Pacific, Fiji.
Iese, V., Halavatau, S., N’Yeurt, A. D. R., Wairiu, M., Holland, E., Dean, A., Veisa, F., Patolo, S., Havea, R., Bosenaqali, S., Navunicagi, O. 2020. Agriculture in a Changing Climate. In L. Kumar (ed.), Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific, Springer Climate. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Nunn, P.D., McLean, R., Dean, A., Fong, T., Iese, V., Katonivualiki, M., Klock, C., Korovulavula, I., Kumar, R., Tabe, T. 2020. Adaptation to Climate change: Contemporary Challenges and Perspectives. In Kumar, L (ed) Climate change and impacts in the Pacific. Springer Climate. Springer Nature Switzerlan AG 2020.
Baptiste, L., Iese, V., Gordon, V., Bailey, A., Persaud, N., Nicholson, C., Dean, A. R., Wairiu, M., Navunicagi, O., Tarai, J., Teva, C. P. 2019. The transformative agenda for evaluation in Small Island Developing States: The Caribbean and the Pacific. In Rob D. van den Berg, Cristina Magro, and Silvia Salinas Mulder (eds). 2019. Evaluation for Transformational Change: Opportunities and Challenges for the Sustainable Development Goals. IDEAS, Exeter, UK.
Iese, V., Halavatau, S., N’Yeurt, A. D. R., Wairiu, M., Holland, E., Dean, A., Veisa, F., Patolo, S., Havea, R., Bosenaqali, S., Navunicagi, O. 2019. Agriculture Under a Changing Climate. In L. Kumar (ed.), Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific, Springer Climate. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Iese V, Paeniu L, Pouvalu S. I. F., Tuisavusavu A, Bosenaqali S, Wairiu M, Nand M, Maitava K, Jacot Des Combes H, Chute K, Apis-Overhoff L, Veisa F and Devi A. 2015. Food Security: Best Practices from the Pacific. Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD). The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Paeniu L, Iese V, Jacot Des Combes H, De Ramon N’Yeurt A, Korovulavula I, Koroi A, Sharma P, Hobgood N, Chung K and Devi A. 2015. Coastal Protection: Best Practices from the Pacific. Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD). The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Iese, V., Maeke, J, Holland, E., Wairiu, M., Naidu, S. 2014. Farming adaptations to the impacts of climate change and extreme events in Pacific Island Countries: Case study of Bellona atoll, Solomon Islands. In Ganpat, W.G and Isaac, W. P (eds) Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Small Island Developing States. IGI Global.
N’Yeurt, ADR., Iese, V. 2014. Sustainable agro-fertilizers from marine plants in Pacific SIDS. In Ganpat, W.G and Isaac, W. P (eds) Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Small Island Developing States. IGI Global.
Jacot des Combes, H., Hemstock, S., Holland, E., Iese, V. 2014. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction at Local Level. In Qalo, R (ed) Pacific Voices: local government and climate change. Suva, Fiji. USP Press.
Wairiu, M., Lal, M., Iese, V. 2012. Climate change implications on Food Production in Pacific Islands Region. In Aladjadjiyan, A (ed) Food Production – Approaches, Challenges and Tasks, ISBN 978-953-307-887-8, InTech, January 1, 2012.
Iese,V., Miller, C. 2011. Whales of the Pacific. In Brakes, P and Simmonds, M (eds) Whales and Dolphins cognition, culture, conservation and human perceptions. Earthscan, London.
Iese, V. 2021. How can we rise above the normal? Transforming agriculture in the Pacific to increase resilience under a changing climate. PhD Thesis, USP.
Iese, V. 2005. Characterization of the giant swamp taro (Cyrtoperma chamissonis) using morphological features, genetic fingerprinting and traditional knowledge of farmers in the Pacific. MSc Thesis, USP.
Policy Briefs
Iese, V., Wairiu, M., Fesaitu, J., Teva, C., Navunicagi, O., Unwin, N., Haynes, E., Guell, C., Francis, J (2020) Building the evidence base on community food production initiatives in Pacific Island Countries. CTA Technical Brief 34.
Holland, E.A. Iese, V., Yuen, L., Wairiu, M. 2018. Ocean Cities of the Pacific Islands. Policy Brief #1. The Ocean and the City. UNESCAP.
Holland, E.A. Iese, V., Nand, M., Wairiu, M. 2018. Ocean Cities of the Pacific Islands. Policy Brief #2. Re-naturing urbanization. UNESCAP.
Holland, E.A., Iese, V., Sallili, D., Wairiu, M. 2018. Ocean Cities of the Pacific Islands. Policy Brief #3.