Faculty From USP

Professor Arvind Patel is the Professor of Accounting with the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, USP. He is a graduate of the University of South Pacific (BA), University of New South Wales (MCom) and University of Queensland (PhD). Members of Certified Public Accountants (Australia), Fiji Institute of Accountants and Board member of Fiji Institute of Internal Auditors. He has served or is serving on various university committees, including the senate, academic standards and quality committee, faculty board, school faculty executive committee, faculty staff review committee, faculty publications committee, faculty research committee and senior treasurer of USPSA. He Published in leading international journals. Research interest includes; corporate governance, auditing, financial reporting, ethics and gender studies. Contributes extensively to community work in various capacities.


Please click here to view Prof. Patel’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

Dr. Baljeet Singh is an Associate Professor in the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, USP. He has over 15 years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy. He has a wide range of teaching and research experience in Economics and Official Statistics. He teaches MBA434 – South Pacific Business Environment with the Graduate School of Business.

He has published and contributed extensively to international journals and conferences. He is also a scientific committee member of several international conferences. He has done several consultancy projects for regional organizations. He has won a number of international research grants from major funding agencies, including GDN and ODN. His research interest includes Development economics, international finance, development finance, women and business, public policy and finance. Prior to joining academia, he worked at the Economic Planning Office, Ministry of Finance, Fiji.


Please click here to view Dr. Singh’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

Dr. Rup Singh is the Senior Lecturer in the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics (USP). He teaches postgraduate Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics and Business Statistics (for the MBA programme). He posses strong empirical and modelling skills. Rup has a working knowledge of statistical packages such as STATA, E-views, MicroFit and GEMPAC. His publications in the areas of monetary policy, trade and economic growth are in internationally ranked journals. He has recently completed his PhD in Growth Economics. He has won the Oceania Development Network (2011) research award and the Vice Chancellor’s Researcher Award (2010). He was awarded a gold medal for the best Masters thesis (2007) which got published in the USA. Rup has been consulted by various UN organizations for a number of research assignments concerning broader areas of economic growth and development challenges.


Please click here to view Dr. Singh’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

Dr. M.G.M Khan is an Associate Professor in Statistics and Deputy Head of School (LT&Q) at the School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics (STEMP), USP. He has been teaching statistics in SCIMS for more than 20 years. Dr. Khan teaches MBA431 – Quantitative Business Analysis course with the Graduate School of Business. Dr. Khan is carrying out research in the areas of Mathematical Programming and its Applications, Sampling Theory, Survey Sampling and Calibration Estimation; Optimization; Statistical Modelling; Machine Learning; Bayesian Estimation; Clustering; Environmental Science; Forecasting; Renewable Energy Studies and Data Science. He has published more than 100 international journal and conference papers in above research areas. He has successfully supervised 3 PhD and 24 MSc Students. Currently he is supervising 8 PhD and 10 MSc students in his areas of research.


Please click here to view Dr. M G M Khan’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

Dr. Neelesh Gounder is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics at USP. He has a PhD in economics

from Griffith University. Dr. Goundar teaches MBA439, Business Economics course with the Graduate School of Business.

He is also a Centre Associate at the Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University.

Dr Gounder is a recipient of the Greg Taylor Award in 2016 by the Australian National University. His research areas include governance and institutions, trade and poverty, and banking and finance.


Please click here to view Dr. Gounder’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

Dr. Sione Paea is a lecturer in Mathematics at School of Computing, Information and Mathematical Sciences (USP) who graduated with a PhD in Mathematics from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics courses at USP since 2013. Dr. Paea teaches MBA431 – Quantitative Business Analysis with the Graduate School of Business. Dr Paea is passionate about teaching, something that he considers as his core contribution to enrich learning in the Pacific. He has invested his life in teaching and mentoring the hearts and minds of students, as ultimate users, to become wise and genius in mathematics. This is particularly important nowadays because students’ mathematical experience is highly prioritised by most employers. He is interested in doing research on nano-crystal growth, coal pyrolysis, card sorting, and differential equation application. His words of encouragement: “Never quit, aim high, and think big. Never ever think small about yourself. You have to desire and drive to be the best. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it.”


Please click here to view Dr. Paea’s publications on USP Electronic Research Repository.

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