Academic Sections of the University

Teaching and research at The University of the South Pacific are conducted mainly by the six schools, the College of Foundation Studies and regional campuses. The schools are: School of Accounting, Finance and Economics (SAFE); School of Business and Management (SBM); School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics (STEMP); School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Oceans, and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS); School of Law and Social Sciences (SoLaSS); and School of Pacific Arts, Communication, and Education (SPACE). Disciplines within each school offer a wide range of programmes and courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The academic staff members in each school are also expected to be actively involved in research.

School of Accounting, Finance and Economics (SAFE)

The School of Accounting, Finance and Economics includes the following disciplines:

  • Accounting and Finance; and
  • Economics;

School of Business and Management (SBM)

The School of Business and Management includes the following disciplines:

  • Tourism and Hospitality;
  • Management and Public Administration;
  • GSB; and
  • Land Management

School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics (STEMP)

The School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics includes the following disciplines:

  • Electrical/Electronics Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Physics
  • Computer Science & Information Systems
  • Mathematics and Statistics

School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Oceans, and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS)

The School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Oceans, and Natural Sciences includes the following disciplines:

  • Agriculture and Food Technology;
  • Geography; Earth Science & Environment;
  • Biological, Chemical Sciences & Environment; and
  • Marine Studies;

School of Law and Social Sciences (SoLaSS)

The School of Law and Social Sciences includes the following disciplines:

  • Law, Governance & Social Science & Development Studies; and
  • Social Sciences

School of Pacific Arts, Communication, and Education (SPACE)

The School of Pacific Arts, Communication, and Education includes the following disciplines:

  • Journalism & Media;
  • Education; and
  • English Language; Cook Islands Maori; Fijian; Hindi; Rotuman; Chinese; French; Vanuatu Language Studies;  Vagahau Niue; Tongan and Niuafo’ou;
  • Linguistics; Literature;
  • Oceania Centre of Arts & Culture; Pacific Studies; and
  • Research Methodology

Other sections of the University that are involved in teaching are:


Pacific Technical & Further Education (Pacific TAFE) is a strategically amalgamated and integrated learning and teaching section which offers high quality Skills Based Qualifications (SBQ’s), Foundation and Preliminary studies. The programmes provide employment opportunities at entry and para professional levels, pathways for higher studies at USP where approved, and career advancement for working people. The two learning and teaching units are:

College of Foundation Studies;

College of Continuing Vocational Education and Training

Pacific TAFE has achieved Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).This means that Pacific TAFE can deliver qualifications which are accredited with Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and has global recognition. Ten (10) of its qualifications have been externally accredited on the Fiji Qualifications Framework (FQF) by Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC). The Certificate III in Commercial Cookery and Certificate IV in Hospitality Operations programmes are internationally accredited by International Centre of Excellence in Tourism & Hospitality Education (THE-ICE). The Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care programme has international recognition by Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Certificate III in Community Development programme is internationally accredited by Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA). The Diploma of Information Technology (level 5) programme has been recognised by Skills International New Zealand confirming that Pacific TAFE’s Diploma of Information Technology (Level 5) aligns to the New Zealand Diploma in Information Technology – Technical Support (Level 5).


The Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) encompasses the Programme Design and Development (PDD) Team, the Learning Systems Team (LST) and Multimedia Team (MMT). The Programme Design and Development Team develop high quality learning materials for students in flexible learning. The Learning Systems Team manages and maintains the University’s Learning Management System (Moodle) and learning technologies. The Multimedia Team offers a wide range of services in quality and innovative production of educational media including services in audio, video, graphics, photography, animation, multimedia and web design. The Centre for Flexible Learning is also responsible for training students and staff in the use of Moodle and the learning technologies and new pedagogies that are integrated with flexible learning design and development.


Student Learning Support (SLS) provides academic support to students in the form of workshops, mentoring, drop-in (individual consultation), ACTS, online support and Success@USP. SLS also offers the English Language Skills course EL001.


The Centre primarily works with relevant sections of the University, regional governments, intergovernmental organisations, CROP agencies and NGOs to promote sustainable development in the Pacific. PaCE-SD is a Centre of Excellence for teaching, training and research-based capacity building for the Pacific Islands Region.

PaCE-SD pursues its current goals through five thematic areas:

Postgraduate Training and Teaching

Research Publications and Consultancies

Community Engagement and Outreach

Capacity Building, Workshops, Conferences and Training

Communication and Visibility

PaCE-SDs priority areas are Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Work in these areas is carried out with support from major donor funded projects:

Supporting the European Union (EU) Global Climate Change Alliance through Capacity Building Research, Community Engagement and Applied Research (USP EU GCCA).

The Pacific Technical Vocational Education and Training (PACTVET) project of the EU funded Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) programme being implemented in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).

The USAID funded Coastal Community Adaptation project being implement with Development Alternatives International.

PaCE-SD hosts a weekly science seminar series to encourage community exchange and application of innovative research to Pacific problems and issues.

PaCE-SD student and staff alumni are working together throughout the region and the planet to build climate resilient sustainable futures for Pacific Island countries.

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