Honorary Awards Regulations


1.1 The Council may award the Honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Laws (LLD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) according to Statute 21 (g): ‘On the recommendation of a Joint Committee of the Senate and the Council, to grant any special academic distinctions, including honorary degrees’.

1.2 Honorary degrees may be conferred in the following areas:

(a) DLitt – arts, humanities, and social sciences, or service to society;

(b) LLD – law, public service, and public policy;

(c) DSc – science, engineering, and related areas.

1.3 There are six criteria against which nominations can be considered. Nominations can be made citing one or more of the following:

(a) Academic and scholarly distinction;

(b) Service to subject areas offered by the University;

(c) Work in areas of special concern to the University according to its strategic direction;

(d) Exceptional contribution to the well-being of Pacific Island societies;

(e) Public service;

(f) Service to the University.

1.4 The work of nominees for the award of the Honorary Doctor of the University would normally be expected to have gained them national, regional and/or international standing and impact.

1.5 The candidate should have a distinguished list of publications and/or long standing service contribution to the Pacific islands.


2.1 The Council may award the Honorary degree of Master of the University (MU) according to Statute 21 (g): ‘On the recommendation of a Joint Committee of the Senate and the Council, to grant any special academic distinctions, including honorary degrees’.

2.2 There are four criteria against which nominations can be considered. Nominations can be made citing one or more of the following:

(a) Outstanding service in an academic or professional area;

(b) Service in an area of special concern to the University in any one of the member countries of the USP region;

(c) Notable contribution to the well-being of Pacific island societies;

(d) Service to the wider community and especially work that has helped the underprivileged.


3.1 The Honorary Degrees Committee shall be established by Council and shall consist of the Pro- Chancellor, who shall be the Chair of the Committee, the Vice-Chancellor & President, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), two members of Council (who are not members of Senate) to be appointed by Council, and two members of Senate to be appointed by Senate.

3.2 The appointed members of the Honorary Degrees Committee shall hold office for a period of two (2) years and are eligible for reappointment.

3.3 An appointed member shall cease to hold office on ceasing to be a member of Councilor Senate, as the case may be. Any casual vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority.

3.4 It is the responsibility of the Committee:

(a) To consider nominations for Honorary degrees, and if it agrees unanimously, to recommend to the Council the award of the degrees;

(b) To take active measures to identify nominees, over and above those nominated by members of Senate and Council;

(c) To recommend to the Council changes to the criteria and qualifications for candidates for Honorary degrees;

(d) To make recommendations on any other matters concerning forms of recognition that the Senate or Council may refer to the Committee.


4.1 Members of the Council and the Senate may nominate to the Honorary Degrees Committee a person who has an exceptional record of achievement and integrity for an Honorary Degree.

4.2 Nominations must be made on the standard Honorary Degree Nomination Form and submitted to the Secretary to Council. The application form can be found at: http://policylib.usp.ac.fj/form.readdoc.php?id=972

4.3 Normally, a nominator can nominate only one person at any one time.

4.4 A nominator or person who writes letter(s) in support of nominees shall withdraw fromthe room when the nomination is being considered.

4.5 All proceedings under these regulations, except a resolution of the Council to confer the Honorary Degree, shall be confidential and taken in committee.

4.6 A person being nominated should not be aware that a nomination has been made or is under consideration.

4.7 If the Council approves the nomination and the nominee accepts the Honorary degree, the conferring of the degree shall be scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient to the University and the nominee within three years of its being approved.

4.8 In view of the regional nature of the University, it would be expected that such awards be conferred at the degree ceremony in one of the USP member countries.

4.9 No nomination should be made, nor any degree conferred, in consideration of the payment of money or the donation of property.


5.1 The Senate may confer the honorary title of Professor Emeritus upon a Professor of the University whom Senate deems worthy of the distinction. It is an honorary title that carries no salary or other benefits.

5.2 The title of Professor Emeritus may be conferred normally on the retirement of the Professor from the University after long and distinguished service.

5.3 Members of the Senate may nominate to the Vice-Chancellor & President a person deemed worthy of this distinction. The appointment is usually proposed by a fellow Professor.

5.4 The Vice-Chancellor & President or delegate shall bring the name(s) of nominees before a Committee of Senate which shall consider whether to recommend the conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus to Senate. A comprehensive CV is required and given to the Committee for review.

5.5 If the Committee unanimously recommends the conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus, the Vice-Chancellor & President or delegate shall bring the recommendation before Senate, which shall determine whether the title shall be conferred. If the Senate were to vote on the resolution, the decision would require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.

5.6 All proceedings under these regulations, except a resolution of the Senate to confer the title of Professor Emeritus, shall be confidential and taken in committee.

5.7 A person being nominated must not be aware that a nomination has been made or is under consideration.

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