Regulations Governing Copyright

NOTE: These Regulations should be read in conjunction with the Copyright Policy and Guidelines [Policy No. 3.4.5].

1.0 The University of the South Pacific has a legal obligation to ensure that all University staff are copyright compliant. All USP staff are required to ensure that they are copyright compliant when using third party copyright material. As most course materials are prepared in Fiji, these Guidelines are based on the Fiji Copyright Act 1999. Students should follow the copyright laws of the country in which they are domiciled.

1.1 This Regulation applies to staff and students of USP.


2.1 Copying means reproducing or recording a work in any material form and includes storing (literary, dramatic, musical. or artistic works) in any medium by any means (e.g. CD Rom, DVD, computer). It does not include communicating the work or making it available online electronically, on an intranet or through Moodle.

2.2 When copying from a copyright work it is important that it is an accurate copy of the original. It should not be adapted or reformatted, this will infringe the rights of the author or the rights of the publisher in the typography of the work.

2.3 Copyright material can be freely used to set and answer questions for examination purposes and can be communicated online to candidates.


3.1 Staff should provide a full bibliographic list of all collections of readings that are copied and provided for students at the beginning of the course book or reader in which they are contained. This should include the title of the work, the author and publisher, the country and year in which it was published, the ISBN (where possible). The pages copied and the number of pages in the work. While material copied for “criticism or review” does not need to be included in the bibliographic list of readings it must be only acknowledged in the course materials.

3.2 A notice should be provided indicating that the copy was made under the provisions of the Fiji Copyright Act 1999 or under licence from rights-holders or their agents. The notice must also state that the material may not be copied further without appropriate authority.

3.3 Where the copyright owner has indicated that the material can be freely copied for non-commercial or educational purposes, this should be indicated on the bibliographic list provided in the course pack or reader. Similarly, where specific authority has been obtained to copy beyond the provisions of the Copyright Act then this should be indicated here as well in line with the following suggestions:

CC – Creative Commons;

CL – Copied under licence;

OA – Open Access;

PD – Public Domain

4.0 Any copying or use of copyright works beyond these procedures must be cleared through the USP Copyright and IP Officer.

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