The Council - 2023

(Statutes of The University of the South Pacific s12)

Updated December 2021

The Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council

Dr Hilda Cathy Heine, Ed. D

Vice-Chancellor & President

Professor Pal Ahluwalia, BA MA Sask., PhD Flin.

One member appointed by each of the Government of the following regional members each of which was a named country under the Charter (as the name may have been amended) or which has been subsequently admitted to the University as a Member country

Cook Islands

Minister for Education

Republic of Kiribati

Minister for Education

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Minister for Education

Republic of Nauru

Minister for Education


Minister for Education

Solomon Islands

Minister for Education


Minister for Education


Minister for Education

Kingdom of Tonga

Minister for Education

Republic of Vanuatu

Minister for Education

Two members appointed by the Government of Samoa

Minister for Education

Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Finance

Five members appointed by the Government of the Republic of the Fiji

Minister for Education

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economy

Ms Fay Yee, BA CA

Mr Mahmood Khan, BCom

One member appointed by each of the Governments of Australia and New Zealand

Professor Caroline McMillen, appointed by the Government of Australia

Professor Pat Walsh, appointed by the Government of New Zealand

The Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat or a Nominee of the Secretary-General

Mr Henry Puna

Two professors of the University appointed by the University Senate in accordance with Statute 29(s);

Professor Sushil Kumar, BSc MSc Agra PhD Bítullah

Professor Elisabeth Holland

Two members of the University staff, at least one of whom is a member of the non-professorial academic staff, to be elected or appointed in accordance with the relevant Ordinance;


Two registered students of the University to represent the student body, one to represent the students based at the Laucala campus, and one to represent students at other University campuses in the region, both students to be elected or appointed in accordance with the relevant Ordinance;

USPSA Federal (Laucala Based)

USPSA Federal (Regional Based)

Up to seven persons co-opted by the Council, at least one of whom must be a graduate of the University and at least one of whom must be a person from the Solomon Islands, each appointment to be made in accordance with the criteria set out in Statute 14 and in accordance with the relevant Ordinance.

Ms Lorna A. Johansson, BCom Auck.

Ms Petunia Tupou, LLB BA (PolSc) Waik.

Mr Semi Tukana, BSc S.Pac., MIS UQ


Secretary to Council

In Attendance

Executive Director of Finance

Officers in attendance to Government representatives


Representatives of DFAT, MFAT, ADB

Any other persons at the request of the Pro-Chancellor & Chair of Council

Staff members at the request of the Vice-Chancellor & President




Updated December 2021

(Sub-committees of the Committees of Council are not listed)


Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council (Chair)

Vice-Chancellor & President

Deputy Pro-Chancellor

Chairs of such other committees as the Council shall from time to time decide

Not fewer than five members of the Council appointed by the region as members, at least one of whom must be from Fiji

Such other members of the Council, not exceeding three, as the Council may appoint for terms of up to three years.


Secretary to Council


Chair -member of Council appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the

Governance & Nominations committee

2 members of Council, who are either member country representatives or co-opted members.

Appointed by the Governance and Nominations committee

2 independent members from outside the university with relevant audit or risk management

knowledge & expertise. Appointed by the Governance & Nominations committee

Ex officio members: Vice Chancellor and Chair of Council


Council and Senate Secretariat

In Attendance

Vice-Chancellor & President

Executive Director of Finance

Director Assurance & Compliance

Internal Auditor (where applicable)

A representative of the External Auditors (where applicable)

Other persons may be invited to attend as necessary


The Council Shall Appoint, Excluding the Council’s Chair, a Chair of the Committee from

Council, who has financial expertise.

Ex Officio Members – The Pro-Chancellor & Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor & President

Three Council Members, one of whom must be from Fiji, and at least one of whom has financial

expertise appointed by the Council.

At least two independent members from outside the University with expertise in financial

governance or legal matters appointed by the Council.

Head, School Of Accounting, Finance & Economics (Senate Representative).

One academic or professional member of USP staff elected by the staff.

One Laucala based student appointed by the USPSA Federal.


Council and Senate Secretariat

In Attendance

Executive Director of Finance


Chair -member of Council appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the

Governance & Nominations committee

2 members of Council, who are either member country representatives or co-opted members.

Nominated by the Governance and Nominations committee and appointed by Council

2 independent members from outside the university with relevant human resources and work

force strategy knowledge & expertise. Nominated by the Governance & Nominations

committee and appointed by Council

Ex officio members: Vice Chancellor and Chair of Council


Secretary to Council

Search Committee (For Appointment of the Pro-Chancellor)

Three member country Council representatives selected by Council

One member country Council representative from Fiji

One external member appointed by the Search Committee

The Search Committee may co-opt one other non-voting member with specialized skills as necessary

The Vice-Chancellor & President is in attendance to provide assistance to the Committee but will have no voting rights

* The Chair of the Committee is selected from one of the four country Council representatives


Secretary to Council

Trust Fund

Vice-Chancellor & President of USP (Chair)

One person, being a  member of Council

Three Independent members from outside the University with expertise in the area of investment, trust law, and knowledge/ experience of managing significant endowment funds

In Attendance 

Executive Director Finance, USP


Council and Senate Secretariat


Academic Appointments: Professorial appointment

Vice-Chancellor & President (Chair)

Deputy Vice-Chancellors

Head of School in which the appointment is to be made

One other Head of School

Two professors, with one being from another School

One or two non-staff members of Council

Academic Appointments: Sub-professorial appointment

Vice-Chancellor & President or nominee (Chair)

Head of School in which the appointment is to be made

One other Head of School or nominee

Head of school or department in which the appointment is to be made

Institute Appointment

Vice-Chancellor & President or nominee (Chair)

Director of the institute

Director of another institute Dean of a faculty

Appointments to comparable posts

Vice-Chancellor & President or nominee (Chair)

Head of section in which the appointment is to be made

Two other heads of faculties/sections/institutes

Two non-staff members of Council for an appointment at professorial level


Human Resources



Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council (Chair)

Vice-Chancellor & President [for DVC/VP/COO positions]

Four members of Council at least three of whom must be Government Ministers

Two members of the Senate to be appointed by the Senate


Secretary to Council


Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council (Chair)

Two members of Council who are not members of Senate to be appointed by Council

Vice-Chancellor & President

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Two members of the Senate to be appointed by Senate


Council and Senate Secretariat


Pro Chancellor or nominee (Chair)

Vice-Chancellor & President or nominee

Two members of the Discipline Committee who had not participated in the enquiry into the complaint, one of whom shall be a representative of USPSA.


Council and Senate Secretariat

USP Chat Service
Lets start: