The Institute of Education (IoE) is a self-funding institute operating under the School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE) at The University of the South Pacific (USP). The Institute consists of 4 Units, the: (1) Research Development Unit; (2) Professional Development & Learning Unit; (3) Waka Publications Unit; and the (4) Corporate Unit. IoE’s head office is based in Ha’ateiho, Tonga with IoE offices in Honiara, Solomon Islands and Suva, Fiji.
IoE’s purpose remains to become the regional hub of excellence in Pacific education research, with the expertise and resources to develop capacity in the region to achieve and sustain quality education at all levels. As a self-funding institute, the IoE does not primarily receive funding from USP but is fully dependent on its own capacity to generate income to cover its investment in future projects, Pay Expenses, Non-Pay Expenses, as well as USP Recurrent Overheads and the USP Royalty Levy.
The Institute of Education’s mandated areas of focus include: professional development delivery; publishing teaching and learning materials for Pacific schools; providing policy advice; conducting applied research; and providing technical consultancies. This mandate stands today and the IoE fulfils it through its three core Programmes: Research and Development Programme; Professional Development and Learning Programme; and the Waka Publications Programme.
The IoE’s vision and mission are derived from the University’s charter and its service to the member nations of the USP.
All IoE’s operations are underpinned by four core values: maintaining strong relationships, integrity, humility, and innovation.
Kalia (upgrade, expand and partner):
Solwara (sail towards depth and quality):
Lan (expand the vision of the research base):
Laea (maintaining through monitoring and evaluation):
Enua (national & regional impact):