Ms. Rosarine. A .Rafai
Discipline/Centre/Institute: Pacific Studies /OCACPS/ SPACE
Email Address:
Extension number: Ext 1595
Expertise / Activities:
* Facilitating Learning and Teaching. Teaching including adult Education ( Matua)
* keen interest in Pacific cultures, languages, Indigenous Knowledge and the natural environment
*Member of ‘Tokani ‘ Group of the Fiji Museum – historic archival based
*Member of ‘Mareqeti Viti’ NGO – nature and sustainable environment based
*Participated in Pacific TAFE Workforce Dev Training Unit – Workplace Leadership
*Committee member of the Rotuman Language Commission ITTB ( Itaukei Trust Board ) project
* Contributor to the Rotuman Language Classes at the University of the South Pacific ie Social Classes and the Elective component
*Translator – Covid 19 Rotuman Translation team for MoH ( Ministry of Health, Fiji)
*Co-Chairperson of the USP Rotuman Language Committee
*Member of the Suva Rotuman Women’s Association – help critique guidelines concerning the activities of the Rotuman women’s association
*Member of the ASAO (Association of Sociology and Anthropology in Oceania) Research and rethinking People and their narratives on their Culture, Indigenous knowledge and natural environment –
* Research, collect and create possible resources for Rotuman language classes/ learning etc.
Educational Background/ Qualifications:
PGCTT ( Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching ) USP (2019)
M.Ed. ( Masters in Education ) USP (2008)
PGDip( Education) USP ( 2004)
PG Cert ( Education) USP (2001)
BA ( Geography , Language Literature ) USP ( 1997)
Biography: ROSARINE. A.RAFAI is a Teaching Assistant in the School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education- SPACE, at the University of the South Pacific (USP). Her teaching journey spans just over 2 decades of teaching in Secondary Schools in Fiji. These years included teaching at the second chance adult education ‘Matua’ Classes in Nabua Secondary School (Fiji). She is a Master in Education (Med) graduate from USP with a specific focus on culture and learning in the Pacific Classroom. Her research interests include Pacific cultures, epistemologies, Indigenous knowledge, Language and learning with a keen focus on the influence of globalization on the different learning spaces in the Pacific.
Research Interests: Culture and Language , Education and Tradition / Indigenous / local knowledge
Awards: *USP PPRS ( Pacific People’s Research Skills ) 2018 ( USP ) – IMELT trip to Adelaide and presentation – best presentation ‘italitali’
*Confucius Centre – 2017 (USP) Staff Introductory Chinese language Class – Best -pronunciation language Class ( Mandrin)
Publications & Presentations:
Selected Publications
- Co – authored a paper “The Classroom as a metaphorical canoe: reconceptualising teaching and learning in the Pacific” By Rosarine Rafai and Betty Kamoe- Manuofetoa – presented and published as proceedings 2014 from Education Conference: Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference 2014 in Tonga
- Rosarina Rafai (USP) on mats in Rotuma ( video link )
Published Video on Jul 29, 2016 Video by Danni Eather and the Fiji Field School (Macquarie University) in cooperation with the University of the South Pacific and Fiji Museum exploring the ritual and religious significance of mats and weaving on the island of Rotuma in Fiji. Publications - Published a chapter titled – Across Glassy Oceans in “Foot Prints” a publication in honor of USP’s 50th Anniversary. Published by The Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) USP
- Cited in Published Chapter The USP Students pg54 in ‘Fifty Years of Flexible Learning at the University of the South Pacific 1968 -2018 a publication in honor of USP’s 50th Anniversary. Published by Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL). USP
- Published in IMELT“I talitali Framework: Developing a model for engaged learning and teaching in the Pacific” Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching (IMELT) Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
- Chart ‘Rotuman Language – Body Parts 1’–published by Dr Tarisi Vunidilo. @TALANOAWITHDRT#BODYPARTSROTUMA2
TRANSLATOR: ROSARINE RAFAI @MEREWAIRITA VUNIDILO - COVID 19 Rotuman Instructions published in MoH COVID19 Vaccination – Translator C19 Team,
‘Parea ‘it ‘e masae’ te Covid 19 – Roll out banner and instructions MoH Project Rotuma ( 2021 June – July) - UN collaborative text submission – 2019 International year of indigenous language (In review) “They’ve always been here but we could not hear them. We could not see them.” A collaborative text by: Marjorie Crocombe, Rod Dixon, Robert Early, Wilfred Fimone, Rachel Fiu, Joan Gragg, Tifaole Ioane, Mojito Jione, Seu’ula Johansson – Fua, Birtha Lisimoni – Togahai, Anoano Lolohea, Sally Akevai Nicholas, Semi Arthur Nasau, Vae Papatua, Rosarine Rafai, Hendricks Taleo, Melenaite Taumoefoalu, Tricia Thompson, ‘Ana Heti Veikune and Fiona Willans
- TCP (The Contemporary Pacific ) fall publication (In Progress) 2021 (Nov) [EXT] Ready for Review :Rafai, Qalo –Qiolevu, and Radua-Stephens’ “Becoming Educators in Oceania: From Ridge to Reef to the Region and Then Returning
Conference Presentation
- Co – author Betty Manuofetoa presented paper“ The Classroom as a Metaphorical Canoe: reconceptualising teaching and Learning in the Pacific” at the Vaka Pacifiki Education Conference in Tonga ( 2014)
- Presented a paper to the Macquarie University Students on “ Rotuman Mats: Mana at the fingertips of the Rotuman Women-Is kaka’ man ‘on hian Rotuma”(2016)
- Helped set up and present a window display in an Exhibition on Rotuman Mats at the Museum( 2 large show cases) – (2016) “ Rotuman Mats: Mana at the fingertips of the Rotuman Women-Is kaka’ man ‘on hian Rotuma”(2016) (The Exhibition and workshop on Mats “Mats Matter” was in Collaboration of the University of the South Pacific, The Fiji Museum, Ministry of Education, Culture and Heritage, Fiji and the University of Macquarie, Australia
- Presented a paper to the Macquarie University Students on “ Rotuman Mats: Mana at the fingertips of the Rotuman Women-Is kaka’ man ‘on hian Rotuma”(2016) (The Exhibition and workshop on Mats “Mats Matter” was in Collaboration of the University of the South Pacific, The Fiji Museum, Ministry of Education, Culture and Heritage, Fiji and the University of Macquarie, Australia)
- Presented and Curated ‘Rotuman Mats’ in the Fiji Museum I Itaukei Trust Fund (ITTF) Project. ( 2017)
- Co-presented a paper entitled “RSD the Pacific Way – I talitali rubric” at the Pacific Peoples’ Research Skills (PPRS) Symposium, USP Laucala Campus, Suva. (August 29 -30, 2017) *won the best presentation award – University of Adelaide Trip and presentation
- Co-presented a paper entitled “I talitali Framework: Developing a model for engaged learning and teaching in the Pacific” at the International Conference on Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching (IMELT) Conference, Adelaide, Australia. (11-13 December, 2017)
- Co-presented paper entitled “Communal learning in a virtual village” at at the Improving University Teaching (IUT) Conference, Port Macquarie, Australia. (June 27 -29, 2018)…..
- Co presented paper titled “The metaphorical Canoe: Navigating and sharing sacred spaces” at the Improving University Teaching (IUT) Conference, Port Macquarie, Australia. (June 27 -29, 2018)
- Co- presented at the Community of practice (CoP) for Research Skills Development (RSD) at USP on 27 April, 2018. AUSAID Theatre Ref:
- Co-presented a group paper entitled ‘i – Talitali rubric: Enhancing student learning in the Pacific context’ at the Pacific Peoples Research Skills Symposium in August, 2018 (Suva, Fiji).
- Co-presented a 3 authored paper entitled ‘Guiding stars, sails and gyres: navigating and negotiating cultural’ spaces at an informal session on Schooling in the Pacific at the ASAO (Association for Sociology and Anthropology in Oceania ) conference, Auckland, Zealand in February, 2019
- Co-presented a 3 authored paper entitled ‘De colonizing schooling in Oceania’ Bearing a Basket of Food for the Journey and for Life at an informal session on Education and Empowerment: Schooling in the Pacific at the ASAO (Association for Sociology and Anthropology in Oceania )conference, Hilo, Hawaii, in Jan, 2020
- Co-presented a 3 authored paper entitled ‘De colonizing Anthropology – A view from Oceania’ at an informal session on Schooling in the Pacific at the ASAO (Association for Sociology and Anthropology in Oceania )conference, Hilo, Hawaii, in Jan, 2020
- Co-presented a 3 authored paper entitled Changing Roles for the Ageing Population in the Fiji Urban Diaspora: Comparison Between the itaukei and Indo – Fijian at an informal session at the ASAO (Association for Sociology and Anthropology in Oceania ) conference, Hilo, Hawaii, in Jan, 2020