The PACRES Steering Committee meeting in Nadi a success.


02nd September 2022. – The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) project held its Project Steering Committee Meeting in Nadi, Fiji, from 30 August to 01 September 2022.

The three-day meeting brought together PACRES country representatives and partners to discuss the region’s progress and the way forward as it grapples with the negative effects of climate change.

Funded by European Union Intra-ACP GCCA+, the University of the South Pacific (USP) supports three Key Result Areas (KRAs) as part of the USP PACRES components.

The USP PACRES project supports sub-national climate change and disaster risk management trainings, as well as the mainstreaming of climate change and disaster risk management into nation-al, sub-national, and community development plans, and the scaling-up of ecosystem-based adapta-tion pilots.

The USP PACRES project is currently assisting postgraduate students with climate change re-search, as well as the development of two climate action online courses, in order to promote re-search and capacity building in the P-ACP region.

The project component also supports facilitation of, and participation in preparatory trainings for COP events, including Pre-COP Trainings and SPREP-led negotiator trainings. Working with P-ACP gov-ernments, PACRES supports young negotiators for participation in UNFCCC Conference of Parties events.

In light of challenges faced with COVID and the occurrence of disasters, the Project Steering Com-mittee members reviewed PACRES progress from 2021 to 2022 and discussed adjustments to scheduled activities for next year. The meeting also gave PACRES country representatives and partners an opportunity to provide input on progress and proposed adjustments.

In giving the closing remarks on behalf of the implementing partners, Ms. Linda Vaike, Acting Project Team Leader for USP PACRES said “The PACRES accomplishments that have been shared over the two-days speaks to the resilience of the Pacific Communities in the midst of global crises such as the COVID and Climate Change. While we celebrate the accomplishments, we are reminded that there is more that’s left to be done.”

The USP component of the EU funded Intra-ACP GCCA+ PACRES programme is implemented in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Pacif-ic Community (SPC), and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).

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