Leadership and Governance Training, Barana Community, Solomon Islands


A Leadership and Governance training took place over two days on October 11th and 12th, 2022 at the Barana Resource Centre in the Solomon Islands’ Barana Community Nature and Heritage Park.

Supported through the European Union funded PACRES Programme, the two-day training brought together a total of 17 participants. The Barana Community Heritage Park Management Committee (BCNHP), Barana tribal chiefs, religious leaders, women, youth, and school leaders were among participants who attended the training.

The objectives of the training are to enhance the leadership and governance capacity of the Barana Community Leaders and enable these community change agents to mainstream Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management into their local community development plans.

Mr. Eddie Huitarau, Coordinator for Ahetana Water Conservation and President of the Solomon Islands Rangers Association, led the training.

“Good governance involves stewardship,” said Mr. Huitarau, the training facilitator, “that is, being able to manage the affairs of all community members and providing them with opportunities to effectively exercise their rights.Governance entails more than just structures, processes, and power; it also entails being fair in dispute resolution and managing community resources effectively.” she added.

During the training, participants engaged in group discussions and practical exercises to demonstrate what good leadership, inclusivity and governance qualities should look like in their community.

The participants also realized their abilities and responsibilities as a leader, change agent and committee member.

The majority of the current BCNHP executive committee members unpacked several difficult experiences they have encountered while organizing meetings to develop and implement community development plans.

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