Welcome to the Future Climate Leaders Project (FCLP)
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Climate change education and training is necessary to assist Pacific Islanders in combatting climate change impacts and vulnerabilities in the Pacific region. The AusAID Future Climate Leaders Project 1 (FCLP1) aims to meet this need through the development and delivery of formal and non-formal climate change education in the Pacific.
Based at the University of the South Pacific (USP), FCLP1 is implemented through the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD). The collaboration strengthens a commitment to the delivery of quality tertiary-level education and non-formal training in climate change to Pacific Island people.
In 2010, FCLP1 established a Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Change programme at USP and has been continuing with the enhancement of climate change education in the Pacific ever since.
In essence, the project provides tertiary education needs, specialized training needs and community outreach programs in climate change to the people of the Pacific, enabling them to become our “Future Climate Leaders”.