Staff Details:

Dr. Hilda Waqa-Sakiti

Position: Lecturer

Tel: +679 3231089


Teaching Duties

PC425: Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment (Course Coordinator) – Semester 2

PC420: Research Projects on Climate Change (Student supervision) – Semester 1 & 2

PC427: New Course- Social Impact Assessment (Support Course Coordination) – Semester 1

Research Interest

Environmental Management

Conservation & Biodiversity

Terrestrial Ecology

Insect Taxonomy & Biogeography and Climate Change


  1. Waqa-Sakiti, H. Taxonomy, Host Selection, Biogeography and Species Distribution Modelling of the Fijian Long-horned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). PhD Thesis, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
  2. Waqa-Sakiti, H. 2006. Diversity and Distribution of forest canopy coleopteran along an altitudinal gradient on Eastern Viti Levu, Fiji. MSc Thesis, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Journal Papers, Books & Technical reports:

  1.  Dorevella, N., Waqa-Sakiti, H. and Tabe, T. 2021. Climate change adaptation programmes on water security in the Pacific: A focus on the Solomon Islands. Pacific Dynamics, 5: 1- 17.
  2. Waqa-Sakiti, H. Hodge, S. and Winder, L. 2018. Distribution of long-horned beetles (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) within the Fijian Archipelago. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 36 (1): 1-8.
  3.  Tuiwawa, M., Waqa-Sakiti, H., Tuiwawa, S., Naikatini, A., Copeland, L. and Rashni, B. 2018. Colo-i-suva Forest Park Wildlife, USP Press, Suva.
  4. Aguilar, G. D., Waqa-Sakiti, H. and Winder L. 2016. GIS for Conservation: Using Predicted Locations and an Ensemble Approach to Address Sparse Data Sets for Species Distribution Modelling: Long-horned Beetles (Cerambycidae) of the Fiji Islands. Unitec ePress. Retrieved from
  5. Waqa-Sakiti, H., Winder, L. and Lingafelter, S. 2015. Review of the genus Ceresium Newman, 1842 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Fiji. ZooKeys, 532: 15- 53.
  6. Marinov, M. and Waqa-Sakiti, H. 2014. A Fieldguide to the Odonates of Viti Levu, Fiji. USP Press, Suva.
  7. Waqa-Sakiti, H. 2013. Insects. In: Tuiwawa, M, V., Pene, S. & Tuiwawa, S. H. (eds.) A Rapid Biodiversity Assessment, Socioeconomic Study and Archaeological Survey of the Rewa River Mangroves, Viti Levu, Fiji. IUCN Oceania, Suva, Fiji.
  8. Waqa- Sakiti H., Stewart A., Cizek L. and Hodge S. 2013. Patterns of three species usage by long-horn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Fiji. Pacific Science, 68 (1).
  9. Waqa-Sakiti, H. 2013. Chapter 5- Insects. In Tuiwawa, M., Pene, S., and Tuiwawa S. (Eds). A rapid biodiversity assessment and archaeological survey of the Fiji REDD+ pilot site, Emalu forest, Viti Levu, pp. 59- 63. Institute of Applied Sciences, USP, Suva.
  10. Aalbersberg, B., Avosa, M., James, R., Kaluwin, C., Lokani, P., Opu, J., Siwatibau, S., Tuiwawa, M., Waqa-Sakiti, H. and Tordoff. A. 2012. Ecosystem profile: east melanesian islands biodiversity hotspot. University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
  11. Waqa-Sakiti H. and Winder L. 2012. Diversity and distribution of forest canopy coleopteran on Eastern Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, 18 (3): 177- 185.
  12. Waqa-Sakiti, H., Liga, A. and Cakacaka, T. 2011. Entomology report of the upper Wainavadu and Waisoi, Namosi Province. Institute of Applied Science, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
  13. Tuiwawa, M., Tuiwawa, S., Koliyavu, T. Waqa-Sakiti, H., and Naikatini, A. and Nakoro, E. 2010. Rapid assessment of the district, Nakasaleka, Fiji Islands – water and nature initiative (WANI) project. Institute of Applied Sciences, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
  14. Waqa, H., and Lingafelter, S. 2009. New Fijian Callidiopini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). New Fijian Callidiopini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 106: 3-15.
  15. Van Gossum, H., Beatty, C., Charlat, S., Waqa, H., Markwell, T., Skevington, J., Tuiwawa, M. and Sherratt, T. 2007. Male rarity and putative sex-role reversal in Fijian damselflies (Odonata). Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23: 591- 598.
  16. Prasad, S., and Waqa-Sakiti, H. 2007. Butterflies of the Fiji Islands. University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Current MSc Students

Stephen Simon PACE-SD, USP

Simpson Mewa PACE-SD, USP

Denise Vanzie PACE-SD, USP

Salote Nasalo PACE-SD, USP

Annie Kartika PACE-SD, USP


Yvette Tari PACE-SD, USP

Nicholas Metherall PACE-SD, USP

Bradley Alungo PACE-SD, USP


Current PhD Students

Jyoti Mala Prasad, PACE-SD, USP

Filipe Veisa, PACE-SD, USP

Bindiya Rashni, SAGEONS, USP

Students Completed

Noella Dorevella, MSc – (2021) PACE-SD, USP

Karen Komiti, MSc – (2021) PACE-SD, USP

Suchindra Dayal, MSc – (2021) PACE-SD, USP

Filipe Veisa (2019), MSc – PACE-SD, USP

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