

The activities proposed should include, among others:

– Preparation of teaching material/tools and syllabus (along with the experts) for training sessions, workshops and publication on the website of RERIPA, on project engineering, open innovation, R&I brokering, impact pathway, Intellectual property, contracting, writing up project proposals, labelling/certification, business development, etc.

– Training of trainers (ex. for the services of public R&I bodies), based on an in-person class format, with approximately 25 students per class; training will cover the challenges and skills required for the exploitation of research results (contracting process, IP, Project engineering), and the Living Lab/open innovation approach.

– Training/mentoring of Living Labs partners/stakeholders by previously trained trainers and other experts, on project engineering, open innovation, R&I brokering, impact pathway, Intellectual property, contracting, writing up project proposals, labelling/certification, business development, etc. Training will be in the form of face-to-face training sessions and distance training through access to training materials.

– Ongoing support to Living labs in their structuring & development, notably prior to and during the preparation of Living Lab specifications, during the project period and innovations/solutions development phases. Activities will allow a follow up of the structuration of the LL and of the transfer to the local authorities and other stakeholders, of LL innovative productions to address climate change issues in the region (with a positive social and economic impact).

– Training of Living Labs’ solutions/innovations’ users to foster their broad appropriation and use.

Training activities include at least the following workshops, which have been pre-identified by RERIPA. These workshops must be budgeted for in the project proposal and their organization (contents, targets, format, etc.) can be adjusted if relevant:

– Training workshop to raise capacities and awareness of the Living Labs and open innovation approach (estimated budget 35000 € / at least 20-25 persons).

– Training of trainers’ workshops on project engineering (estimated budget 35000 € / at least 20-25 persons).

– Training of trainers’ workshop on research valorisation (contracts, intellectual property, negotiation, etc.). Estimated budget 35000 € / at least 20-25 persons.

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