
Activities funded & expected results.

Output 1: Capacity building in Innovation and Valorisation

– Training of trainers in the issues and appropriate skills in terms of R&I strategies and exploitation of research results (contracting process, IP, Project engineering).

– Preparation of teaching material/tools (along with the experts) for training sessions, workshops and publication on the website of RERIPA.

– Seminars involving the partners of the Living Labs funded and open to the public, to share experiences, skills and solutions.

Output 2: Capacity building and structuration of the Living Labs

– Preparing training materials, and training/mentoring Living Labs partners and other stakeholders on project engineering, open innovation, R&I brokering, impact pathway, Intellectual property, contracting, writing up project proposals, and the Living Lab/open innovation approach.

– Support for funded Living Labs, in their structuring & development, implementation of training and labelling/certification, business development.

– Training of users on the innovations to foster their broad appropriation/use.

Output 3: Products/results

– Training materials and courses for stakeholders (project engineering, open innovation, impact pathway, intellectual property, innovation brokering).

– Tools to contribute to the design of Living Lab.

– A follow up of the structuration of the LL and of the transfer to the local authorities and other stakeholders, of LL innovative productions to address climate change issues in the region (with a positive social and economic impact.

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