USP Samoa Campus

Message From the Campus Director

Tootoooleaava Dr. Fanaafi  Aiono-Le Tagaloa
“Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.” – Winnie the Pooh.

The University of the South Pacific’s Vision is “Shaping Pacific Futures”. This aspiration perfectly captures the idea of a process – a Journey. One of forward movement and progress. One that must, and will alter with experience. Education is a vital part of such a Journey. Our pledge is that, should you choose to embark on that Journey with USP – Samoa Campus, we will make every effort to aid and support you. We do not promise smooth sailing as that is a guarantee that no one can give. We, however, will guide you and equip you to face and overcome each challenge, enriching your experience and adding to your life skills to complement your academic achievements – molding and honing you to be Navigators of the Future of Our Pacific.


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