IAS Implements Mangrove Reforestation Project in Nakorotubu, Ra.

Community participation during mangrove reforestation at Nasau Village, Navitilevu, Ra.

The Institute of Applied Sciences team continues the implementation of the RESCCUE project with various activities in Nakorotubu, Ra from 5-10 February 2018. These activities included mangrove and coastal trees planting as well as mapping existing on-ground work.  These were part of the coastal community-based protected areas, mangrove protection and fisheries management initiatives in Ra.

A total of six villages were involved in this programme, namely Navuniivi, Nabukadra, Nasau, Nayavuira, Naocobau and Namarai villages. More than 1800 mangrove seedlings (mainly Rhizophora spp.) were planted in approximately 0.45 acre. In addition, a total of 1362 seedlings consisting of 9 species of coastal trees were delivered to 10 additional villages in Ra. The seedlings include native, fruit and exotic species. While the IAS team provided these seedlings, the communities who have been part of the RESCCUE Fiji work in Ra for the past 3 years will plant these as part of their commitment to the protection of their coastal areas.

Since Tropical Cyclone Winston in 2016, the IAS team has witnessed an invigoration of interest from the community members to reforest and restore areas that were destroyed by the severe tropical cyclone.

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