Composition of Senate

Statutes of The University of the South Pacific s27 (1)

(pending Council Approval)

The Senate shall consist of the following persons, namely:

  1. Ex-officio members being:
    • The Vice-Chancellor and President (who shall be Chair of the Senate);
    • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s);
    • The Heads of Academic Units
    • The University Librarian;
  2. Elected members being:
    • One Professor per School elected by academic staff of the School
    • Five non-professorial academic staff to be elected by all academic staff, at least three of whom shall be women;
    • Three Directors of Campus outside Fiji, at least one of whom shall be a woman, to be elected by all Directors of Campus;
    • Four student members, at least two of whom shall be women, to be appointed or elected in accordance with Ordinances of the University.
  3. A member appointed from any academic institution which is affiliated or otherwise associated with the University, on such terms as the Council may from time to time determine.

In Attendance

  • The Chief Operating Officer;
  • The Director, Information Technology Services;
  • The Executive Director, Finance;
  • The Executive Director, People and Workforce Strategy
  • The Director, Centre of Flexible Learning
  • Deputy Heads of Schools (Learning, Teaching & Quality)
  • Deputy Heads of Schools (Research and Graduate Affairs)
  • The Director, Planning & Quality Office
  • The Director Research
  • The Director, Education
  • Group Manager, Student Administrative Services


Council and Senate Secretariat

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