The Senate
The Senate is the chief academic authority of the University and shall, subject to the powers, duties and functions referred to the Council by the Charter and these Statutes, take such measures and act in such manner as shall appear to it best calculated to promote academic excellence in the teaching, consultancy, research and other academic work of the University.
The Senate meets four times a year.
The Committees of the Senate are as follows:
- Academic Programme Committee
- Academic Unit Standards & Quality Committee (AUSQC)
- Pacific TAFE Standards & Quality Committee
- Teaching Quality Committee
- Communications, Information, Technology Committee
- Medals & Prizes Committee
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Student Discipline Committee
- Campus Life Committee
- Centre for Flexible Learning Committee
- University Scholarships Committee
- University Research Committee
- Academic Unit Research Committees (AURCs)
- Library Advisory Committee
- Environment & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee
Statutes 27. Composition of Senate
(pending Council Approval)
(1) The Senate shall consist of the following persons, namely:
Ex-officio members being:
- The Vice-Chancellor and President (who shall be Chair of the Senate);
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s);
- The Heads of Academic Units;
- The University Librarian;
Elected members being:
- One Professor per School elected by academic staff of the School
- Five non-professorial academic staff to be elected by all academic staff, at least three of whom shall be women;
- Three Directors of Campus outside Fiji, at least one of whom shall be a woman, to be elected by all Directors of Campus;
- Four student members, at least two of whom shall be women, to be appointed or elected in accordance with Ordinances of the University.
A member appointed from any academic institution which is affiliated or otherwise associated with the University, on such terms as the Council may from time to time determine.
(2) Ex-officio members of the Senate shall hold office for as long as they continue to occupy the positions by virtue of which they became members.
(3) Members of the Senate elected under paragraph (1)(b)(i) to (iv) shall hold office for a term of three years, and may be re-elected for further terms of three years.
(4) Student members of Senate shall hold office for one year.
(5) A member of the Senate appointed under paragraph (1)(c) of this Statute shall remain in office unless the Council determines that the appointment of any such representative shall cease.Tab 2 – Senate
Statutes 28. Role of Senate
The Senate shall be the academic authority of the University and shall, subject to the powers, duties and functions referred to the Council by the Charter and these Statutes, take such measures and act in such manner as shall appear to it best calculated to promote academic excellence in the teaching, research, community service and other academic work of the University.
Statutes 29. Powers of Senate
The Senate shall, subject to the Charter and these Statutes, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers, duties and functions:
(a) To regulate and control all teaching programmes and courses of study and the conditions under which persons may qualify for the various degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions and awards of the University, provided that Regulations relating to any programme or course of study shall be referred to the Council for comment and that any comment or recommendation that the Council may make shall receive consideration by the Senate
(b) To recommend to the Council the institution of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions and awards;
(c) To regulate and control the admission of persons and categories of persons to the University for the purpose of pursuing any programmes or courses of study and to regulate their continuance in those programmes or courses of study;
(d) Where examinations, tests or other methods of assessment are necessary under requirements prescribed by the Senate for the granting of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions and awards, to regulate such examinations, tests and methods of assessment and to appoint examiners, assessors and moderators, whether internal or external;
(e) To grant degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions and awards to persons who have pursued a course of study approved by the Senate and have qualified for such grant in terms of requirements prescribed by the Senate;
(f) To accept examinations passed and periods of study spent at other universities or other institutions or bodies as equivalent to such examinations and periods of study in the University as the Senate may determine and to revoke such acceptance at any time;
(g) To accept courses of study in any other institution or body which, in the opinion of the Senate, possesses the means of affording the proper instruction for such courses, as equivalent to such programmes or courses of study in the University as the Senate may determine;
(h) To determine what formalities shall attach to the conferment of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions and awards;
(i) To recommend to the Council the terms and conditions under which any institution or body may affiliate to the University;
(j) To institute or accept awards such as fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, studentships, prizes and other aids to study and research;
(k) To review, consequent upon any enquiries which it may think fit to make, the academic organisation and development of the University, with special reference to the effectiveness of the work of the University in relation to its objects including that of providing appropriate levels of education and training relevant to the well- being and needs of its member countries; and, arising from such review, to take any action within its competence, including reporting and making recommendations to the Council;
(l) Whether or not consequent upon any review of the academic organisation and development of the University, to recommend to the Council the establishment or discontinuance of any academic unit;
(m) To recommend to the Council appropriate provision for the academic support, personal development and well-being of the students;
(n)To take such steps as it thinks appropriate to advise and assist the Students’ Association and other organisations of the students;
(o) To regulate the discipline of the students of the University in accordance with Ordinances to be made by the Council after considering the views of the Senate.
(p) To expel any student guilty of grave misconduct after giving him or her an opportunity to appear personally and to be heard by a committee of the Senate to be established under the Ordinances.
(q) To propose to the Council new Statutes or Ordinances which relate to the role of the Senate as provided under Statute 28;
(r) To express an opinion on any matter pertinent to the University and its affairs;
(s) To appoint members of the Senate to be members of the Council under Statute 12(1)(h);
(t) To regulate the use of academic dress in the University;
(u) Generally to exercise all such powers, duties and functions as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter and these Statutes, including the power to make Regulations in the exercise of the powers, duties and functions expressly set out in this Statute and of all other powers, duties and functions of the Senate.