It is the duty for all USP workers and students to report any hazard or unsafe work act or unsafe workplace condition to their immediate supervisor by filling and sending USP Hazard Injury Incident Form
It is the duty of the supervisor within Lautoka Campus to ensure that campus management eliminates the risk posed by these hazards or reduces it to negligible levels.
It is the duty of the workplace OHS representative to ensure that these processes are documented and that this process is not impeded.
It is the responsibility of the campus director to ensure that all health and safety issues and incidents are fully investigated and relevant actions taken to address these so as to prevent recurrence.
Management of the Injured Worker
Responsibility of the Injured Worker
Whenever an injury occurs in the workplace it is the responsibility of the worker to report it immediately to his/her immediate supervisor and seek First Aid and definitive medical attention, see FIRST AID in the Workplace.
Local Emergency Phone Numbers to contact key personnel and local hospitals must be available to all staff and students.
Role of Supervisor
It is the responsibility of the supervisor of the injured worker to arrange and facilitate immediate first aid and transfer the injured staff or student to the Lautoka Hospital.
Serious Injuries
Serious Injuries must be notified by the supervisor of the worker to campus director and USP OHS Unit
Workers Covered under QBE Scheme
If the worker is covered under the QBE medical insurance scheme,the QBE workman compensation form must be filled and submitted to the closest QBE insurance office within 7days of the injury occurring.
Recovery & Return to Work
For Injured Worker you must read this advisory
Injury and Accident Investigation
It is essential that all serious injuries be formally investigated immediately as is possible.
The injured worker, fellow workers witnessing the injury must fill in accident statement form for worker and witnesses.
The supervisor must fill in Supervisor Statement Form
The campus director is to conduct an accident inquiry hearing where all persons will be given opportunity to account for the events and causes leading to the accident and injuries occurring.
Copy of the Minutes of inquiry and related reports must be submitted to USP OHS Unit as soon as reasonably possible.