USP Nauru Campus

Ekamawir Omo and Welcome to USP Nauru

Campus Director’s Message

2021 is indeed a year of new beginnings for Nauru Campus as I start my new role as the Director and as we continue to work through the ongoing challenges that has been brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be the year of face-to-face cohorts and flexi-school courses, online classes and zoom conferences which is all about USP being resilient and adapting to global changes. We are ready in our state-of-the-art campus with 40-computer IT lab, conference facilities, additional classrooms, and an expanded academic library for your reading pleasure and research.

In aligning with USP’s theme “Shaping your Future”, translated in Nauruan “Gadauw kamie bain ijamwan”, I along with my staff at Nauru Campus will be doing a lot of community outreach programs this year in our effort to reach out to wider members of the communities and the youths to find out their educational needs and interests so that USP can offer courses that are more oriented towards the needs of the Nauruan people. I must remind you all that the core role of USP on Nauru is to work closely with the government and the Ministry of Education to serve the educational needs of all Nauruan’s, young and old, in school or out of school, employed or unemployed to help them become active, productive, and most importantly self-sufficient citizens. USP is your university on Nauru so please I invite everyone of you to make full use of the educational services it provides to help you shape your future. My staff are on hand from Monday to Friday, 9am till 5pm to assist you with all your questions and educational needs. Even if you are not sure what courses you would like to take, or you left school early we provide one to one counselling and free diagnostic testing for English and Mathematics to determine your level of proficiency. All our courses starting from Basic level up to pre degree level are a pathway to your future career.

I look forward to meeting and working with you all to help shape your future.

Mwa Tubwa and God Bless,

Felicity Canon, Campus Director, USP Nauru

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