Disability resource centre

The USP Disability Resource Centre (DRC) became operational in March 2013. The DRC works collaboratively with the faculties, sections, departments at the University as well as external stakeholders to ensure that both students and staff with special needs fulfil their potential in an inclusive environment.

The University of the South Pacific (USP) inclusive program has a strong commitment to creating an inclusive, barrier free working and learning environment for its students and staff from its twelve member countries. Our aim is to contribute to positive change by providing quality education within a supportive teaching and learning framework.

“Educating All. Bridging the Gap. Empowering Lives.”

Are you a student with a disability? If yes then read on to find out how USP can help in your studies…

Support Services Provided by the Disability Resource Centre

  • Advice, coordination of meetings with key USP staff
  • Awareness & advocacy initiatives
  • Volunteer buddy support
  • Assistive technology & software e.g. Braille Sense U2, Jaws, NVDA, Read & Write Gold, audio-recorded notes
  • Test environment accommodations e.g. extra time, special venue, laptop, embossing, font increase, sign interpreter, JAWS/NVDA
  • Designated student space
  • Counselling referral support
  • Sign language interpreters and basic sign language classes
  • Participation in other student programmes e.g. VC’s L&T Forum, JENESYS, etc
  • Regional Scholarship Scheme for students with disabilities (new initiative 2017)

As soon as a student discloses formally via the online or manual SAS form and fills in our Voluntary Disability Disclosure Form, discussions are held with the student and academic staff on the types of reasonable accommodations and support services that he or she can access as stipulated under the Disability Inclusiveness Policy.

Disclose with the Disability Resource Centre by following these simple steps:

  1. Visit the USP Disability Resource Centre (located behind the Westpac Bank)
  2. Must have a USP Offer Letter
  3. Medical Report that states your disability OR a letter from a Disability Organization that you are affiliated with.

Disability Access Route with Inaccessible Building Footsteps

You can also disclose by filling in the USP Voluntary Disability Disclosure Form and with the above requirements, email to the following:

Voluntary Disability Disclosure Form

Feel free to come and talk to us regarding the services that we provide for disable students.

Please take time to view our USP Disability Resource Centre Promo DVD on:

Contact Us

Alfred Anthony
Disability Resource Centre
Phone: 32 31832, Ext: 31832
E-mail: alfred.anthony@usp.ac.fj

Paulini Musukasau
Disability Service Assistant
Phone: 32 37182, Ext: 37182
E-mail: paulini.musukasau@usp.ac.fj

Selina Nariva

Disability Services Assistant

Ph: 3231796, Ext 31796

E- mail: selina.nariva@usp.ac.fj

Disability inclusive development, our business

The University of the South Pacific (USP) inclusive program has a strong commitment to creating an inclusive, barrier free working and learning environment for its students and staff from around the Pacific region. Our aim is to contribute to positive change by providing quality education within a supportive teaching and learning framework.

The USP Disability Action Plan builds on the substantial work undertaken by the University since it included disability as part of the policy and service. The Plan was developed in consultation with students and staff with disability, the Executive and other stakeholders within the wider University community.

The Disability Action Plan recognises that genuine inclusion involves much more than physical accessibility and individual adjustments. USP in becoming an inclusive organisation requires changes to the way we do things. All our decisions and planning must be informed by regional and international instruments of equity and inclusiveness. We must see that the way we design and deliver our courses and support services must involve common deliberations and wide constructive consultations. We need to mindful of the complex challenges, such as mental ill-health, must be sensitive, relevant and in language that people can understand. The overarching aim of the Plan is that persons with disability will participate fully in the life of the University and will succeed on an equitable basis in their study or work.

The USP is trying its level best to enhance the learning experience for students with disability but must admit that important challenges remain. We need to do more to support staff with disability and to further integrate inclusive approaches into mainstream policies and practices. We need to build the confidence and capacity of staff to teach and work together inclusively and grasp opportunities to share and develop knowledge and resources across the University and through partnerships with other organisations. This is an overarching living plan and will be continually updated as we achieve important milestones and encounter new challenges.

It is envisaged that there will be students studying at USP who might have a disability. From time to time, you may also experience health problems that affect your study. These may be short-term or long-term, intermittent or always present.

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) provides access to services and supports that assist students with disability or health conditions to make the most of their study. We also provide services for staff.

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) supports:

  • needs related to one’s disability,
  • needs for assessment and study
  • services that will support you with your study at USP
  • you with assistive devices you may need to assist you in your study
  • Lecturers to meet your needs for inclusive practices.

The USP is committed to providing accessible facilities for all those who use its campuses. We do try our best to provide at the USP.

  • Accessibility to most of buildings in strategic locations
  • Accessible parking bay
  • Information from the Disability Resource Centre (DRC)
  • Accessibility to the Library and ICT services
  • Student Equity policy

Laucala Bay Campus at Suva

  • Wheelchair access is available to some of buildings on this campus. Access audit for USP facilities is ongoing
  • Wheelchair access is available to student residences at the second hall.
  • Due to USP’s hilly environment access is restricted in many areas due to the steepness of external paths.

Accessibility to Residential Accommodation

  • Wheelchair accessible student accommodation is available at the Laucala campus in Suva
  • For details of available accommodation contact the Manager USP Student Halls.
  • To report physical barriers, please contact the Disability Resource Centre (DRC).

Disabled parking bays are located in strategic locations around campus. A vehicle must display a USP Parking Permit issued by USP, to park in these bays.

Accessible parking bays are located on each campus.

  • The USP Library offers specialised services to students with a disability and access to specialised equipment
  • Students need to register with the Disability Resource Centre to be eligible for these services
  • The Disability Resource Centre in collaboration with the USP library can assist you with individual library support and instruction, eligibility for Print Disability services provided by the Library. Students with a print disability may require print unit materials (including textbooks, unit readers and unit guides) converted to digital files.

USP recognises that students with disability have a right to:

  • be consulted about their needs
  • enrol in courses and programs of their choice
  • Participate in courses and programs offered by USP
  • use services and facilities provided by the university including student support services

Students with disability also have the right to:

  • the specialised services without which they would not be able to participate
  • the reasonable accommodations necessary to meet their needs
  • a community which is free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation.

In addition of the above they also have a right to:

  • be treated with fairness, dignity and respect
  • contribute to the development and review of USP policies, procedures and practices affecting their lives
  • be given the opportunity to develop skills which will enable them to obtain maximum benefit from the educational opportunities available to them.

All USP students are required to comply with the University’s policies and procedures,

Students with disability also have a responsibility to:

  • inform the university to discuss their specific requirements
  • use the services provided in an honest and fair manner
  • be proactive in advising USP of the difficulties they encounter in accessing aspects of the life of the University.

When you first enrol, you are asked to disclose whether you have a disability or medical condition. This information is collected for USP statistical purposes. It remains confidential.

If you have indicated that you have a disability or medical condition at enrolment, the Disability Resource Centre will contact you to invite you to apply for services.

You are not obliged to disclose a disability or medical condition to the University. Here are some things to think about:

  • If you do choose to tell the University about your disability and the impacts on your study, we may be able to provide you with support services.
  • Disclosing your disability in your enrolment details also helps us develop accurate statistics about students with disability at university.
  • You may be concerned about your privacy. Find out how USP will handle your information.
What do I do?

You can tell the University about your disability at any time by contacting the Disability Resource Centre (DRC). When this is done, you can then apply for services.

Students Privacy

The University manages personal information and disability information in accordance with the Information Privacy policy for USP

The information provided on the:

  • ‘Disability’ section of the Student Administrative Services (SAS) Registration Form or
  • the Voluntary Disability Disclosure Form available at the Disability Resource Centre (DRC)

and all attached supporting documentation will be used by the University to process your registration, to determine and manage the provision of services to you. The University’s information privacy policy is available from the Human Resource Centre.

At the Disability Resource Centre (DRC), our goal is to support you to be successful in your study. We can help provide adjustments to reduce the impact of your disability on your study, and advise you about working with other people around the University to meet your needs.

While we are happy to help, we expect that you will negotiate and advocate for yourself with other areas within the University wherever possible. USP have always believed that self-advocacy is an important life skill. You have that experience and we encourage you to use it.

  • Be proactive. Before you begin studying, plan for the impacts of your disability and the services and adjustments you will need
  • Ensure you have a good understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a person with disability.
  • Find out how University services work, so you know who to approach directly for particular types of assistance (the DRC can help with this).
  • Ensure academic staffs are aware of the ways your study is affected by your disability. Developing a good working relationship will help them to understand the effort you are putting in to meet their requirements, and make them more mindful of your needs.
  • When you need to talk with a staff member, make an appointment to see them, so that you will have quality time to discuss your needs. This also helps them to be more cooperative and have a good understanding of the situation and have time to think about and discuss the issues.
  • Sometimes getting a good outcome requires discussion and trying different method. Discussions must revolve around what is ideal and work better for you. The DRC can help you think about what would be a good outcome.
  • Be proactive about the issues that may need to be considered in special activities such as examinations, placements, practicums and field trips. These are usually organised well in advance, so plan whether you want to discuss this with staff as early as you can.
  • If you feel that you are not being heard, seek advice and support. The DRC can provide advice and referral. USP students association can also assist with advice and advocacy, and support in relation to lodging complaints or dealing with academic progress hearings.

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