
Postion: Professor (Director – Research)
Phone:  (+679) 323 2247
Fax: (+679) 323 1504

Detail Information

Prof. Sushil Kumar has more than 25 years of experience in research (Atmospheric and Space Physics) and teaching at various universities and Institutes. Kumar has carried out collaborative work with several international research institutes and universities and has published jointly in high rank journals. Prof. Kumar, at the USP initiated the research in the area of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Very low frequency (VLF) under research grant from USP in collaboration with World-Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN), University of Washington, USA (pls visit, and later in the areas of  Atmospheric electricity, GPS, and  terrestrial and Space Weather Hazards such as Tropical Cyclones, Earthquakes, Geomagnetic storms , Solar flares. His research was supported by Space, Telecommunications and Radio Science (STAR) laboratory, Stanford University, USA under the International Heliophysical Year 2007 (IHY 2007) project supported by UN/NASA. His recent research has been supported by GNSS Center, Wuhan University, China, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Japan, etc and through the university Strategic Research Theme funding  of USP.  The technical, scientific & instrumental support has been provided by collaborators.

Kumar graduated with MSc Physics with Electronics from St. John’s College (Agra University), India, in 1989. He then completed PG Diploma in Space Science and Applications from Gujarat University, India, and Ph.D. in Physics (Space Physics) from Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. His PhD work dealt with Experimental study of VHF ionospheric scintillations, experimental and theoretical study of whistler and related phenomena at low latitudes. The PhD work was carried out under the All India Coordinated Program on Ionospheric Thermospheric Studies (AICPITS) sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. He had participated in the XVIIIth Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica, during December 1998 to March 1999, during his post-doctoral fellowship.


The teaching interest includes mainly; Electromagnetism, Electronics, Radio Wave Propagation & Applications, Signals and Systems, Electronic Communication Systems along with other wider Physics areas . Before joining USP in 2002, Prof. Kumar had taught several courses on Electrodynamics, Signals and Systems, Communications, Fortran Programming, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, Electronics, Modern Physics, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Radio Wave Communication.

At USP Prof. Kumar has been involved with the teaching of several UG and PG courses: PH101: Quantum and Electrical Physics, PH102; Classical Physics, PH105: Physics for Today’s World, PH106: Physics for other Sciences, PH203: Electromagnetism, PH205: Electronics, PH302: Electrical Communication & Instrumentation, PH306: Measurement and Control of Physical Systems, PH400: Research Projects in Physics, PH402: Radio Wave Propagation & Applications, PH421: Electronics, Active device. PH422: Modulation Methods and Information Theory, EV405: Field and Laboratory Techniques in Environmental studies: SC400: Research Methods.

Current areas of research interest are;

 Remote sensing of upper atmosphere using ELF/VLF and SHF radio wave technique

Lightning discharges are natural powerful transmitters of a wide electromagnetic spectrum with maximum energy in the Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) bands. The energy contained in impulse-like signals called radio atmospheric or sferics is guided for long distances by multiple reflections from the ground/ocean and lower ionosphere. A part of energy sometimes propagates along the Earth’s magnetic field lines in the ionosphere and magnetosphere and is received as ‘whistlers’. The received signals at long distances contain a great deal of information about the state of the ionosphere and magnetosphere along the path and form a novel tool for research and navigational communication. A facility called “SoftPAL” software base Amplitude and Phase recording of VLF transmitters was established in Sept. 2006 that is used to study the perturbations of VLF propagation due to strong lightnings, solar flares and earthquakes. A new state of art ELF-VLF data recording and analysis System called Atmospheric Weather Electromagnetic System for Observation Modeling and Education (AWESOME) was installed in July 2009 and GNSS receiver systems were installed for the upper atmospheric studies during no

 Space Weather and its Technological Impacts

The Space Weather ( is related to the change in the upper atmosphere due to solar disturbances. Southward Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF BS) interconnects with the northward Earth’s magnetic field and permits solar wind energy transport into the Earth’s magnetosphere forming geomagnetic storms which cause severe amplitude and phase scintillations/perturbations on signals used in satellite communications and Global Positioning System (GPS). The depression in the horizontal component (H) of the Earth’s magnetic field lasting over several hours is the characteristic signature of a geomagnetic storm. A geomagnetic storm is caused by the ring current encircling the Earth in the westward direction and can be monitored by the geomagnetic index ‘Dst’. F2-region response of a geomagnetic storm is called an ionospheric storm. The GPS- GSV4004B was established to study the Space weather impacts on Ionospheric electron content and L band scintillation in the South Pacific Region. A clear understanding of interplanetary causes of geomagnetic storms and ionospheric storms should help better in understanding the so called Space Weather Research and Forecasting.

Natural Hazards (Upper and Lower Atmosphere): Severe Terrestial Hazards Events

The rising concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are considered to produce the global warming of the lower atmosphere and the cooling of the upper atmosphere (ionosphere) starting from 50 km or so. The study of natural hazards is of great scientific interest and is important to reduce the damages caused by extreme natural events. The threats from these events are increasing due to increases in different sectors like population, economy and infrastructure development etc. Their costs are also likely to be huge. The global climate models indicate relatively more frequent severe weather events such as tropical cyclones and resulting floods. The South Pacific Region, in particular, is highly vulnerable to natural hazards such as severe earthquakes that may result in tsunamis and cyclones which in turn may cause severe floods etc. It is essential to prevent hazards from becoming disasters. Research is carried out on the changes in the propagation characteristics of ELF/VLF/SHF radio signals due to changes in lower and upper ionospheric parameters under natural hazards.

 Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate-Ocean Nexus

Most solar radiation absorption on the Earth’s surface is by oceans. The ocean stores large amounts of heat, transporting heat from warm to cold regions, and regulate heat and moisture to the lower part of the atmosphere and hence plays a fundamentally important role in the Earth’s climate system. The ocean acts as a global climate control system by regulating the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by absorbing, storing, and releasing it in a variety of ways and places. Research is carried out on the long duration oceanic changes due to climate change and interaction with the atmosphere during El Niño and La Nina cycles and severe terrestrial natural Hazard conditions such as severe earthquakes and cyclones.

Service to the Profession

  • Reviewer for the Journals: Journal of Geophysical Research, (AGU, USA), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, Advances in Space Research, Planetary and Space Science, Published by Elsevier Press, Earth Planet and Space, Japan, Radio Science, Ind. J. Radio and Space Physics, Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology, Weather and Forecasting, Natural Hazards and Earth Science System.
  • Associate Editor (Physics): The South Pacific Journal Natural and Applied Sciences, USP, Suva, Fiji. Published by CSIRO- Australia. 2005 to date.
  • Chief Editor: The South Pacific Journal Natural and Applied Sciences, Volume no. 29, USP, Suva, Fiji. Published by CSIRO- Australia. 2009 volume.
  • Chair Editorial Board: The South Pacific Journal Natural and Applied Sciences, June 2010.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (IJRSP) January 2015 – to date.
  • Visiting scholarship supported by European Science Foundation at Technical University of Denmark, Space Science Institute, Copenhagen, 03 January -02 February, 2016
  • Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara Visiting Fellowship, Department of Physics, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand. Awarded by Otago University. 15 January to14 April 2011.
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Research Excellence-2008”, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Awarded April 2009.
  • Travel support under young scientist award by United Nations for Outer Space Program to present a research paper in COSPAR Colloquium, 2002, Bulgaria.
  • Visiting Associateship (University Teachers Support) by Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, 2002
  • 2018 Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching at the University, Awarded, August 2018.
  • 2018 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award in the Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment, Awarded June 2018.
  • 2015 Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Best Research Paper Output-2015, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Awarded April 2016.
  • 2008 Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Research Excellence-2008”, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Awarded April 2009.


  • Space Physics Group, Physics Department, Otago University. Started in 2006 with a project on SoftPAL based VLF studies.
  • STAR laboratory, Stanford University, USA. Started in 2009 with VLF studies ising AWESOME system.
  • World-wide Lightning Location network, University of Washington, USA. Started in 2003 with a host from the South Pacific Region.
  • Indian institute of Geomagnetism, India. Stared in 2010 after identifying the areas of common research interest.
  • Space Physics laboratory, Bhopal University, Bhopal, India. Did PhD from this univ. and it is an ongoing collaboration.
  • The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM): ASIM is an experiment proposed for the International Space Station (ISS) external facilities on the Columbus module. ASIM is aimed at the study of high-altitude optical emissions from the stratosphere and mesosphere, the Transient Luminous Events (TLEs: Red Sprites, Blue Jets, Elves) and the Terrestrial Gamma Flashes (TGFs): It is coordinated by Prof. T. Neubert, Danish National Space Center (DNSC), Lyngby; Denmark. Newly started (2013).
  • Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact (VarSITI) 2014-2018: The VarSITI program strives for international collaboration in data analysis, modeling, and theory to understand how the solar variability affects Earth.
  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Center, Wuhan University. A MoU has been signed dated 27 August 2014 between SEP-FSTE_USP and GNSS center for collaborative research on GNSS applications to atmospheric studies in coming 5 years.

Collaborative Projects: Selected

  • Very Low Frequency Direction Finding: Coordinated Whistler Studies at Antarctica, with University of Natal, SA. and Univ. of Bhopal, India, and under South African-Indo Inter-Governmental Science and Technology Cooperation Program – Funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, India, January 2003-06.
  • Global Lightning Detection: In collaboration with World Wide Lightning Location (WWLL) Network, Dunedin, New Zealand. There are 35 universities and national institutes all over the world currently participating in WWLLN. 2003 to date. Funded by WWLLN and USP.
  • Remote sensing of the lower ionosphere by simultaneous observations of VLF radio wave signals in Fiji and New Zealand. Dr. Sushil Kumar, Physics, SEP, USP, and Dr. N. R. Thomson (Associate. Prof.), Dr C. J. Rodger, Radio and Space Physics Group, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand. 2006-2010. Funded by USP.
  • Upper Atmospheric Investigation Using Atmospheric Weather Electromagnetic System for Observation, Modelling, and Education (AWESOME), ELF-VLF Radio Wave Recorder. In collaboration with STAR Laboratory of Stanford University, USA. Jan 2010-13. Funded by Stanford University and USP.
  • Multi-electrode potential measurements to detect and analyze the frequency time occurrence of selected natural hazards (Cosmic, earthquake and lightning). Principal Investigator: Professor Sushil Kumar, Co-Investigator: Vadim S. Bobrovskiy, Distant School COSMIC-METEO-TECTONICS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia., Professor, Dr.Sc. Alexey A. Lyubushin, Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia., Dr. Abhikesh Kumar. SEP, FSTE, USP. 2017-2020.
  • Space Weather effects on Ionospheric electron content and L band scintillation at Equatorial and Low latitudes. Principal Investigator: Professor Sushil Kumar. Funded by total cost U$36,608.0. Asian Office Aerospace Research and Development, Tokyo Japan. December 2016-November 2019.
  • Kiritimati Equatorial Ionospheric Observatory (KEIO): Upper atmospheric observations at Kiritimati Island using HF Radar” Principal Investigator: Professor Sushil Kumar. Funded by total cost of around U$ 1 million by AF OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, USA. 2018-2021.

Selected Recent

  • Chairperson, Panel 7: Climate change & Natural Hazards impacts for the Pacific communities, 4TH PIURN Conference on Shaping Our Tomorrow Today: Research, Innovation and Practice in the Pacific, 22-23 November 2021 Solomon Islands & Virtually.
  • Chairperson and Convener, of the session NH31B “Ionospheric and Atmospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards and Man-Made Events I” at 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 09-13 December 2019. Conveners (Primary Convener-Prof. Xing Meng, Conveners – Prof. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Lucie Rolland, Prof. Steven A Cummer).Chairs (Xing Meng , Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology , Sushil Kumar ,The University of the South Pacific).
  • Chair, Local Organizing Committee and Convener of “Workshop Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) supported by and co-sponsored by The International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG),  during  24-28 June 2019, held at USP, Suva.
  • Chairperson and Convener of the combined session ST12-23 “Ionospheric Response to Extreme Terrestrial and Space Weather Events Including Geomagnetic Storms not Caused by CMEs” 16th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual conference, 03-08 June 2018, Honululu, Hawaii, USA. Team (Conveners- Prof. Sushil Kumar, Prof. Duggirala Pallamraju, Dr. Mario Bisi).
  • Co-convener of the session ST25 “Space Weather Impact on the Ionosphere and Dependent Technologies” of 13th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, 31 Jul to 5 Aug, 2016, Beijing, China. Team (Convener-Prof. Frederick Menk, Co-conveners – Dr. Sushil Kumar, Prof. D. Pallamraju, Brett Carter).
  • Chairperson and Convener for a session “Space Weather Hazards of Perturbed Ionospheric Currents: Monitoring and Early Warning” of 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (Conference) during 14-18 December, San Francisco, California, USA. Team (Team (Convener-Dr. Sushil Kumar, Co-conveners-Prof. Frederick Menk and Dr. Endawoke Yizengaw).

Administrative Experience

  • Director, Research and Innovation, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation, The University of the South Pacific (USP), 06 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.
  • Associate Dean-Research and Graduate Affairs, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment (FSTE), The University of the South Pacific (USP), 01 July 2011 to 31 December 2020.
  • Acting Dean, FSTE, 10-13 September 2012, 25 – 28 March 2013, 29 April to 02 May, 2013, 10-13 September 2013, 11-20 October 2013, 12-14 May 2014, 07 November 2014, 22-29 May 2015, 4-8 August 2015, 26-27 April 2016, 27 June – 21 July, 2016, 12-16 March 2019, 19 June to 22 July, 2019, 20 July -04 Aug. 2020, 07 Nov to 31 Dec 2020.
  • Coordinator (Head of Division), Physics Division (formerly called Department) School of Engineering and Physics, FSTE, USP. September 2007 to 31 December 2010. Division had 11 academic and 6 technical staff.
  • Acting Head of School (HOS): School of Engineering and Physics (SEP), USP, Suva, Fiji during 17 Dec.2008- 19 Jan. 09, 26-30 October 2009, 14-31 December 2009, 18-24 January 2010.
  • Acting HOD Physics, USP, Suva, Fiji during, 13 Dec.2003- 5 Jan. 04, 4-7 May 2004, 15 August 2004 – 30 Sept. 2004, 11-18 June 2007.
  • Acting Coordinator (HOD Physics), USP, Suva, Fiji, during, 19 Dec 2006- 2 Jan 06.
  • Non-Professorial Member of University Senate, 09 September 2015 to 31 July 2017 and senate committee on PG regulations review (2013-15).
  • Faculty Professorial Member to the Senate: July 2017 – June 2020, July 2020-June 2023.
  • Senate Professor to the University Council (selected by Senate). 12 September 2017 -11 September 2020. Re-elected from until July 2023.
  • Senate Member to Honorary Degrees Committee (sub-committee of the Council), 10 September 2019 to 09 September 2021.
  • Library Liaison Committee, 2018-to date
  • University Research Committee, 2011 to date.
  • University Scholarship Committee, 2016-to date
  • Staff Review Committee, Professor, Associate Professor and Level 5, 2018-20.
  • Campus Life Committee, 2016 to date
  • Member several appointment committees in faculties FBE and FALE at USP.
  • Member of several appointment committees in faculty FSTE at USP and have also chaired more than 8 appointment ctees.
  • Member of committees at Faculty and School levels: Faculty Quality and Standard Committee (FSQC), Faculty Research Committee, Physics Advisory Committee (P-PAC), USP, 2007- to date.
  • Served as a member in different screening committees of School of Pure and Applied Sciences SPAS, USP, Suva, Fiji for the posts in different departments. 2003-2005
  • Member of SPAS Research Committee, USP, Suva, Fiji. 2003-2005.
  • Served as a member in different screening committees of SPAS, USP, Suva, Fiji for the positions in different departments.


Journals (80), Book chapter (02), Tech. Pub (01), Edited/Refereed Proceedings (10), Conference Presentations (65).

Some selected publications

  • Ajeet K Maurya, Navin Parihar, Adarsh Dube, Rajesh Singh, Sushil Kumar, Olivier Charnio, Torsten Neubert (2022), Rare simultaneous imaging observations of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) and Gravity waves and the associated D-, E- and F- region coupling, Scientific Reports-Nature, 12:581, [SJR Q1, IF 5.134, ERA 2010 rank A*]
  • Paolo Redoblado, Sarwan Kumar, Abhikesh Kumar and Sushil Kumar (2022), Lightning evolution and VLF perturbations associated with Category 5 TC Yasa in the South Pacific Region, Earth Planets Space, 74, 65. [SJR Q2, IF 2.363, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Edwin A. Kumar and Sushil Kumar (2022), Geomagnetic Storm Effect on F2-Region Ionosphere during 2012 at Low and Mid-Latitude Latitude Stations in the Southern Hemisphere, Atmosphere, 13, 480. [[SJR Q2, IF 2.686].
  • Sarwan Kumar, Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar (2022), Earthquakes Associated Subionospheric VLF Anomalies Recorded at two Low Latitude Stations in the South Pacific Region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 229, 105834. [SJR Q2, IF 1.735, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Ashneel Saran and Sushil Kumar (2021), Long-term trends of the F2-region at mid-latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 220 (2021) 10,5683. [SJR Q2, IF 1.735, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Atishnal Elvin Chand, Sushil Kumar (2021), Earth-ionosphere waveguide model parameters using very low frequency transmissions received in the South Pacific Region. IEEE Access, Vol, 9, 56653-56663, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.307213. [SJR Q1, IF3.745, ERA 2010 rank A].
  • Ashneel Chandra and Sushil Kumar (2021), Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Heat Content during Tropical Cyclones Pam (2015) and Winston (2016) in the Southwest Pacific Region, Monthly Weather Review, 149, 1173-1187, [SJR Q1, IF3.435, ERA 2010 rank A].
  • Kerrache F., S. NaitAmor, Sushil Kumar (2021). VLF and D-region Perturbations Due To Three Severe Geomagnetic Storms in the Mid-High Latitude Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA027838. [SJR Q1, IF2.80, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sushil Kumar and Sarvesh Kumar (2020). Equatorial Ionospheric TEC and Scintillations under the Space Weather Events of 4-9 September 2017: M-Class Solar Flares and a G4 Geomagnetic Storm, communicated to Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 209 (2020) 105421. [SJR Q2, IF 1.503, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Kumar, A., & Kumar, S. (2020). Ionospheric D region parameters obtained using VLF measurements in the South Pacific region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027536. [SJR Q1, IF2.75, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Venkatesham, K., Singh, R., Maurya, A. K., Dube, A., Kumar, S., & Phanikumar, D. V. (2019). The 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse: Modeling D region ionosphere using narrowband VLF observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124. [SJR Q1, IF2.75, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sushil Kumar and Vickal V. Kumar (2019), Ionospheric response to the St. Patrick’s Day space weather events in March 2012, 2013, and 2015 at southern low and mid-latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124. [SJR Q1, IF2.75, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • NaitAmor, S., B. Cohen, Sushil Kumar, O. Chanrion and T. Neubert (2018), VLF Signal anomalies during cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2018, [SJR Q1, IF 4.34, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Ramendra Prasad, Sushil Kumar, P. T. Jayachandran, Differential code bias estimation and GPS TEC study at a low latitude station in the South Pacific Region, Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 149, November 2016, Pages 120–130, 2016 [SJR Q2, IF 1.5, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Sushil Kumar, Abhikesh Kumar, Ajeet K Maurya, Rajesh Singh, Changes in the D region associated with three recent solar eclipses in the South Pacific region, Journal of Geophysical ResearchSpace Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA022695, 2016. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sneha A. Gokani, Rajesh Singh, Morris B. Cohen, Sushil Kumar Venkatesham, Ajeet K. Maurya, R. Selvakumaran, J. Litchtenberger, Very low latitude (L=1 =1.08) whistlers and correlation with lightning activity, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JA021058, 2015. [SJR Q1, IF 3.44, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Selvakumaran, Ajeet K. Maurya, Sneha A. Gokani, B. Veenadhari, Sushil Kumar, K. Venkatesham, D.V.Phanikumar, Abhay K. Singh, Devendraa Siingh, Rajesh Singh (2015), Solar flare effect on ionosphere and geomagnetic field, J. Atmospheric Solar- Terrestrial Physics, 123, 102-112, 2015. [SJR Q2, IF 1.5, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Sushil Kumar, Abhikesh Kumar, Frederik Menk, Ajeet K Mauyra, Rajesh Singh, Veenadhari, Response of the low latitude D-region ionosphere to extreme space weather event of 14-16 December 2006, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120, 788–799, doi:10.1002/2014JA020751, 2015. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Ajeet K. Maurya, D.V. Phani Kumar, Rajesh Singh, Sushil Kumar, B. Veenadhari, Y.-S. Kwak, Abhikesh Kumar and Abhay K. Singh, Wave-like signatures in the low-mid latitude D-region ionosphere associated with 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse inferred from VLF observations, Journal of Geophysical. Research (Space Physics), Volume 119, Issue 10, pages 8512–8523, October 2014, DOI: 10.1002/2013JA019521. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Abhikesh Kumar and Sushil Kumar, Space Weather Effects on the Low Latitude D-Region Ionosphere during Solar Minimum, Earth Planet Space, 66, 76-77, 2014. [SJR Q2, IF 1.025, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • M. Salut,M. B. Cohen,2 M. A. M. Ali, and K. L. Graf B. R. T. Cotts, M. Abdullah, and Sushil Kumar, On the Relationship Between Lightning Peak Current and Early VLF Ionospheric Disturbances, Journal of Geophysical. Research (Space Physics). VOL. 118, 1–11, doi:10.1002/2013JA019087, 2013. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Prateek R. Srivastava, Sneha A. Gokani, Ajeet K. Maurya, Rajesh Singh, Sushil Kumar,, B. Veenadhari, R. Selvakumaran, Abhay K. Singh, Janos Lichtenberger, One-to-one relationship between low latitude whistlers and conjugate source lightning discharges and their propagation characteristics, Advances in Space Research, 52, 1966–1973, 2013. [SJR Q3, IF 1.0, ERA2010 C].
  • K. Maurya, R. Singh, B. Veenadhari, Sushil Kumar, and A. K. Singh, Sub-ionospheric VLF perturbations associated with the 12 May 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2331–2336, 2013. EGU, France.  [IF 1.9, USP Revised ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Abhikesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Masashi Hayakawa, and Fredrik Menk, Subionospheric VLF perturbations observed at low latitude associated with earthquake from Indonesia region, Atmospheric Solar- Terrestrial Physics, 102, 71–80, 2013. [SJR Q2, ERA 2010 B, IF 1.5].
  • Vickal V. Kumar, Alain Protat, Peter T. May, Christian Jakob, Guillaume Penide, Sushil Kumar, Laura Davis, On the effects of large-scale environment on convective cloud characteristics over Darwin, Australia, Monthly Weather Review (American Meteorological Society), Vol., 141, 1358-1574, 2013. [SJR Q1, IF 2.4, USP Revised ERA 2010 rank A ]
  • A. Carter, K. Zhang, R. Norman, V. V. Kumar and Sushil Kumar, On the occurrence of the equatorial F-region irregularities during solar minimum using radio occultation measurements, Journal of Geophysical. Research (Space Physics), VOL. 118, 1–13, doi:10.1002/jgra.50089, 2013. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar, Lightning-associated VLF perturbations observed at low latitude: Occurrence and scattering characteristics, Earth Planets Space, 65, 25–37, 2013. [SJR Q2, IF 3.003, ERA 2010 rank B].
  • Rajesh Singh, Morris B Cohen, Ajeet K. Maurya, Veenadhari, Sushil Kumar, P. Pant, Ryan K. Said, Umran S Inan, Very Low Latitude (L=1.08) Whistlers, Geophysical Research Letters, AGU, USA, VOL. 39, L23102, doi:10.1029/2012GL054122, 2012. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • K. Maurya, B.Veenadhari, Rajesh Singh, Sushil Kumar, M. B. Cohen, P. Pant, A.K. Singh, R Selvakumaran, Umran S Inan, Nighttime D-region electron density measurements from tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), VOL. 117, A11308, doi:10.1029/2012JA017876, 2012. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • M. Salut, M. Abdullah,K. L. Graf, M. B. Cohen, B. R. T. Cotts and Sushil Kumar, Long ionospheric recovery perturbations associated with lightning discharges, Journal of Geophysical. Research (Space Physics), 117, A08311, doi:10.1029/2012JA017567, 2012. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Ajeet K. Maurya, Rajesh Singh, B. Veenadhari, Sushil Kumar, M. B. Cohen, R. Selvakumaran, P. Pant, A.K. Singh, U.S. Inan, Morphological features of Tweeks and nighttime D-region ionosphere at tweek reflection height from the observations in the low latitude Indian Sector, Journal of Geophysical. Research (Space Physics),117, A05301, doi:10.1029/2011JA016976, 2012. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Veenadhari, R. Selvakumaran, Rajesh Singh, Ajeet K. Maurya, N. Gopalswamy, Sushil Kumar, T. Kikuchi, CME-driven shocks and the associated sudden commencements/sudden impulses, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, A04210, doi:10.1029/2011JA017216, 2012. American Geophysical Union (AGU).   [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Rajesh Singh, B. Veenadhari, Ajeet K. Maurya, Morris B Cohen, Sushil Kumar, R Selvakumaran, Pant, Abhay K Singh, Umran S Inan, D-region ionosphere response to the Total Solar Eclipse of 22 July 2009 deduced from VLF tweek observations in the Indian sector, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, A10301, doi:10.1029/2011JA016641, 2011. American Geophysical Union (AGU).   [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sheikh Izzal Azid and Sushil Kumar, Analysis and performance of a low cost SMS based Home security system, International Journal of Smart Home, 5, No. 3, 15-24, 2011. [SJR Q3, ERA 2010 rank C].
  • Sushil Kumar, Anil Deo, V. Ramachandran, Nighttime D-region equivalent electron density determined from tweek sferics observed in the South Pacific Region, Earth Planets Space, 61, 905-9, 2009. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, [SJR Q2, IF 3.003, ERA 2010 rank A*].
  • Sushil Kumar, Waveguide parameters of 19.8 kHz signal propagating over a long path, Research Letters in Physics, Vol. 09, 1-4, doi:10.1155/2009/216373, 2009. USA. [ERA 2010 rank C].
  • Richard L Dowden1, Robert H Holzworth2, Craig J Rodger3, János Lichtenberger4, Neil R Thomson3, Abram R Jacobson2, Erin Lay2, James B Brundell1, Thomas J Lyons5, Steven O’Keefe6, Zen Kawasaki7, Colin Price8, Victor Prior9, Pascal Ortéga10, James Weinman11, Yuri Mikhailov12, Ronald Woodman13, Xiushu Qie14, Gary Burns15, Andrew Collier16, Osmar Pinto Junior17, Ricardo Diaz18, Claudia Adamo19, Earle R Williams20, Sushil Kumar21, G. B. Raga22, Jose M Rosado23, Eldo E. Avila24, Mark A Clilverd25, Thomas Ulich26, Peter Gorham27, Thomas J G Shanahan28, Thomas Osipowicz29, Gregory Cook30, Yang Zhao31, World-Wide Lightning Location Using VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide, IEEE Antennas and Wave Propagation Mag., 50(5), 40-60, 2008, USA. Published by IEEE. [IF1.3, ERA 2010, B rank].
  • Sushil Kumar, Kishore, V. Ramachandran, Higher harmonic tweek sferics observed at low latitude: Estimation of VLF reflection heights and tweeks propagation distance, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 1451–1459, 2008. EGU, France.  [SJR Q2, IF 1.725, ERA 2010 rank C].
  • Sushil Kumara, Abhikesh Kumara, Craig J. Rodgerb, Subionospheric early VLF perturbations observed at Suva: VLF detection of red sprites in the day, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, VOL. 113, A03311, doi:10.1029/2007JA012734, 2008, American Geophysical Union (AGU). [IF 3.303]. Ranked in the top 10% of the ISI category of Multidisciplinary Geosciences. [SJR Q1, IF 3.303, ERA 2010 rank A*]
  • PN Vijayakumar, TR Tyagi, Lakha Singh, H Chandra, GD Vyas, DRK Rao, BM Pathan, A Iype, B Ramsekaran, A Naidu, SM Sadique, KN Iyer, KN Pathak, AK Gwal, Sushil Kumar, RP Singh, UP Singh, Birbal Singh, Pawan Kumar, GN Navneeth, PVS Koparkar, PVS Ramarao, PT Jaychandran, P Sriram, R Sethuraman, A Dasgupta, K Basu, RG Rastogi, Some features of plasma bubble induced scintillations during the AICPITS campaigns of 1991, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 36 (2), 91-96, 2007.
  • Ramachandran, Justine Prakash, Anil Deo and S. Kumar, Lightning location from single station measurements and Validation with WWLLN data, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 1509-1517, 2007. EGU, France. [SJR Q2, IF 1.725, ERA 2010 rank C].
  • Sushil Kumar, Deo, A. Kishore, and V. Ramachandran, Whistlers observed at the low latitude ground based VLF facility in the South Pacific region, J. Atmos. Sol.- Terr. Phys., 69, 1366-1376,  2007. Elsevier Press. [IF 1.643].
  • Sushil Kumar, Kishore, and V. Ramachandran, Ionospheric Scintillation on 3.925 GHz signal from Intelsat 701 in the South Pacific Region, Physica Scripta, 75, 258-262, 2007. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. . [IF 1.088]
  • Sushil Kumar, F2-region response of geomagnetic storms at equatorial anomaly crest, Physica Scripta, Sweden, 72(1)100-104, 2005. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. [IF 1.088]
  • Sushil Kumar, H. Chandra and S. Sharma, Geomagnetic storms and ionospheric effects observed at equatorial anomaly crest in Indian Region, Journal Atmospheric Solar- Terrestrial Physics, 67, 581-594, 2005. Elsevier Press. [IF 1.643].
  • Girija Rajaram Ajay Dhar and S Kumar, Comparison of 30 MHz Riometer and geomagnetic variations at the Indian Antarctic Station Maitri on the Zero Solar Wind day of 11May 1999, with the high solar wind day 18 May, 1999, Advances in Space Res., UK, 28, 1661-1667, 2001. Elsevier Press. [IF 1.041]
  • Sushil Kumar and A. K. Gwal, VHF ionospheric scintillations at equatorial anomaly crest: Solar and magnetic activity effects, Journal Atmosphere Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62, 157-167, 2000. Elsevier Press. [IF 1.643]
  • Sushil Kumar, A. K. Gwal, P. V. S Ram Rao, P. T. Jaychandran, D. S.V. V. D. Prasad, R. P. Singh, U. P. Singh, A. DasGupta, H. Basu, R. Sethuraman, B. M. Pathan, R. R. K. Rao, S. Banoal, P. S. Kesava Rao, Appala Naidu, T. R. Tyagi, P. N. Vijayakumar, H. Chandra, G. D. Vyas, Birbal Singh, Pawan Chauhan, K. N. Iyer, K. N. Pathak, C. S. Shalgaongar, M. M. Vyas, R. G. Rastogi.  Co-ordinated observations of VHF scintillations in India during February-March 1993,  Indian Journal Radio & Space Phys., 29, 1-15, 2000. Published by CSIR, India
  • Sushil Kumar, S. K. Dixit and A. K. Gwal, Electron cyclotron waves in presence of parallel electric fields in the Earth,s auroral magnetoplasma, Annales Geophysicae, 15, 24-28, 1997. EGU, [IF 1.725].
  • Sushil Kumar, A. K. Gwal, B. M. Pathan and D. R. K. Rao, Zonal drifts of ionospheric irregularities at temperate latitude in the Indian region, Annales Geophysicae, 13, 724-729, 1995. European Geosciences Union (EGU), [IF 1.725].
  • Kumar, S. K. Dixit and A. K. Gwal, Propagation of tweek atmospherics in the earth-ionosphere waveguide, IL Nuavo Cimento C, 17, 275-280, 1994. Italy.
  • Sushil Kumar, A.K. Singh, Pawan Chauhan, A. K. Gwal, Birbal Singh and R. P. Singh, Multistation analysis of VHF radio wave scintillations at

Attended several international and national conferences, symposia, summer schools, and presented more than 65 research papers in conferences.

Recent and Some Sleeted Presentations

  • Sushil Kumar, Global Navigational Satellite Systems and applications to Space and Terrestrial Weather Natural Hazards Events, Invited/Keynote Speaker, International Conference on “Joint Modernistic and Innovative Technology, 25-26 March 2022, JMIT, Radaur, India.
  • Sushil Kumar, Global Navigation Satellite Systems and its Application to Space Weather Natural Hazards Events, Presented at 4TH PIURN Conference on Shaping Our Tomorrow Today: Research, Innovation and Practice in the Pacific, 22-23 NOVEMBER 2021 Solomon Islands & Virtually.
  • Sushil Kumar and Ashneel Sharan, Long-Term Variations of the Ionosphere:  F-region in Southern Hemisphere, Online oral presentation to 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 28 January 4 February 2021, Sydney, Australia.
  • Sushil Kumar and Sarvesh Kumar, Equatorial Ionospheric Response to the Space Weather Events of 4-10 September 2017, Poster presentation at 2019 AGU Fall  Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 09-13 December 2019.
  • Sushil Kumar, Ionospheric Response to Space Weather Events in the South Pacific Region, Presented in 4th AOARD Australian and New Zealand Workshop on Space Situation Awareness 2018, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, 25-27 July 2018
  • Sushil Kumar, F-2 Region Response to the Storms Near St. Patrick’s Day in March 2013 and 2015 at the Low and Mid Latitude Stations in the Southern Hemisphere, Presented in 15th AOGS Annual Meeting/conference, 03-08 June, 2018, Honululu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Ashneel Chandra, Sushil Kumar, Awnesh Singh, The Upper-Ocean Heat Content During Two Recent Tropical Cyclones in the Southwest Pacific Region, Presented in 15th AOGS Annual Meeting/conference, 03-08 June, 2018, Honululu, Hawaii, USA.
  • 54. Vadim Bobrovskiy, Sushil Kumar, Neil Singh, Francesco Stoppa, Alexey Lyubushin, Sergey Shopin, Alexander Shitov, Grigory Razgon, Earthquake Preparation Processes Evolving Globally as Registered by Global Network of Multi-Electrode Underground Electric Sensors, Presented in 15th AOGS Annual Meeting/conference, 03-08 June, 2018, Honululu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Atishnal Elvin Chand and Sushil Kumar, VLF modal interference distance for a west-east propagation path to Fiji, Presented in URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, 21-25 August 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  • Sushil Kumar, Samir Nait Amor, Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, Temporal Evolution of Lightning and VLF perturbations associated with four recent Tropical Cyclones in the South Pacific Region, Presented in AOGS 13th Annual Meeting/conference, 31 July to 5 Aug, 2016, Beijing, China.
  • Ramendra Prasad and Sushil Kumar, GPS L-band Scintillations at a low latitude Station in the South Pacific Region during the low solar activity period, Presented in AOGS 13th Annual Meeting/conference, 31 July to 5 Aug, 2016, Beijing, China.
  • Rajesh Singh, Ajeet K. Maurya, Oliver Charnion, Torsten Neubert, Steven A. Cummer, Jansuz Mlynarczyk, József Bór,  Devendraa Siingh, Morris B. Cohen and Sushil Kumar, First observations of Gigantic Jets from Monsoon Thunderstorms over    India,  Presented in European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (Session NH1.2/AS1.6/SSS2.25), Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016.
  • Ashneel Chandra, Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar, Lightning activity variation during the evolution of tropical cyclones in the southwest Pacific region. Presented in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 14-18 December 2015.
  • Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar, VLF perturbations associated with solar eclipses of November 2012 and May 2013 in the south pacific region. Presented in 2015 AGU Fall  Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 14-18 December 2015.
  • Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar,  An overview of Early VLF perturbations at low latitude in the South pacific region. Presented in Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (TEA-IS) Summer school, Collioure, France, June 23 – 27, 2014.
  • R. Singh, A. K. Maurya, D.V. Phani Kumar, S. Kumar and B. Veenadhari, Wave-like signatures in the low-mid latitude D-region ionosphere associated with 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse. Presented in 6th VERSIM Workshop, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 20-23 January 2014.
  • R. Singh, S. A. Gokani, A. K. Maurya, B. Veendhari, Sushil Kumar, M. B. Cohen and J. Lichtenberger, Geo-location and propagation features of very low latitude whistlers (L=1.08). Presented in 6th VERSIM Workshop, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 20-23 January 2014.
  • Sushil Kumar, Abhikesh Kumar, Ajeet K Maurya, and Rajesh Singh, Early VLF perturbations at low latitude in the South pacific region: Awesome and SOFTPAL observations. Presented 6th VERSIM Workshop, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 20-23 January 2014.
  • Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar, Space Weather Effects on the Low Latitude D-Region Ionosphere during Solar Minimum. Presented in International CAWSES (Climate of Sun Earth System) II symposium, Nagoya University, Japan. 18-22 November 2013.
  • Abhikesh Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Masashi Hayakawa, and Frederik Menk, VLF perturbations at Low latitude Associated with December 2006 Natural Hazard Events: Indonesia Region Earthquake and Geomagnetic Storm. Presented in AOGS 2013, Brisbane, Australia, from 24 to 28 June 2013.
  • Sushil Kumar and Abhikesh Kumar, Tracking of tropical cyclonic storms and thunderstorms in the South Pacific region – Application of World-Wide Lightning Location Network, Presented in Science, Technology and Resources Network (STAR) Conference,3-6 November, 2012, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • B A. Carter, K. Zhang, R. Norman, V. V. Kumar, S. Kumar, COSMIC observations of equatorial F-region irregularities. Presented in 12th Australian Space Science Conference (ASSC), RMIT University, Melbourne, 12th Australian Space Science Conference (ASSC), held at RMIT University, Melbourne, AU.
  • Sushil Kumar, Rajesh Singh, B. Veenadhari, Abhikesh Kumar, and Ajeet Maurya, Space Weather: ELF-VLF observations. Presented in Indo-US VLF workshop, 27 Nov-01 Dec 2011, Goa, India.
  • Abhikesh Kumar and Sushil Kumar, A study on subionospheric VLF signals observed in Fiji. Presented in Indo-US VLF workshop, 27 Nov-01 Dec 2011, Goa, India.
  • Sushil Kumar, A brief Review of the long term effect of Climate Change on the upper atmosphere and ionosphere – Space Weather Contribution. Presented in International Conference on Climate Renewable energy and Climate Change, 6-10 December 2010, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

01 PhD, 11 Masters by Research, and Several PG and UG research projects.

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