Nicholas Halter
Senior Lecturer & Deputy Head of School (Learning, Teaching and Quality)
Phone: +679 323-2629
Office: CELT Building, Room 105
BA Hons (University of Wollongong), PhD (ANU), Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (USP)
Research Areas
Pacific History, Colonial History, Oral History, Urban History, Tourism and Travel
LinkedIn; Academia; Fijian History; ORCiD
Dr. Nicholas Halter joined USP as a Lecturer in History in 2016. He currently teaches courses on Pacific history and historiography, and has ongoing interests in urban history, histories of tourism and travel, and the Micronesian region. His first monograph titled Australian Travellers in the South Seas (ANU Press 2021) offers a wide-ranging survey of Australian engagement with the Pacific Islands in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He also edited another book, Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji (ANU Press 2022), which charts the trajectory of Suva from indigenous village to colonial hub to contemporary Pacific metropolis. In collaboration with third year undergraduate History students at USP, he developed a Fijian History mobile app to document some of the historical sites of Fiji. To download the app for your Android device, click here, or for Apple devices, click here.
Current students:
Mirata Nauatara, “Local Government in Kiribati: a case study of Tarawa Island, 1948 – 1979” (Master of Arts in progress)
Shamal Dutt, “A History of Labasa Town” (Master of Arts in progress)
Sailosi Batiratu, “Nadrau and the upheavals in Colo of 1876” (Master of Arts in progress)
Taraiveni Qalilawa, “A History of Nauluvatu since the 1940s: Development and Change” (Master of Arts in progress)
Losalini Maiwaikatakata, “A History of Na Yavulase Yavusa So’ula I Rabe” (Master of Arts in progress).
Rabangaki Kibaunimatang, “A History of the Rabi Council of Leaders (1945 to 2013)” (Master of Arts in progress).
Monitra Devi, “A History of the Development of the Vatukoula Community in Fiji” (Master of Arts in progress).
Sonia Soakai, “Tongan Migration & Identity in Fiji: An Oral History Of ‘Api Tonga & Tongan Women since c1960” (Master of Arts in progress).
- Anawaite Matadradra, “Melanesians on the Margins: A comparative study of minority Melanesian communities in Fiji and Samoa”, PhD (2023).
- Penina Waqatabu, “Challenges to village leadership in modern Fiji: A case study of Vuninuku village, Cikobia Island, Republic of Fiji Islands, 1928-1968”, Master of Arts (2022).
- Setoki Qalubau, “The Lauan Diaspora: A Case study of Vatoa and Ono Islanders in Viro, Ovalau”, Master of Arts (2020).
- Susan Sela, “The Decolonisation of the Fiji History Curriculum: A Critical Reflection”, Master of Arts (2020).
- Delmer Tzib, “’A Community Made by Men:’ An Oral History of El Progresso Seven Miles, Cayo, Belize from 1978 to 2003”, Master of Arts (2020).
- Afshana Anzeg, “The Afsana of the Jahajin: Beyond Victimisation and Sexual Agency”, Master of Arts (2019)