Sociology is often described as “the study of society”. What does this mean? Well ….
Sociologists try to answer questions about society, such as:
- Why are there rich and poor people in society? What can we do to eliminate poverty?
- Why are Pacific island societies facing development challenges while other societies enjoy economic affluence?
- What is globalization and what are its main impacts and challenges in the Pacific?
- Why are women and men not equal in many societies? What can we do to change this?
- What are the roles, impacts and challenges of religion in the Pacific?
- What are the pressing issues, changes and challenges experienced by families in the Pacific?
- Why do some people commit crime? What can we do to stop crime?
Why are there “race” and ethnic conflicts in many societies, including Fiji and the Pacific?
If you have thought of these and other questions about your society, if you have wondered why people behave the way they do, and why our society works as the way it does, and what you can do to make it better, then sociology is for you! To borrow one author’s words, “Sociology examines and questions even the most familiar patterns of social behaviour (regarding institutions in societies). It can help students to better understand their own lives and those of people from other cultures” (Schaefer, R. T., 2008 Sociology 11th edition).
Why study Sociology
Sociology equips students with unique and solid analytical skills and competencies to benefit their future careers in diverse areas such as social policy, education, criminal justice, gender, public health, urban planning, social welfare, public administration, international relations, management, etc. Sociology at the University of the South Pacific has long been one of the most diverse programmes in terms of staff backgrounds, qualifications, research interests/outputs, and course offerings. The Sociology courses cover such topics as culture and tradition, globalization and social change, religion, social policy, social theory and research, family, gender and sexuality, workplace relations, and more!
For students who wish to pursue postgraduate study in Sociology or Social Policy & Administration, an undergraduate degree in Sociology will provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical and methodological foundations of the discipline.
Students doing an undergraduate degree in Sociology also continue into postgraduate studies in Gender Studies, Development Studies and other related fields linked to social inequality, social justice and social policy.
What courses are offered in Sociology?
SO100 Themes and Perspectives in Sociology
SO122 Classical Sociological Theories & Methodologies
SO200 Modern Social Theory
SO201 Society, Culture and Change in the Pacific
SO207 Families, Sexualities and Change
SO212 Race & Ethnicity
SO300 Research Methods in Sociology
SO301 Sociology of Public Policy and Administration
SO303 Advanced Sociological Theory
SO304 Religion and Politics in Contemporary Society
SO311 Crime & Deviance
SO401 Sociological Theories
SO408 Issues in Social and Public Policy
SO409 Social Development
SO415 Contemporary Social Issues
What jobs can you get with a sociology degree?
Well, the list is endless. Our graduates are in:
- Government Ministries;
- Non-governmental organisations and civil society organisations;
- International and regional organisations;
- School teaching;
- Consultancy;
- Private sector; etc. etc…
Your employment possibilities are limited only by your imagination.