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The ‘Of Waves, Winds and Wonderful Things: A Decade of Rethinking Pacific Education’ ebook was launched on the 26th of November, 2021 via Zoom. The title of this publication was taken from Professor Konai Helu Thaman’s chapter in the book, ‘Of Waves, Winds, and Wonderful Things: A Way Ahead for RPEIPP’. This is the ebook edition of the paperback book with the same title that was published in 2014. This program is one of a series of online events hosted by the Institute of Education, USP and the Victoria University of Wellington to celebrate 20 years of the Re-thinking Pacific Education Initiative for and by Pacific Peoples (RPEIPP).
The Chair of this online book launch was Dr. Mo‘ale ‘Otunuku of the Institute of Education, USP. Dr. Sereima Naisilisili and Mr. Lingikoni Vaka‘uta were invited to share reflections from their chapters. Dr. Naisilisili authored the ‘ILUVATU: An Indigenous Framework’ chapter in which has opened many doors for her and she is now a Consultant for the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs in Fiji. Mr. Vaka‘uta is an artist based in Fiji and is the leading author for the chapter, ‘More than a Philosophy! Personal Reflections on the impact of RPEI on Leadership, Research and Education in Pacific Contemporary Arts: A Tala’. Lingikoni illustrated the artwork on the cover page of the book and has also been providing artworks for the Institute of Education.
Dr. Seu‘ula Johansson Fua – the IOE Director launched the ebook and explained that this publication is gifted to the region for free and made available from the IOE website. The Institute of Education dedicates this e-book to its former Director, Professor Konai Helu Thaman, whose significant career includes being UNESCO Chair in Teacher Education and Culture (1998-2016), Head of the School of Humanities and Pro Vice-Chancellor of USP, Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development, member of the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. A celebrated poet and academic, proud citizen of the Pacific, and champion of Pacific education, Konai’s achievements in the heights of academia have been accomplished with her feet firmly on Pacific ground as she has led by example, espousing an honesty, wisdom and passion for indigenous perspectives and knowledge which has empowered Pacific students across the region to value and harness their traditional and cultural ways of knowing and being in carrying out their studies and work in education. As one of the pioneers of the RPEIPP movement, Konai and her work have been instrumental in advancing RPEIPP activities and inspiring successive generations of Oceanic researchers, academics, education thought leaders, writers, poets and dreamers.
The Director also acknowledged the contribution towards the: production from Dr. Mo‘ale ‘Otunuku and Lupe Kautoke; book design and typesetting from Filipe Waqairagata; Cover design from Lingikoni Vaka‘uta; Manuscript and copy editing from Laura van Peer and Dr. Ruth Toumu‘a and Indexing from Laura van Peer and Tarai Tabore. The program ended with a closing prayer conducted by Dr. Teukava Finau and informal talanoa continued before the closing of the session.
The ebook can be downloaded from here.