Address by Acting Vice-Chancellor and President, Dr Giulio Paunga At The Official Opening of Official Launch of the Course, Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Pacific Island Countries Copy


Wednesday 16 June, 4.00pm to 5.45pm
Zoom Webinar


  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, Ms. Annika Wythes;
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Anti-Corruption Adviser, Dr. Sonja Stefanovska-Trajanoska;
  • Assistant Secretary to Solomon Islands Independent Commission against Corruption (SIICAC), Mr. Philip Manakako;
  • Mentoring and Advocacy Support Officer, Vanuatu Human Rights Coalition’s, Ms. Anne Pakoa;
  • Chief Executive Officer, Fiji Commerce and Employers Federations, Mr. Kameli Batiweti;
  • Acting Head of School of Law and Social Sciences (SoLaSS), USP, Dr Sandra Tarte;
  • Leadership Governance and Human Rights Programme Coordinator, USP, Dr. Natasha Khan;
  • Members of the Diplomatic Corp;
  • USP Staff and Students;
  • Ladies and Gentlemen;

Malo e Lelei, Bula Vinaka, Namaste to you all this wonderful afternoon.


  • Thank you very much for the invitation and opportunity to join you today in the launch of the Anti-Corruption in Pacific Island Countries Course.


  • Education plays a key role in shaping our leaders of tomorrow.
  • At USP, our mission is ‘to shape Pacific futures by empowering students, staff and alumni to become inspirational agents of positive change leading to innovative, cohesive, resilient and sustainable communities’.
  • Systemic corruption has undermined good governance, democracy and development in the Pacific. It dissipates precious resources and capacity, keeping countries from fulfilling their potential.
  • That is why this course on Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the Pacific is so important. We need the (future) leaders of the Pacific to understand corruption in a holistic manner.
  • This course, DG202 – Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Pacific Island Countries, is designed to teach students about the various forms of corruption, its causes, and it’s the effects on the wider society and particularly vulnerable groups.
  • Just as importantly the course examines anti-corruption laws and policies in the Pacific Island Countries, and what leaders and individuals could do to address corruption.
  • The more transparent and democratic a society, the more resilient it can be to be against corruption, the more corruption is restrained, the more open our societies can be to prosper.
  • USP through its partnership with United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption project (UN-PRAC), is proud to be launching this course today.
  • The course will be imbedded in the Diploma in Leadership, Governance and Human Rights (DLGHR) programme, and offered for the first time as a flexi School in July 2021.
  • USP is grateful to UN-PRAC for the financial support to develop and deliver this course.
  • USP remains committed to ensuring its courses and programmes continue to be relevant and responsive to the needs of the region.
  • This course on corruption would be a first of its kind offered through tertiary institutions within the Small Pacific Island countries and the southern hemisphere.
  • A course on corruption and anti-corruption at the tertiary level is a strong preventive measure that would seek to influence future Pacific leaders.
  • USP continues to foster partnerships and stakeholder collaborations in relevant areas. The USP’s DLGHR programme had successfully collaborated with SPC/RRRT in setting up the initial programme in 2012 and has also collaborated with the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, to develop two courses on Human Rights Defenders.


  • Once again, thank you UN-PRAC for investing in our Pacific Island communities through your support in the development of this course that will assist our future leaders to provide positive solutions and development changes against corruption for the betterment of our society.
  • We look forward to more collaborations in future.
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