
Surveys are administered for seeking feedback from students, staff and external stakeholders, and getting information the University can use to improve services and student experience. The University has established a Survey Framework to inform all survey-related issues and matters. The following surveys are currently administered by the P&Q Office:

The Course Experience Survey (CES) is usually administered from week 10 to the study week (week 15) of every semester. It is an online survey whereby students taking undergraduate level courses provide feedback about their courses. The CES provide pointers to the academic staff on how they can better deliver the courses in the coming year.  Online reports are generated and are accessible to academic staff via an online portal located on the P&Q Office website.

Please login to access CES reports (staff only)

The Graduate Destination Survey is administered every semester, two weeks prior to the graduation by the Planning & Quality Office. The purpose of the survey is to collect employment related data such as:

  • study status (full-time, part-time and not in study)
  • current employment status (working full time, part-time or looking for work)
  • type of paid employment
  • country of employment
  • type of industries and sector
  • gross annual income bracket (in Fijian dollars)
  • importance of qualification to the employment

The GDS provides an indicator whether or not University graduates are getting employed after completing their studies. Further the information is helpful in understanding labour mobility especially on graduate intake by the different types of industries. The GDS also provides information on which qualifications are in demand and this information can assist in the career planning of new students.

In the GDS, graduates are also requested to provide their overall satisfaction rating for their respective programmes.

Please login to access GDS reports (staff only)

The Total Student Experience Survey is an annual survey is designed to ascertain how the University is supporting undergraduate students achieve success in their programmes. Undergraduate students provide their ratings against the aspects of their University experience. The survey is administered by the Planning and Quality Office. The feedback is used to help the University in enhancing student success.

The survey covers the following aspects of the student experience: Student Inclusion and Engagement, Learning and Teaching, Support Services, Overall Education Experience, Demographics, Linking Programme to Real World. 

This survey has online reporting system and generates several stratified online (printable) reports.

These include TES Overall Reports that aggregate results from all University campuses and Campus Specific Reports.  Each of these reports provide further disaggregated information by three distinct cohorts: First Year Students, Continuing Students and, Final Year Students.

Please login to access TES reports (staff only)

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