USP Archive
Records Management is the custodian of the archives of The University of the South Pacific. The archives serve as the permanent record of the University, and ensures that the milestones of the Pacific’s only regional tertiary institution are recorded and preserved for later generations. The University Archives Policy outlines the mandate, objectives and conditions that define the scope of archival activities, the authority under which they operate and the services offered to users.
The archive preserves administrative, legal, financial and historical records for their deemed enduring value and significance, as well as artifacts and audio-visual material that shine a light on our past. We work to build and preserve the University’s own historical records and will develop, preserve, exhibit and provide access to its collection in support of the University’s teaching and research programs and community development agenda wherever possible.
The USP Archives will be available to staff and students of the University, academic scholars and members of the public. All readers will be required to sign an application and undertaking form (USP Archive – Access Request Form), which outlines their responsibility.
Records Management provides the following services as custodians of the USP Archive:
- Appraisal – archives must be carefully selected from the range of records in existence.
- Storage – an environmentally controlled space for keeping physical records and backed-up data stores for electronic archives.
- Consolidation and design of collection control and descriptive systems.
- Access – restricted access is available to the USP Archive material. Consultation is made by appointment.
A permanent repository building is front and center of our work. We look forward to continuing to work with colleagues here and across the waves, and new friends not yet known, as we continue the journey to bring to fruition a purpose built repository.
In the meantime, we continue to appraise our current holdings, look for ways to make them accessible and work alongside staff, alumni and members of the public to gather information to enrich the University’s archival material.
General enquiry or requests to access the USP Archive can be made at records(at) or by phone on (679) 32 31687.