Who We Are

Our (short) history

Records Management, formerly the Central Records & Archives Unit, was established in 2009. Its precursor was the Records Office which principally dealt only with central records of the University and was staffed, over the years, by either one, two or three staff depending on demand for services.

Towards the end of the last decade, the Vice-Chancellor affirmed the need for the University to strengthen the records office in both structure and scope.


And so today we have nine staff, each with their unique skill-set and each with their specified role to support and coordinate the record management needs of the University. Whilst Records Management functions on a team basis, each staff member can and does work across teams to support demand as required. The teams have been shaped around the needs of the roll-out of the University’s electronic records management system, but not without a longer term view in mind.

The three teams (Classification; Retention and Disposal; Systems Administration) are supported by an Assistant Systems Analyst and our generalist Records Assistant who has a comprehensive understanding of the work of all three teams.

The Records Management office is headed by the Secretary to Council and Manager CSS, Mr Totivi D. Bokini-Ratu. It is a business unit of Council and Senate Secretariat, and is part of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

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