Frequently asked questions
Who is a USP Alumni?
An alumnus (singular form of alumni) is anyone who has studied and completed their programme of study at USP from certificate to PhD level and honorary degree holders.
How do I register as a USP Alumni?
Create an account on the USP Alumni Relationship Management System (ARMS)
How do I update my details online?
If you have registered online, you can update your details by visiting the My Profile page.
Is there a fee to join the USP Alumni Network (USPAN)?
There is no membership fee to join.
How do I find out about alumni events?
Once you register on ARMS, we will email you with details on any upcoming events.
You can also follow us on Social Media:
I have forgotten my login password; how do I retrieve this?
Visit Recover Password or contact the Alumni Office.
How do I get in touch with former classmates?
On ARMS, you can search for classmates who have studied at USP. Drop an email to the Alumni Office with your friends’ full name and programme of study (if possible) and the years in which he/she studied at USP. We are happy to forward an email and contact details on your behalf. Due to data protection, we do not give out the contact details of our alumni directly to third parties.
How do I get involved with Alumni programs such as reunions?
The alumni office will be organizing reunions and launching alumni chapters in the region and will immensely appreciate your involvement in these events. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Alumni Office.
How can I buy USP Alumni Merchandise?
All USP Alumni merchandise is currently sold from the USP Book Centre at the Laucala campus. Merchandise items include ladies/men’s bula shirts, coffee mugs, baseball caps and beanies, key tags and a jacket. These items can also be purchased online as well.
Alumni Card
Discover Benefits and Discounts with Alumni e-Cards
As an alumnus, you can enjoy a range of exclusive benefits and discounts, including reduced fees to the gym, library, swimming pool, book discounts, and merchandise savings. To take advantage of these perks, sign up for an e-Card account now by visiting the following link: ARMS
For instructions on how to generate your e-Card, refer to this informative user guide: User Guide
Sample e-Card
Please use a recent photo of yourself on your e-Card.
How can I make a donation?
Giving Back – The alumni office always welcomes donations in cash or in kind. The USP Alumni network needs assistance to carry out large projects such as reunions. To make a donation, please contact the Alumni Office.
How do I join a chapter or network group?
Visit Chapters and Groups for information on existing chapters or email us with your request.
How do I start a new chapter or network group?
Contact the Alumni Office for information on how to start a chapter/group.
How do I subscribe to Alumni E-Newsletter?
To subscribe visit Alumni E-Newsletter and fill in a short form, we will then add you to our email circulation list. You may also email us with your request.
Contributions to newsletter/alumni social media etc
We welcome contributions from alumni, whether it be an article for the newsletter, your alumni profile or a class note. Simply email your contributions to or contact the alumni office.
How do I get a copy of my transcripts?
Contact the Student Administrative Services or download a request for an academic transcript or use this link: Official transcript system
How do I get my qualifications verified?
The USP SAS team is here to assist you with the Verification of Qualification. This verification is often requested by employers, immigration agencies and higher education institutions to confirm that a student has graduated from USP. Here is a link on how to lodge your request for verifying your qualification: Link
How do I join the Gym?
The USP Fitness Centre website provides information and rates on the USP Sports and Recreation.
How do I find out about Graduation?
Contact the Student Administrative Services or visit Graduation Ceremonies.
How can I get careers advice?
Visit Career Centre and Services.
How do I get involved with USP?
There are many opportunities to be involved through USP Alumni Network chapters and other programs offered through the Alumni Office. Visit the Stay Connected and Volunteer pages for more information.
Where is the Alumni Office based?
The Alumni Office is part of the Development, Marketing & Communications and is based in the Laucala Campus in Suva. The office is located close to the old entrance, the first building on the right. However, you may also contact your nearest campus in our 12 member countries.