Topics : Design, modelling and control of Hybrid Fuel Cell System

Fuel cell consists of electrochemical cells that generate electricity through the electrochemical reaction. Majority of the power system of a marine vessel make use of diesel or unleaded fuels

known as fossil fuels. The rise on the impact of climate change and global warming is caused by

the usage of the non-renewable energy. The use of fossil fuel can be controlled as the fuel cell can be the alternative and sustainable energy source. Fuel cell does not discharge any greenhouse gases during its process as the by-product is water (H2O) and heat. The (DC) direct current produced from the output from the energy unit after filters and converters can be utilized to power up an engine of a ship and other electrical sources. The hybrid control design will make use of batteries and fuel cell that will allow to power up the marine vessel. The operation of current fuel cell can be up to 50% of efficiency. Hence, this project will investigate various strategies for increasing the efficiency of both the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM) and Solid oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) were it will combat with the non-renewable energy source. The fuel cell powered marine vessel can turn out into a future improvement in the Pacific as the understanding will be further discussed along in the project. The exploration on (FCs) will be embraced as it will give the high dependence on petroleum products in the South Pacific and FCs

are probably going to be an imperative piece of power supply later on. An achievability study will be carried out on a marine vessel that has been setup at the research office in USP.

Thus, this research base project will be focusing on the modelling and designing of a hybrid fuel

cell for Green energy of the boat application. The product will be a leading initiative in the Pacific as the prototype will benefit the Pacific region as the existing design will easily be retrofitted.

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