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The long-awaited culmination of the Tonga Education Support Activity (TESA) project, which commenced in mid-2019,…
The culmination of the Tonga Education Support Activity (TESA) project, which started in mid-2019, is…
The new ebook ‘Weaving Education Theory and Practice in Oceania’ that was launched on Wednesday…
A new research report was launched on Tuesday 23rd of November by the Institute of Education of USP, which identifies critical factors underlying…
The ‘Of Waves, Winds and Wonderful Things: A Decade of Rethinking Pacific Education’ ebook was launched on…
The ‘Tree of Opportunity: Re-thinking Pacific Education’ ebook was launched on the 19th of November, 2021 via…
The Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference (VPEC) was held at the Falemasiva Hall on Thursday, 28th October, 2021, which began at 9:30am and ended at 5:30 pm,…