IAS Vision and Mission
IAS vision
To be the regional leader for applying quality science through the pursuit of excellence, innovation and sustainability.
IAS mission
We deliver high quality applied scientific services in the following offerings:
- Providing internationally recognised laboratory testing services
- Working collaboratively with all stakeholders and networks at all levels to build resilient communities and improve livelihoods through sustainable management and development of natural resources based on quality research and innovation.
- Conserving, discovering and sharing knowledge about plants and their environment, in order to preserve and enrich life and to discover new information about plants, promoting the efforts of the botanical research community, and disseminating information to a wide range of potential recipients.
- Investigating biochemical properties of marine and terrestrial organisms and bacteria for potential pharmaceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical uses.
- Providing quality management services, and monitoring, marketing and communicating IAS’s capabilities.
Promoting strategic and responsible stewardship of resources to achieve operational excellence.