Welcome to Estates & Infrastructure


Welcome to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) website. Our mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees, students, and visitors in the workplace. We are committed to promoting a culture of safety, health, and wellness throughout our organization.

Through this website, you will find valuable resources, information, and tools to support your journey towards a safer work environment. Whether you are seeking guidance on hazard identification, training materials for emergency response, or updates on regulatory compliance, we have got you covered.

We encourage you to explore our site, engage with our team, and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and expertise available to you. Together, we can create a workplace where every employee feels safe, valued, and empowered.

Office Location

Our office is located at the Estate and Infrastructure at Middle Campus Laucala, Suva, Fiji Islands.


Land Line Phone Contacts  (679 ) 323 1929 / ( 679 ) 323 1622

Generic Email address: estates_infrastructure@usp.ac.fj


The purpose of our team is to promote and ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees, students, and visitors within an organization. The OHS team typically consists of professionals with expertise in occupational health, safety regulations, risk assessment, and related fields. The following services are provided to all workplaces within the university:

  • Compliance Advisory and Services on Occupational and Environmental health and safety to enable all campuses to meet health safety and environmental statutory requirements and international best practices and standards.
  • Facilitate the creation of workplace Occupational & Environmental health and safety representatives and committees and their engagement with the management of workplaces and campuses.
  • Deliver Training and Awareness to employees and students on Workplace & Environmental Health and Safety Awareness
  • Injury Management by ensuring personal injury and environmental health and safety incidents are prevented and managed appropriately if they occur with minimal loss of life and property.
  • Emergency & Disaster  Management by ensuring potential health, safety, and environmental emergencies within campuses and workplaces. The DISMAC team has documented plans and procedures and regular preparedness activities are done to enhance staff and student’s response and recovery to these emergencies is done appropriately.


OHS is a Legal Requirement in many countries. What countries served by the University of the South Pacific have existing national OHS legislation?

  1. Fiji – known as the Fiji Health and Safety At Work Act 1996 ( HASAWA 1996)
  2. Samoa – Known as the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2002
  3. Vanuatu – Knows as Health and Safety at Work Act 2006
  4. Solomon Islands – Known as Safety at Work Act 1982 ( SAWA 1982 )

What countries served by the University of the South Pacific are in the process of establishing their national OHS legislation?

  1. Kiribati
  2. Marshall Islands
  3. Tuvalu
  4. Cook Islands
  5. Tonga

Policies and Governance 


OHS 2024 2023 2022 2021
NFA 2024 2023 2022 2021


Staff Induction 

This must be done within the 1st five working days of the staff beginning their new or extended work contract.

Staff prints a copy of the IDFO1 form,and views the IDF01 YouTube video.

The immediate supervisor, workplace OHS rep, emergency warden, and first aider are to assist the inductee in completing their induction.

Once the IDF01 form is filled and signed off, it is sent to the USP OHS email, and an OHS Induction Completion Certificate is issued to the staff, by USP OHS which indicates successful completion of their workplace OHS induction.

Student Induction

Lecturers, Tutors, and Supervisors who teach or supervise students are required to conduct or organize a basic OHS induction for their students for the venues in which the activity is being held.

Induction information shall include emergency procedures, contact numbers, safe work procedures, and use of personal protective equipment.

1 Staff  IDFO1 YouTube Video for Filling IDF01 Video
2 Student Induction Video


1 OHS Modules I & II  Information
2 Basic First Aid  Information
3 Emergency  Wardens  Information
4 Work at Heights  Information
5 Hot Works  Information
6 Confined Spaces  Information
7 General OHS Awareness  Information

Trainer Guidelines & Documents

What should I do and Who Should I report these to?

What Forms should I use to report?

Number  Situation   What Report Form to Use 
1  Hazard Hazard Report Form
2 Incident / Near Miss at Work Incident Report Form
3 Accident or Fatality at Work Accident / Fatality Report Form

Accident Investigation 

” Accident Investigation is not fault finding but cause finding ”

The establishment of Occupational Health & Safety Committees is a legal requirement for workplaces in countries that have health and safety laws.

USP health safety and wellness policy promotes the establishment of Occupational health safety and wellness committees ( OHSWC ) for schools, departments, and campuses.

Occupational Health Safety and Wellness Committee Members 

OHSWC Meeting Forms 

Working in a safe environment, which is healthy, promotes environmental sustainability, and personal wellness for staff are key consideration at the University of the South Pacific.


  • The Head of Department, Head of School, and the Campus Director is responsible for the health and safety maintenance of the workplaces that their staff and students use.
  • Each Employee and student is responsible for complying with the health and safety requirements and regulations for the campus their workplaces and the activities, that are held within them.
1 Health Safety Wellness Guidelines & Responsibilities for Campus Directors, Head of Schools, Directors & Managers Guidelines


2 Health Safety Wellness Guidelines & Responsibilities for Staff Guidelines


Hazard and Risk Management 

Efforts to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of Hazards in the workplace is an essential health and safety activity.

This is to eliminate or reduce the risk of consequences of adverse outcomes to the worker and the workplace itself.

 Guideline Risk Calculator Matrix Video

Workplace Self Inspections 

USP staff , from their first day at work, are required to self-inspect their workplaces regularly and use the attached self-inspection checklist to document this.

The findings of these self-inspections from staff are consolidated by the head of the department and OHS and Wellness committees to update the workplace hazard & risk register.

For instances where hazards are identified, its form is to be filled by the staff and this is immediately escalated for corrective action to their immediate supervisors and relevant parties eg. E&I helpdesk, USP OHS, etc.

Self-Inspection Guideline for Staff Self Inspection Checklist Hazard Identification Form

Workplace Hazard and Risk Register

The workplace hazard and risk register documents all identified actual and potential hazards that workers in a workplace can be exposed to, and the level of controls actually in place within the workplace to minimize the likelihood and consequences of adverse outcomes to workers and the workplace.

These hazards are assigned existing levels of risk and responsible persons to ensure controls are in place and are effective.

Workplace Hazard Risk Register Guidelines for Staff  Register – Excel Matrix


Safe Work Guidelines & Procedures  


No Occupation Group  Safe Work Guideline for Workers  Safety Checklist for Workers 
1 Office & Administration Guideline  Checklist
2 Maintenance & Engineering Guideline Checklist
3 Landscaping & Outdoors Guideline Checklist
4 Handling Hazardous Chemicals & Biohazards Guideline Checklist
5 Agriculture Guideline Checklist
6 Housekeeping Guideline Checklist
7 Security Guideline Checklist
8 Kitchens Guideline Checklist
9 Drivers & Operators Guideline Checklist


Policy and Procedures Hyperlinks
Contractors despite not being USP Employees, the university has a duty of care to these workers to ensure they are not harmed in any way, whilst engaged in work on university campuses and facilities.

Hazardous Work & Permits 

Hazardous Work   Safety Information Kits Documents
1 Work at Heights -WAH   WAH Brochure

WAH Video



2 Hot Works – HW HW Brochure

HW Video



3 Confined Spaces – CS CS Brochure

CS Video



4 Lock Out Tag Out – LOTO LOTO Brochure

LOTO Video



Note. For Training on Hazardous Work and Issuance of Permits , see Induction and Training Tab.


The purpose of DISMAC operations is to effectively manage and coordinate resources, personnel, and actions to mitigate the impact of disasters on communities and minimize loss of life and property damage. This involves various tasks such as risk assessment, emergency planning, communication coordination, evacuation procedures, providing emergency aid and relief, and facilitating long-term recovery efforts. The ultimate goal is to enhance resilience and ensure the well-being of all our stakeholders at USP Campuses.

Policies and Governance 

  • USP Disaster Management Policy
  • USP Disaster Management Plan
  • USP Campus Disaster Management Plan



(St John Ambulance, Suva City Area) (+679)330 2584
Sigatoka (+679) 922 0933
Korolevu (+679) 937 8394
Campus Emergency 122
Electricity 913/ (+679) 339 3213
Fire 911/ (+679) 331 2877
Hospital (+679) 331 3444
Police 919/ 917
USP Health and Wellness Centre (+679) 323 2362 / 323 2202


USP Security

Main Gate (+679) 323 2211 ext 122
Pedestrian Gate (+679) 323 2211 ext 121
Back Gate (+679) 323 2211ext 120
Control Room (after hours) (+679) 323 2211 / 323 2840



Hospital (+678) 22100
Ambulance – Hospital 112
Emergency – Promedical Ambulance 115
Fire (+678) 22333/ 113
Police 111/ (+678) 22222
Unelco/ Electricity & Water (24hr line) (+678) 26000
Water (+678) 27284
USP Security (+678) 22748/24568 (Ext 40300)
Weather/ Forecasting/ Tsunami/ Earthquake (24 hour line) (+678) 22932



Police 192
Fire 193
Ambulance 194 and 195
General Emergency Service Number 100



Police 917
Ambulance and Fire 911
Broken power line 913
Labasa Hospital (+679) 8811444



Police 917
Ambulance and Fire 911
Lautoka Hospital (+679) 6660399
Fiji Eectricity Contact Centre 132333
Water Authority of Fiji (+679) 3346777 or 5777 (Vodafone & Inkk)



National Disaster Management Office (+692) 625 6366
National Police (+692) 625 8666/ 3233
Local Police (+692) 625 8148/ 5911
Ambulance (+692) 625 4144
Fire (+692) 625 3233



Police 110/ (+674) 556 2060
Ambulance Emergency 111
Fire Emergency 112
National Disaster Management (+674) 557 3101



Police (+683) 4333
National Disaster Management Office (+683) 4349
Niue Foou Hospital (+683) 4100
24 hours Nurse station (+683) 4202
Rescue Fire Service (+683) 4133
Telecom Niue Emergency number (+683) 4000



Ambulance 911
Fire 911
Police 22222
Red Cross 24334
Usp Security 23083
Water 20409
Weather 20855
Hospital 21212
Electricity 65400/65444



Fire 988
Police 999
Search and Rescue Marine 977
Ambulance 111
National Disaster 955
Weather 933



Hospital (+690) 2112
Police (+690) 2116



Police 922
Fire 999
Hospital 933
Electricity 944
Any other Emergency Service 911



Police 911
Fire 000
Ambulance 999
Hospital (+688) 20749
Tuvalu Electricity Authority (+688) 20735

Cook Islands

Ambulance (+682) 22664/ 999
Rarotonga Hospital (+682) 22664
Community Health Clinic (+682) 20066
Police (+682) 22499
Emergencies Police/Fire/Ambulance 999


Fire Incident / Evacuation Forms

USP E01 Forms are to be filled by Chief Building Wardens following a building or campus evacuation due to actual fire or activated fire alarm in a building

Fire Evacuation Evacuee Register : USP OHS Form E01

USP E02 forms are to be filled by OHS staff in consultation with the USP staff member filling the USP OHS Form E01, following a building or campus evacuation due to an actual fire or activated fire alarm in a building.

Fire Alarm / Evacuation Report Form: USP OHS Form E02

Type of Drill How often required to be done Responsible for drill
Tsunami Evacuation Once annually


Campus Director
 Fire Evacuation Once a semester Campus Director

Head of Department

Head of School

DISMAC Training How often required to be done Responsible for Workplace
Building Emergency Wardens


Once annually Head of Department

Head of School

Campus Director

First Aiders


Once annually Head of Department

Head of School

Campus director

Students Orientation Week


Head of School

Campus Director

Staff Contract Offer

Contract Renewal (3- 5yrs)

Probation period

Head of Department

Head of School

Campus director

Hyperlink to Services at campuses

















Hyperlink to USP Policy Library link to OHS

















Policies, Procedures and Templates



















































USP Chat Service
Lets start: