Dr Seu‘ula Johansson-Fua
Name: Dr Seu‘ula Johansson-Fua
Position: Director
Telephone: +676 29055 (Work)
Email: seuula.johanssonfua@usp.ac.fj
Office: USP Tonga Campus, Tonga
Bio: I am Tongan. I live in Tonga with my family and blessed to be part of a large clan that lives in Tonga and throughout the Tongan diaspora. I belong to the Free Church of Tonga where I am a Sunday school Teacher. I am the Chair of the MORDI Tonga Trust, an NGO that works with rural communities supporting sustainable livelihoods.
I have been with the USP for 17 and currently the Director of IOE.
Current research projects
- School Leadership in Three Pacific countries – Tonga, Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands
- Literacy: People and Context, a study of 3 MFAT interventions (PLSLP, LEAP, TESA)
- Pacific approaches to community consultation
- PacREF Research Framework
- Higher Education in Oceania
- Pacific Leadership Study
PhD, Educational Administration
University of Toronto, Canada
MA, Educational Administration
University of Toronto, Canada
BA/BEd, Education
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Diploma in Teaching
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Armstrong, A. C., Johansson-Fua, S., & Armstrong, D. (2021). Reconceptualising inclusive education in the Pacific. 1-15. doi:10.1080/13603116.2021.1882057
Coxon, E., Maebuta, J., & Johansson-Fua, S. (2020). Education for Development in Context: Solomon Islands and Tonga. In In Relationality and Learning in Oceania. The World Council of Comparative Education Societies (Vol. 18, pp. 17-41). London, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Sense. Retrieved from https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004425316/BP000012.xml
Coxon, E., Thaman, K. H., Smith, K., ‘Otunuku, M., Giulio, M. T., Foliaki, V., & Johansson-Fua, S. (2012). Review: Tonga Institute of Education. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5454
Coxon, E., Tolley , H., Johansson-Fua, S., & Nabobo-Baba, U. (2011). Researching SWAps in Pacific Education: a study of experiences in Solomon Islands and Tonga. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5382
Crocombe, M., Dixon, R., Early, R., Filimone, W., Fiu, R., Gragg, J., . . . Wilians, F. (2021, September ). (In Press) New degree programmes in Pacific Languages at the University of the South Pacific: Success Stories and determination. They’ve always been here. Retrieved from Based on an earlier version available online: https://sites.google.com/view/iyil2019theyvealwaysbeenhere/home
Fua, S. J. (2014). Professional Certificate in Education Policy and Planning. EDP01 Educational Leadership. University of the South Pacific (Course).
Fua, S. J. (2014). Professional Certificate in Education Policy and Planning. EDP03 Educational Planning. University of the South Pacific (Course).
Fua, S., Tuita, T., & El, e. (2011). Cultural Mapping, Policy and Planning Report for Tonga. Fiji: SPC.
Jansen, H., Johansson-Fua, S., Blake, B., & ‘Ilolahia, G. R. (2012). National study on domestic violence against women in Tonga. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5386
Johansson-Fua , S. (2014). EDP01 Educational Leadership. Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8199
Johansson-Fua, S. (2003). Pule Ako: Educational Leadership in Tonga . Canada: Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Toronto.
Johansson-Fua, S. (2004). Faiako ma’a Tonga. Tonga Ministry of Education (Unpublished). Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5394
Johansson-Fua, S. (2005). Educational planning in the Pacific: a way forward. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3442
Johansson-Fua, S. (2005). Regional workshop on ICT in education: a summation. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3441
Johansson-Fua, S. (2005). Values evaluation in the Cook Islands report. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3444
Johansson-Fua, S. (2006). Tongan educators doing research: emerging themes and methodologies. In Ta Kupesi: Emerging Themes and Methodologies from Educational Research in Tonga (p. 117). Suva and Wellington, Fiji and New Zealand : Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3536
Johansson-Fua, S. (2006). Tuvalu ‘Pacific stars’ youth survey on life skills and personal health. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3803
Johansson-Fua, S. (2007). Looking towards the source – social justice and leadership conceptualisations from Tonga. 45 (6), 672-683. Retrieved from https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/looking-towards-the-source-social-justice-and-leadership-clU5ZbiQEI
Johansson-Fua, S. (2007, October 2). Looking towards the source – social justice and leadership conceptualisations from Tonga [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]. 45. Emerald Publishing. doi:10.1108/09578230710829865
Johansson-Fua, S. (2009). Conceptualisations of leadership in Tonga. In Leadership and Intercultural Dynamics (pp. 105-130). New York, USA: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/194
Johansson-Fua, S. (2009). Conceptualisations of leadership in Tonga. In Leadership and Intercultural Dynamics (pp. 105-130). New York: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from https://repository.usp.ac.fj/194/
Johansson-Fua, S. (2009). Ko hota fa`unga motu`a ko hota kaha`u – a knowledge system for redesigning Tongan curriculum. In Rethinking Education Curricula in the Pacific: Challenges and Prospects (pp. 196-221). Wellington, New Zealand : Victoria University Press, He Parekereke (Institute of Research and Development in Maori and Pacific Education). Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/1279
Johansson-Fua, S. (2009). Ko hota fa’ungamotu’a ko hota kaha’u – A knowledge system for redesigning Tongan curriculum [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/7242
Johansson-Fua, S. (2009). Vaka Pasifiki. In Living and Leaving a Legacy of Hope: Stories by New Generation Pacific Leaders. (pp. 3-5). Wellington, New Zealand : He Parekereke (Institute of Research and Development in Maori and Pacific Education),Victoria University. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/1278
Johansson-Fua, S. (2012). Improving Tongan school leadership: a guide. Institute of Education, Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5388
Johansson-Fua, S. (2012). Introduction to Educational Research Course, TIOE Graduate Certificate in Teacher Education. Introduction to Educational Research Course. Tonga Institute of Education, Tonga Ministry of Education.
Johansson-Fua, S. (2012). Sio Atu – school leadership program: Tonga Institute of Education. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5389
Johansson-Fua, S. (2012). Tohi tokoni ma’a e faiako: founga fekumi (Research manual for teachers). Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5387
Johansson-Fua, S. (2014). Kakala Research Framework: A Garland In Celebration of a Decade of Rethinking Education. In Of Waves, Winds & Wonderful Things: A Decade of Rethinking Pacific Education. Suva, Fiji: USP Press. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8197
Johansson-Fua, S. (2014). Profiling for school leadership improvement and development in Tonga. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8198
Johansson-Fua, S. (2014). Silikana mo ‘ene ngoue kakala. (R. Toumu’a, Ed.) Atele, Tongatapu, Tonga: Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific, Tonga Campus.
Johansson-Fua, S. (2015). EDP03 educational planning. Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8200
Johansson-Fua, S. (2015). EDP04 financing education. Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8201
Johansson-Fua, S. (2015). Polynesia: in search of quality education. In Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Education Around the World Series (pp. 287-314). London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/8770
Johansson-Fua, S. (2016). ‘Ilo. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (pp. 1-5). Singapore: Singer Singapore. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_13-1
Johansson-Fua, S. (2016). The Oceanic Researcher and the Search for a Space in Comparative and International Education. The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, Vol 15, No3, 30-41. Retrieved from http://openjournals.library.usyd.edu.au/index.php/IEF/index
Johansson-Fua, S. (2020). Introduction. Tonga: Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific, Tonga Campus. Retrieved from https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sjfmzpo02gra0p/It%20takes%20an%20island%20and%20an%20ocean%20%282020%29.pdf?dl=0
Johansson-Fua, S. (2020). Motutapu: A Relational Space for Collaborative Research-Practice in Oceanic Education. Relationality and Learning in Oceania – Contextualizing Education for Development. In The World Council of Comparative Education Societies (Vol. 18, pp. 42-56). London: Brill Sense. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004425316_003
Johansson-Fua, S. F. (2001). Values and leadership practices of secondary school principals in the Kingdom of Tonga. Toronto, Canada: Thesis, Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/MQ58713.pdf
Johansson-Fua, S. (n.d.). Foreword: Vaka Pasifiki. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]. 2009. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/7241
Johansson-Fua, S., & Koloto, A. H. (2010). Tonga school leadership: students’ perceptions. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/9562
Johansson-Fua, S., & Sanga, K. F. (2007). Teachers and education in the Pacific – preliminary study report. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/2379
Johansson-Fua, S., Jesson, R., Spratt, R., & Coxon, E. (Eds.). (2020, February 25). Relationality and Learning in Oceania – Contextualizing Education for Development. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] (Vol. 18). Brill Sense. Retrieved from https://brill.com/view/title/57057
Johansson-Fua, S., Koloto, A. H., & Paunga, G. M. (2012). Tongan heritage tourism scoping study. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5600
Johansson-Fua, S., Koloto, A. H., & Paunga, G. M. (2012). Tongan heritage tourism scoping study: volume II. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5601
Johansson-Fua, S., Manu, S., Takapautolo, Tui’fua , & Taufe’ulungaki, A. M. (2007). Sustainable livelihood and education in the Pacific: Tonga pilot report. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5383
Johansson-Fua, S., Pene, F., & Lia, M. (2006). Ta kupesi: emerging themes and methodologies from educational research in Tonga. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/3511
Johansson-Fua, S., Ruru, D. K., Sanga, K., Walker, K., & Ralph, E. (2012). Creating mentorship metaphors: Pacific Island perspectives. 6(1), 241-260. Retrieved from https://www.learninglandscapes.ca/archives/109-autumn-2012-vol6-no1-creativity-insights-directions-and-possibilities
Johansson-Fua, S., Sanga, K., Walker, K., & Ralph, E. (2011). Mentorship in the Professions: A perspective from Tonga. The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching, IX (2), 19-37. Retrieved from http://www.emccouncil.org/eu/en/journal
Kabini Sanga, S., Johansson-Fua,, S., & Reynol, M. (2021). The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. ‘Getting beneath the skin’: A tok stori approach to reviewing the literature of leadership in Solomon Islands, Tonga and Marshall Islands, 20, 52-75. Retrieved November 2021, from https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/index.php/IEJ/article/view/15326
McCormick, A., & Johansson-Fua, S. (2019). Perspectives on Comparative and International Education in Oceania. In Comparative and International Education Survey of an Infinite Field. International Perspectives on Education and Society (Vol. 36, pp. 229-248). UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/S1479-367920190000036013/full/html
Motu’apuaka, S. S., Johansson-Fua , S., Lewis, G., Koloto, A. H., & Kami, S. (2009). Tonga police national consultation report. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/2579
Paunga, G. M., & Fua, S. J. (2014). Professional Certificate in Education Policy and Planning. EDP04 Financing Education . University of the South Pacific (Course) .
Prescott, S. M., & Johansson-Fua, S. (2017). Enhancing Education Success through Talanoa: A Framework for the. Retrieved from http://unitec.researchbank.ac.nz/handle/10652/3676
Relationality and Learning in Oceania – Contextualizing Education for Development. (2019). In S. Johansson-Fua, R. Jesson, R. Spratt, & E. Coxon (Eds.), Comparative and International Education: Diversity of Voices. Brill Sense.
Sanga, K. F., & Johansson-Fua, S. (2007). Teachers and education in the Pacific (TEP): a desk study report. Unpublished. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/5380
Sanga, K., Fua, S. J., Maebuta, J., & Houma, S. (2015). PDSL01 Managing Professional Development . Ministry of Education Solomon Is (MEHRD), Professional Development Program for School Leaders, Institute of Education/MEHRD.
Sanga, K., Fua, S. J., Maebuta, J., & Houma, S. (2015). PDSL02 School Leadership. Ministry of Education Solomon Is (MEHRD), Professional Development Program for School Leaders, Institute of Education/MEHRD. .
Sanga, K., Fua, S. J., Maebuta, J., & Houma, S. (2015). PDSL03 School Management. Ministry of Education Solomon Is (MEHRD), Professional Development Program for School Leaders, Institute of Education/MEHRD. .
Sanga, K., Fua, S. J., Maebuta, J., & Houma, S. (2015). PDSL04 Teaching and Learning. Ministry of Education Solomon Is (MEHRD), Professional Development Program for School Leaders, Institute of Education/MEHRD.
Sanga, K., Fua, S. J., Maebuta, J., & Houma, S. (2015). PDSL05 Community Partnership. Ministry of Education Solomon Is (MEHRD), Professional Development Program for School Leaders, Institute of Education/MEHRD. .
Sanga, K., Johansson-Fua, S., Nabobo-Baba, U., & Reynolds, M. (2020). The keynote-as-storied-discussion: A Pacific departure. 19 (2), 5-19. Retrieved from https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/index.php/IEJ/article/view/14818
Sanga, K., Maebuta, J., Johansson-Fua, S., & Reynolds, M. (2020). Re-thinking Contextualisation in Solomon Islands school leadership professional learning and development. 17-29. Retrieved from http://repository.usp.ac.fj/id/eprint/12540
Veikune, A. H., Oldehaver, J., Johansson-Fua, S., & Jesson, R. (2019). Pedagogy and Relationality: Weaving the Approaches. In S. Johannson-Fua, R. Jesson, R. Spratt, & E. Coxon (Eds.), Relationality and Learning in Oceania Contextualizing Education for Development. The World Council of Comparative Education Societies (Vol. 18, pp. 102-115). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Sense. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004425316_007
Research interests
Educational leadership, policy development, educational planning, Pacific research methodologies, educational development and aid, rural community development.
Project involvement
- Tonga Education Support Activity, Ministry of Education and Training, 2019 – 2021
- Pacific Literacy and School Leadership Project (PLSLP), MFAT-NZ, 2014 – 2018
- Leadership and Education Authority Project (LEAP), MFAT-NZ, 2017 – 2020
- Output 4 of the RMI IQBE, Asian Development Bank, 2018 – 2023
- Institutional Strengthening of Tonga Institute of Education, Tonga Ministry of Education and Training, 2013 – 2016
- Pacific Education Policy and Planning, 2012 – 2015
Chair, MORDI Tonga Trust
- EDP01 Educational Leadership – Cook Islands, 2013
- EDP06 School Leadership – Solomon Is 2014
- EDP06 School Leadership – Marshall Islands, 2018