- Volume 44, 2024
- Training for Transformation: Unravelling the Dynamics of Employee Commitment and Citizenship Behaviour in Fiji’s Retail Sector
- Māori Beekeepers: Reframing New Zealand’s Apiculture Narratives
- Democratic transition of power and its implications on tourism growth: Insights from Fiji’s 2022 General Election
- Public Employees’ Experience of Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion: Lessons for Work from Home during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Fiji
- The Introduction of Literacy and the Subsequent Stagnation of Oral Narratives in the Production of Contemporary Theatre in Rapa Nu
- Volume 43, Issue 1, 2023
- Analysing vessel traffic and ballasting trends in the port of Pago Pago, American Samoa from 2004 to 2021
- Swimming against the tide?: Regulating the public sector audit space in Samoa
- Epidemics in Fiji’s history: Stories of Power, Resistance and Contradiction
- Assessing the Cultural Impact of the Equal Distribution Policy (EDIP) on iTaukei: A Blessing or a Curse?
- Volume 42, Issue 1, 2022
- Volume 41, Issue 2, 2021 (Special Edition on COVID-19)
- Introduction to the Volume 41, Issue 2, 2021 (Special Edition on COVID-19)
- Investigating Asymmetry in Tourism and Growth Relationship in the Pacific Island Countries: Any Lessons for Policy Makers?
- Urban Fijian Indigenous Families’ Positive and Negative Diet, Eating and Food Purchasing Experiences During the COVID 19 Safety Protocols
- We Are All in This Together: Evaluating Human Rights Restrictions in Selected Pacific Island Countries During Pandemic
- Post-COVID-19 Students’ Remote Learning Experiences from the Discipline of Tourism and Hospitality Management at The University of the South Pacific
- Volume 41, Issue 1, 2021
- Developing Graduate Capabilities Beyond Technical Competence – Do Undergraduate Accounting Programmes Provide Adequate Support for the Workplace?
- Higher Education and the Indigenous Language and Culture: Samoanisation of the National University of Samoa
- The Impact of HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma, HIV Transmission Knowledge, and Gender on Familial Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Implications for the “Test and Treat” Intervention in Fiji
- An Empirical Study on Client-induced Valuation Bias – Evidence from Fiji
- Student Health and Well-being in the Pacific: Findings from a diverse regional population
- Making Law in Papua New Guinea | By Bruce L. Ottley, David Weisbrot, and Jean G. Zorn
- Volume 40, Issue 2, 2020 (Special Edition on General Elections)
- Elections and the chain of democratic choice
- The 2019 Elections: Electoral Quality, Political Inequality and the Flames of Frustration in Honiara
- Independent MPs, Political Party Legislation and Electoral Politics in Solomon Islands
- 2018 Fiji Election Results: Patterns of Voting by Provinces, Rural-Urban Localities, and by Candidates
- Religion and the New Media: Discourses and Debates in the 2018 Fiji General Election Campaign
- Volume 40, Issue 1, 2020
- A Residential Satisfaction Assessment of Public Rental Board Housing in the Greater Suva Urban Area, Fiji Islands
- The Newspaper as a Vehicle for Fan Participation in Fiji Rugby Union
- Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing the International Valuation Standards in Fiji
- Suva Residents’ Views on Cancer, Diabetes and HIV in The Fiji Times
- Volume 39, Issue 1, 2019
- More than Smiles – Employee Empowerment Facilitating High-Quality, Consistent Services – The Wakaya Club, Fiji
- Do high renewable energy targets hinder donor-funded rural electrification in Pacific island countries?
- Tourism Development in the South Pacific: The Cases of Nauru and Tuvalu
- Determinants of Microentrepreneurial Success in One of the Small Island Developing States of the Pacific: Evidence from Samoa
- Gender Differences in HIV Risk Perception and Sexual Behaviour of Young Adults in Metropolitan Areas of Fiji
- Tourism and Residents’ Quality of Life: A Critical Examination
- Explaining Policy Change in Samoa’s Mental Health System
- Freshwater Mussel (Batissa violacea) Fishery and its Value in Fiji
- Volume 38, Issue 1, 2018
- Toward a Theoretical Framework for Educational Aid and Teacher Education within the Pacific Region
- Kiribati Game Development: Cultural Transmission, Communities of Creation, and Marketing
- Carbon Footprinting and Mitigation Strategies for the USP Marine Campus
- An Impact Case Study of Improved Road Infrastructure on Urban Communities in Samoa
- The Development of Trade Arrangements in the Caribbean Island Nations and the Pacific Island Countries
- Conference Review: International Conference on Sustainable Alternatives to Poverty Reduction and Ecological Justice (SAPREJ-18), The University of the South Pacific, 26-29 June 2018
- Volume 37, Issue 1, 2017
- Volume 36, Issue 2, 2016
- Impacts of Total Factor Productivity on Agricultural Growth in Pacific Island Countries
- Genetic Loss in Food Crops in the Pacific: Socio-Economics Causes and Policy Issues
- An insight into public sector readiness for change – the Fiji Experience
- Regulations, Costs and Informality: The Case of Fiji
- The effectiveness of the destination websites in promoting linkages between visitors and the community in Tonga
- Hayden White and the Burden of History
- A comparative study of stress amongst teachers of the western division in Fiji
- Australia – A Hegemonic Power in the Pacific Region
- The Magnus Effect and the Flettner Rotor: Potential Application for Future Oceanic Shipping
- Irrigated ethnoagriculture, adaptation and development: a Pacific case study
- Volume 36, Issue 1, 2016 (Special Edition on Situating the Nexus Migration, Gender and Politics of Development in Pacific Islands)
- Introduction – JPacS Speacial Issue
- Uncertain Belongings: Relationships, Money and Returned Migrant Workers in Port Vila, Vanuatu
- ‘On the ship, you can do anything’: the impact of international cruiseship employment for i-Kiribati women
- Climate change and migration: the case of the Pacific Islands and Australia
- Australian Refugee Policy and its Impacts on Pacific Island Countries
- Internal Migration in the Pacific Islands: a regional overview
- Pacific migration futures: ancient solutions to contemporary and prospective challenges?
- Review of the New Pacific Diplomacy
- Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns. Home thoughts Abroad
- Volume 44, 2024
- Training for Transformation: Unravelling the Dynamics of Employee Commitment and Citizenship Behaviour in Fiji’s Retail Sector
- Māori Beekeepers: Reframing New Zealand’s Apiculture Narratives
- Democratic transition of power and its implications on tourism growth: Insights from Fiji’s 2022 General Election
- Public Employees’ Experience of Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion: Lessons for Work from Home during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Fiji
- The Introduction of Literacy and the Subsequent Stagnation of Oral Narratives in the Production of Contemporary Theatre in Rapa Nu
- Volume 43, Issue 1, 2023
- Analysing vessel traffic and ballasting trends in the port of Pago Pago, American Samoa from 2004 to 2021
- Swimming against the tide?: Regulating the public sector audit space in Samoa
- Epidemics in Fiji’s history: Stories of Power, Resistance and Contradiction
- Assessing the Cultural Impact of the Equal Distribution Policy (EDIP) on iTaukei: A Blessing or a Curse?
- Volume 42, Issue 1, 2022
- Volume 41, Issue 2, 2021 (Special Edition on COVID-19)
- Introduction to the Volume 41, Issue 2, 2021 (Special Edition on COVID-19)
- Investigating Asymmetry in Tourism and Growth Relationship in the Pacific Island Countries: Any Lessons for Policy Makers?
- Urban Fijian Indigenous Families’ Positive and Negative Diet, Eating and Food Purchasing Experiences During the COVID 19 Safety Protocols
- We Are All in This Together: Evaluating Human Rights Restrictions in Selected Pacific Island Countries During Pandemic
- Post-COVID-19 Students’ Remote Learning Experiences from the Discipline of Tourism and Hospitality Management at The University of the South Pacific
- Volume 41, Issue 1, 2021
- Developing Graduate Capabilities Beyond Technical Competence – Do Undergraduate Accounting Programmes Provide Adequate Support for the Workplace?
- Higher Education and the Indigenous Language and Culture: Samoanisation of the National University of Samoa
- The Impact of HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma, HIV Transmission Knowledge, and Gender on Familial Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Implications for the “Test and Treat” Intervention in Fiji
- An Empirical Study on Client-induced Valuation Bias – Evidence from Fiji
- Student Health and Well-being in the Pacific: Findings from a diverse regional population
- Making Law in Papua New Guinea | By Bruce L. Ottley, David Weisbrot, and Jean G. Zorn
- Volume 40, Issue 2, 2020 (Special Edition on General Elections)
- Elections and the chain of democratic choice
- The 2019 Elections: Electoral Quality, Political Inequality and the Flames of Frustration in Honiara
- Independent MPs, Political Party Legislation and Electoral Politics in Solomon Islands
- 2018 Fiji Election Results: Patterns of Voting by Provinces, Rural-Urban Localities, and by Candidates
- Religion and the New Media: Discourses and Debates in the 2018 Fiji General Election Campaign
- Volume 40, Issue 1, 2020
- A Residential Satisfaction Assessment of Public Rental Board Housing in the Greater Suva Urban Area, Fiji Islands
- The Newspaper as a Vehicle for Fan Participation in Fiji Rugby Union
- Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing the International Valuation Standards in Fiji
- Suva Residents’ Views on Cancer, Diabetes and HIV in The Fiji Times
- Volume 39, Issue 1, 2019
- More than Smiles – Employee Empowerment Facilitating High-Quality, Consistent Services – The Wakaya Club, Fiji
- Do high renewable energy targets hinder donor-funded rural electrification in Pacific island countries?
- Tourism Development in the South Pacific: The Cases of Nauru and Tuvalu
- Determinants of Microentrepreneurial Success in One of the Small Island Developing States of the Pacific: Evidence from Samoa
- Gender Differences in HIV Risk Perception and Sexual Behaviour of Young Adults in Metropolitan Areas of Fiji
- Tourism and Residents’ Quality of Life: A Critical Examination
- Explaining Policy Change in Samoa’s Mental Health System
- Freshwater Mussel (Batissa violacea) Fishery and its Value in Fiji
- Volume 38, Issue 1, 2018
- Toward a Theoretical Framework for Educational Aid and Teacher Education within the Pacific Region
- Kiribati Game Development: Cultural Transmission, Communities of Creation, and Marketing
- Carbon Footprinting and Mitigation Strategies for the USP Marine Campus
- An Impact Case Study of Improved Road Infrastructure on Urban Communities in Samoa
- The Development of Trade Arrangements in the Caribbean Island Nations and the Pacific Island Countries
- Conference Review: International Conference on Sustainable Alternatives to Poverty Reduction and Ecological Justice (SAPREJ-18), The University of the South Pacific, 26-29 June 2018
- Volume 37, Issue 1, 2017
- Volume 36, Issue 2, 2016
- Impacts of Total Factor Productivity on Agricultural Growth in Pacific Island Countries
- Genetic Loss in Food Crops in the Pacific: Socio-Economics Causes and Policy Issues
- An insight into public sector readiness for change – the Fiji Experience
- Regulations, Costs and Informality: The Case of Fiji
- The effectiveness of the destination websites in promoting linkages between visitors and the community in Tonga
- Hayden White and the Burden of History
- A comparative study of stress amongst teachers of the western division in Fiji
- Australia – A Hegemonic Power in the Pacific Region
- The Magnus Effect and the Flettner Rotor: Potential Application for Future Oceanic Shipping
- Irrigated ethnoagriculture, adaptation and development: a Pacific case study
- Volume 36, Issue 1, 2016 (Special Edition on Situating the Nexus Migration, Gender and Politics of Development in Pacific Islands)
- Introduction – JPacS Speacial Issue
- Uncertain Belongings: Relationships, Money and Returned Migrant Workers in Port Vila, Vanuatu
- ‘On the ship, you can do anything’: the impact of international cruiseship employment for i-Kiribati women
- Climate change and migration: the case of the Pacific Islands and Australia
- Australian Refugee Policy and its Impacts on Pacific Island Countries
- Internal Migration in the Pacific Islands: a regional overview
- Pacific migration futures: ancient solutions to contemporary and prospective challenges?
- Review of the New Pacific Diplomacy
- Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns. Home thoughts Abroad
Volume 41, Issue 1, 2021
Research articles
Developing Graduate Capabilities Beyond Technical Competence – Do Undergraduate Accounting Programmes Provide Adequate Support for the Workplace?
Sandhiya Roy (Email: sandhiyar@unifiji.ac.fj)
View abstract in PDF
Higher Education and the Indigenous Language and Culture: Samoanisation of the National University of Samoa
Eric Clem Groves (Email: ericclemg@gmail.com) and Matiu Matavai Tautunu
View abstract in PDF
The Impact of HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma, HIV Transmission Knowledge, and Gender on Familial Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Implications for the “Test and Treat” Intervention in Fiji
Author: Shazna M. Buksh (Email: shazna.buksh@usp.ac.fj)
View abstract in PDF
An Empirical Study on Client-induced Valuation Bias – Evidence from Fiji
Authors: Eroni Batikawai (Email: eroni.batikawai@usp.ac.fj) and Asenaca Nawaqalevu
View abstract in PDF
Student Health and Well-being in the Pacific: Findings from a diverse regional population
Authors: Annie E. Crookes (Email: annie.crookes@usp.ac.fj)
View abstract in PDF
Book Review
Making Law in Papua New Guinea | By Bruce L. Ottley, David Weisbrot, and Jean G. Zorn
Gaurav Shukla (email: gaurav.shukla@usp.ac.fj)
View the full book review in PDF