The Models

The models that comprise the MELT family share seven broad parameters, in keeping with the six facets below and one other factor; the amount of structure and guidance given to students.

MELT facet verbs
MELT questions
Examples from others Drivers and
Embark and clarify what is our purpose? pose research question
define problem
what is my aim?
Find and generate what will we use? search strategy
data protocol
what information do I need?
Evaluate and reflect what do we trust? limitations and biases
what are internal inconsistencies?
Organise and manage how do we arrange? continuous line graph
non-continuous bar graph
writing structure
time and team management
Analyse and synthesise what does it mean? statistical trends
qualitative themes
making sense
Communicate and apply how do we relate? title
who is the audience?
what next?

The Models

Research Skill Development Framework

The University of the South Pacific first started using the RSD framework in 2012 as a conceptual tool which could guide an academic in developing and assessing students’ research skills in content-rich courses from First Year undergraduate to PhD level in diverse fields of

Work Skill Development Framework

WSD: The Work Skill Development framework uses terminology reflects places of employment, and helps students and employers articulate required skills and levels of autonomy.

Digital Skill Development

A conceptual framework for the explicit, incremental development of contemporary digital skills and practices for collaborating, learning, researching, working, and functioning in society.


Optimising Problem Solving

OPS: The Optimising Problem Solving pentagon, developed by Engineering students, provides a clear, non-sequential sense of the skills used when problem solving.

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