- Research Impact
- Best Research Output
- Student Research
- Creative Works
- Innovation
Selection Committees
Three selection committees shall be established to make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President on these awards. The membership of each of the committees shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and President after considering the advice of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation & International).
The Vice-Chancellor and President will determine the chair for each committee on the advice of the DVC (RII).
The three selection committees shall be:
- Research Performance Committee with responsibility for assessing applications for the Research Impact, Best Research Output and Student Research Prizes
- Creative Works Committee with responsibility for assessing applications for the Creative Works Prize
- Innovation Committee with responsibility for assessing applications for the Innovation Prize
Criteria for Membership
- Each committee shall have five members, including at least one external member providing independent review. For the Innovation Committee, the external member must be from the industry or private sector, and must have the appropriate technical and practical knowledge and expertise.
- Committee members will be chosen for their individual expertise and not represent any section of the university.
- The composition of each committee shall reflect the breadth of applications received, and so will only be constituted once applications have been received.
- With the exception of the external member of the Creative Works Committee and Innovation Committee, every member of a selection committee must be research-active as defined by the Quality of Research (QoR) policy, and an Associate Professor/Research Fellow or Professor/Senior Research Fellow.
- Each selection committee shall make its recommendation(s) consistent with the published selection criteria for each prize having regard to validated data held in the USP repository.
- In cases where more than five applications are received for any prize, the local members of a selection committee will determine a shortlist prior to the involvement of any international member.
- Members of a selection committee are ineligible for membership of another selection committee.
- Members of any selection committee are ineligible for Vice-Chancellor’s Prizes.
The Research Office will be responsible for the administration of the prizes under the direction of the DVC (RI&I).