Message from the Head of School

The School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE) cultivates and celebrates the creative arts and knowledge systems of the South Pacific through its Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies; nurtures communication and critical skills through its literature, language, linguistics and journalism programmes; and trains regional teachers by offering a wide variety of courses in professional education. It also houses the Institute of Education which is committed to developing sound context-determined policies on education with respect to the region. All our programmes are internationally recognized and two are externally accredited: Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care) by ACECQA, Australia, and Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching by SEDA, United Kingdom. The prizewinning student-run newspaper, Wansolwara, is produced in SPACE and we also host Radio Pasifik. Our performance artists are of the highest calibre and Pasifika Voices contributed to the stirring musical component of the film, Moana. Scholars attached to SPACE are global authorities in their respective fields, ranging from the languages of Oceania and Pacific Journalism to Diaspora and Postcolonial Studies and applied Education. SPACE is utterly committed to generating world-class research outcomes, including imaginative ones, of relevance to the people of Oceania.
In SPACE there are no ceilings.

Professor Sudesh Mishra

HEAD of The School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE)

HEAD of the Discipline of Communication

(Journalism, Literature, Linguistics and Languages)



Mrs Antoinette Parker

Administrative Assistant

The School of Pacific Arts, communication and Education (SPACE)

The Discipline of Communication

(Literature, Journalism, Linguistics and Languages)




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