ABOUT SPACE Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Affairs (RI&PA)

Pacific scholars point out that “building relationships” is most important for learning well in the Pacific context. We at SPACE believe that sharing and having ‘talanoas’ with supervisors and fellow researchers regarding your research and progress can help you enjoy your projects. Keeping this in mind, we are building a community of researchers to join us and complete their SRP/MA/DRP/PhD in a disciplined and supportive manner. SPACE (RI&PA) provides an encouraging environment for researching, productivity and opportunities for developing professional relationships with your peers.

To guide SPACE academic staff and enrolled postgraduate researchers achieve their goals, SPACE Research Committee is comprised of the following – Chair: Deputy Head of School (RI&PGA) and Members: Head of School (HoS) and three discipline PG Chairs (Education, Communication and the Pacific Arts).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information regarding research at SPACE:

Dr. Amit Sarwal
Deputy Head (Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Affairs) and Senior Lecturer
School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education
Tel: (679) 323 32372 | Email: amit.sarwal@usp.ac.fj
Ms Temalesi Waqainabete
Administrative Assistant (Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Affairs)
School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education
Tel: (679) 323 31762 | Email: temalesi.waqainabete@usp.ac.fj


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