Fiji Institute of Engineers
The FIE is the locally recognized body representing Engineering Professionals in Fiji. The overall object of the institution is the advancement of the science and profession of Engineering. The FIE is governed by a nine-member Council which is appointed by its members at its Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Rules of FIE.
The overall object of the Institution shall be the advancement of the science and profession of engineering.
The Fiji Institution of Engineers is the Fiji Chapter of the South Pacific Engineers Association (SPEA),
The SPEA is an association of the bodies which represent engineers within countries in the Pacific Island Forum geographical region. The object of SPEA is to support the development of engineering and engineering standards in the South Pacific region through actions including but not limited to:
- informing engineers and their wider stakeholders within the region on important national and international developments and issues affecting engineering;
- contributing to South Pacific engineering knowledge development and dissemination;
- supporting the identification, codification and harmonisation of standards to improve engineering practice within the region;
- development of competence assessment and registration systems, both in nations and regionally, towards the ultimate goal that regional competence registers will receive wider international recognition;
- creating a strong representational voice for engineering in the region, including influencing governments and the Pacific Islands Forum on matters related to engineering, the environment, and economic development;
- raising the profile of engineering in communities within the region;
- building engineering education within the region towards the ultimate goal of regional engineering qualifications receiving wider international recognition;
- raising the technical capacity of engineering-related institutions;
- representing the region’s engineers in the global context; and creating a network that supports professional development amongst engineers and engineering organisations in the region by regular communication.
SPEA is supported by the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand and by Engineers Australia.
Qualifications for Student Membership
Student Member
Each candidate to the election to the class of the Student shall satisfy the following: –
- He/she shall have attained the standard of general education prescribed by the Council
- He/she shall be receiving adequate instruction in the theory and practice of engineering either at a university or at a technical institute approved for the purpose by the Council.
No person may remain a Student after becoming eligible for transfer to the class of Graduate or Diplomate.
Please refer to the form attached below to apply for membership.
Membership Form: Click me
Please Make Sure You Have Read & Understood the Fiji Institute of Engineers Code of Ethics Before Doing Applications.
FIE Code of Ethics:
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