Mr. Navneel Sharma

Assistant Lecturer 

USP Statham Campus, Suva, Fiji

Phone: +679 323-2985





Mr. Navneel Sharma joined USP in 2020, where he currently lectures and tutors in Torts, Administrative Law, and Constitutional Law. He is also pursuing his doctoral studies, focusing on legislative reform in the area of inhalant abuse in Fiji.

Before joining the University, Navneel held several senior roles within the Fijian Government and has experience across a diverse range of fields. He was formerly Chief Legal Counsel with the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service, Director of the Africa, Americas, Middle East, Europe, and Russia Bureau at the Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a Principal Legal Officer with the Republic of Fiji Military Forces. Navneel has also worked at Fiji’s largest commercial law firm, Munro Leys, and has teaching experience with the University of Fiji.

Navneel is the recipient of the Multinational Force and Observers Peace Medal, the United Nations Peace Medal, and the Fiji General Service Medal for his service in the Sinai and South Sudan. He is also a Scholar of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association.


  • LLB, LLM Hons. Waikato, IPLS NZ, PGDDIA USP


Research Interests

  • Law of Armed Conflict
  • International Humanitarian Law
  • Vicarious Liability




Sharma, N. (2023). A non-delegable option in the Taxi-Sector in Fiji. Comparative Law Journal of the South Pacific, Vol.29.


Sharma, N. (2023). The King Can Do No Wrong. Comparative Law Journal of the South Pacific, Vol.28, 73-82.


Sharma, N. (2011). An Examination of Australia’s current Foreign Policy Stand with Fiji.  Inter-Pacific Bar Association Journal,Vol.63.

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