Dr. Pradeep Tiwari
USP Laucala Campus, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
Phone: +679 323-2915
Email: pradeep.tiwari@usp.ac.fj
Dr Pradeep “PK” Tiwari teaches Law and Society, Legislation, Contracts Law and Commercial Law.
PK joined USP after a remarkable career in the insurance industry, and as a Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Suva, Fiji. He is the founder of Unity Insurance Brokers (Fiji) Limited, the first and only local to be licensed by the Reserve Bank of Fiji to transact as an insurance broker. In 1988, PK was admitted as an Associate Member of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers of New Zealand (ACIBNZ) and holds an Associateship of the Insurance Institute of New Zealand (AIINZ), a Diploma of the Australian Insurance Institute (Dip. AII) and a Certificate of Proficiency of the Chartered Insurance Institute in London (CCII).
PK graduated with his PhD in Law from USP in 2024.
Research Interests
- Law of Obligations
- Restitution
- Equity
- Commercial Law
- Insurance Law
“The Evolution of Insurance Law in Fiji: The Past and Present”, (2022) 32 Insurance Law Journal (ILJ) 33-51 LexisNexis.
“The Disproportionate Rights and Duties of the Insurer and Insured in Fiji”, (2021) Business Law Review, Kluwer Law International, vol. 43(2) 77-84. (ISSN: 0143-6295).
“The role of an Insurance Intermediary in Fiji: A critical perspective of the consumer”, (2022) Business Law Review, Kluwer Law International, vol. 43(6) 257-265.
“COVID-19 Business Interruption Insurance Claims: A Double Jeopardy in the History of Mankind”, (2023) Business Law Review, vol. 44, Issue 6 212-219.